Thursday, November 26, 2009

Thankful Thursday: and they keep coming!

Yup..drowning in blessing just might be one of the ways in which i'm willing to die...another one being the whole "taken up to heaven" joint :P...

For serious now though, theres an amazing thing that happens when you're on the Path God intended for you...or at least directing yourself towards that path. It's like you and Him are in sync..i dunno who ever danced with someone, but being in sync is a POWERFUL feeling, when you feel the other person is an extension of you and every movement fills you with a joy that is difficult to describe, joy because it feels so right.

Thats the sort of Joy you be trippin on when you're in sync with God. Again, i will underline the at least trying part, because God, in His boundless wisdom and love, will totally go 99.9% of the way and help you do things you didn't even bother to fantasize you could, as long as you, with a clean heart and noble intentions, start on your own 1%...

So everyday is an explosion of Joy for me. God teaches you to see all the treasures that you've been blind to, everyday is like an experience on acid, sans the acid :P: the colours are twice as vibrant, everybody just oozes love and you want to be their best friend. You totally start learning that theres no need to get mad at mundane things and this and that and then it hits you, that living His way totally rocks, because it makes YOUR life so much better...Like i read in one of my books the other day about Freedom. When you act according to the rules, the freedom you get in return overwhelms you..when you strain against them have that fish on ice effect. Freedom doesn't mean anarchy!!!

All that lovely stuff being said, i will try and put down what i am thankful for :D emphasis on put down, because the feelings are the sort that need to be felt...:P

I am thankful that God never EVER gives up on me and is Faithful, was faithful, and will forever be faithful. It's more than i deserve..

I am thankful that God cares about me, like really cares..You know you care about someone when you sit and think about how to put a smile on their face, because you want to do everything in your power to make them happy...Thats what God does for me...I am forever feeling cared about...check, He who created all that is, cares enough to sort me through the trivialities of my life....that rawks!

I am thankful for my family!!! Biological and acquired :P all over everywhere

I am thankful for God's word...because it totally guides you and calms you gets you through everything!

I am thankful for..kai, i no dey crase o, but i am thankful for that inner voice thing...It has pushed me in the right direction so many times...

I am thankful that one step at a time, i am finding Him again. I can't believe i walked away when it was so good...thunda faya stupidity sha :(

I am thankful that He teaches and prompts me to be a better person.

I am thankful for this internet thing o! True.. Friendships have been started and salvaged, tears have been wiped away and things have been learned..good stuff!

I am...thankful for school..lack of activity is bad for me o!

I am thankful for the cool way in which the things i need "coincidentally" appear...Hand of God? :D i think yes!

I am thankful for my Boo!!!!...which is a whole different post...but...i hope i don't blow it by doin sumfin stoopid :(

I am thankful for my friends...i have some truly AWESOME friends..that's all i can say. They are a blessing, and i would not have held it together so many times if not for them, their support, love and shoulders that they've given me to cry on, the laughs that they bring into my life on the daily...omo i am thankful!

I am thankful...that God gets me to, even at my worst, be the way that brings me favour in this life o! anyhow, e must better for me!

I am thankful for lessons in faith...whatchu know about surprise tests from 5 lectures ago that nobody studied for?...and then He tells me to just chill, to just trust Him and not freak out, and see what will happen...i laughed for 30 minutes...and then we got permission for awuf....copy city!

I am thankful that through His laws, i learn to be a better person a little at a time.

I am thankful that He makes life so much happier.

I am thankful for His truth.

I am thankful!

Radiate love!

Monday, November 23, 2009

His Faithfulness

2 Timothy 2:13
If we are unfaithful, He remains faithful, for He cannot deny Himself...

Quite often, we give in proportion to what we get. We react off of peoples actions towards us. If someone hurts us, we want to give them that hurt back in equal, or higher measure. If we feel that someone is closing the tap on the love they have for us, we adjust ours towards them. If they completely shut us out, the idea is that we try to do the same. God, however, is not playing that game. He loves you, and thats it. He's not gonna start hating on you and punishing you to "do you back". Personally, i believe in the idea of God punishing less and less each day. The thought of a God that is out to revenge is ridiculous. If ever it feels like God is indeed punishing you, then you need to take a step back and see that it's not punishment, but simply a nudge to get you where you need to be. It's never done with bad intentions.

