Thursday, August 30, 2012

Thankful Thursday: Next Chapter

I am thankful that there is always a new beginning. It may be physical, tangible...or it may be symbolic. We may note it down on out calendars, or we may not even notice it's begun until ages after...all the same, chapters of our life are constantly being written...they start, they end..and on and on...yes, i know this is stating the obvious...but reflect on this for a's awareness of this that makes me love life that much more...knowing that there is something around the corner, knowing that something will happen that changes the scenery...this makes each day worth it, creates the light at the end of the tunnel...because situations come to an end, new doors open, skin is shed...

So Summer is over, those memories are being filed as we speak, i look forward to Autumn, to a new Uni year, to all the possibilities life based on Summer..based on all i've learned, felt, seen..based on the people in my life, watching as it all plays's the feeling of being on the edge of the's worth it :)

I am thankful for Life

I am thankful for Love

I am thankful for God

I am thankful for the relationship i am blessed to have with God

I am thankful for His faithfulness

I am thankful for His patience

I am thankful for His infinite wisdom

I am thankful for His love

I am thankful for His care, and guidance

I am thankful for His protection

I am thankful for friends and family

I am thankful for this Summer...for my friends old and new, for lessons learned...for everything

I am thankful for His perfect timing, His perfect plan

I am thankful for's a blessing...and my peace comes from my Faith in His constance.

I am thankful for understanding

I am thankful for laughter

I am thankful for maturity

I am thankful for lessons learned, and who they've made me today

I am thankful for me

I am thankful for my grandparents

I am thankful that God always comes through and saves me

I am thankful for forgiveness

I am thankful for growth

I am thankful for my bed

I am thankful for tears

I am thankful....

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