God's unconditional. It is literally not based on a "I shall love you if you pray every morning" principle.Love is loving someone, not when they are being good and nice, but despite them being absolute horror shows. God shows me this love everyday. He is unchanging, and He will not compromise that because i choose to act out. He loves me. He does not begin to hate me because i may have strayed. He keeps His end of the bargain. That is a principle. He sticks by it. That is love. The sort of love that humbles you and blows you away. I am thankful for it.

He is faithful. His faithfulness is not dependent on mine. He doesn't do that whole do me i do you ish. His faithfulness towards us is a thing that is not subject to change and that is humbling on every level.

Have a blessed week!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Thankful Thursday : Back with a Bang!

Been a while. Might be a little rusty :P

Will start with today...

I am thankful that i got woken up by my boo's phonecall, and not a bullet or a bomb.

I am thankful that i have said boo in my life.

I am thankful that God is consistent regardless of my antics. He loves me, and won't compromise His word because i am acting foolish. He doesn't "do" the do me i do you ish..

I am thankful that i get to meet the sweetest people on a daily basis

I am thankful for my friends, who bring so much laughter into my life.

I am thankful that we had two weeks' break!!!!

I am thankful that God steers be back to where i need to be.

I am thankful for my sisters, and how they are such intelligent young women.

I am thankful for inspiration.

I am thankful for lessons in patience.

I am thankful for people who care.

I am thankful for people who believe enough to make a change.

I am thankful for people who will risk it all for a purpose.

I am thankful for role models.

I am thankful for Stormie Omartian, because "The power of a praying teen" speaks to my soul every time.

I am thankful that there are always little "presents" for me at the bookstore :D

I am thankful that i get the chance to sit here and share how thankful i am.

I am thankful that i'm surrounded by people who love me and wish me well.

I am thankful that i have friends who will beat pesin for me :P

I am thankful that i know what it feels like to be loved without condition. To be loved not based on how much i love in's humbling.

I am Thankful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

On Commandments and keeping them

Thinking that you are doing God a favour by keeping His commandments is a big foolishness on your part.

You see, whether you keep them or not, God will keep on being God. He will not shrink or catch fever.

The commandments are for you.

Have you ever told a child not to stick their finger in the flame of a candle? ever told a child not to run across a busy road? not to stick a needle in their eye? ever told them that nothing good comes out of sticking their tongue in a socket?

Yup. We all do it. Not because it does anything for us personally. Wetin konsain me if you roast your hand commot? It is not going to hurt me in any way. It's not my hand. My own will remain intact and functional.

But we love this kid, and we don't want them to go through that pain. We don't want them to take the long road to understanding why this or that shouldn't be done, because experience is a very unforgiving teacher. We tend not to want the people we love to have to go through things that we can offer solutions to in the first place.

We are God's children, and He loves us. He doesn't want to see us stumbling about blindly in the dark for years on end and making the same foolish mistakes over and over again because we cannot see the end result as clearly as He can.

So He gave us commandments. Ones that if followed, will keep us well away from a lot of unnecessary troubles, and allow us to focus on more productive things.

He's telling you not to stick your hand in the fire. It's hot, and it will burn you. He knows, and He wants you to please, please don't stick your silly hand in the fire.

So...keep the commandments with wisdom in your mind, knowing that you are not fulfilling some sort of joy-sucking sacrifice for God. It's for you, and you alone. Once you begin to see that, it will all make sense, and easier to follow.
P.s In my last post, i forgot to mention that i get prayer prompts..i don't know if anyone else does, but i sometimes get nudges to pray a certain, pray now! quick, now is the right time for this particular's an amazing phenomenon, because within 24 hours it gets answered....

Be good yallz!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

When i Pray...

When i pray, things happen. When i pray, mountains move..okay, so maybe i haven't moved an actual, physical mountain, but i'm sure if the need arose...

It's the one thing that always remains staring me in the face whenever i start having foolish doubts creeping up. I pray. Those prayers are answered. Immediately. I get *dropjaw* moments, double takes, i go...huh? did that just..happen? It is impossible to think anything other than..There is a God, and He is not indifferent about me.

Last night, i was thinking about how awesome it was that i prayed this innocent prayer, and the day after, it got answered. I wasn't even expecting it or anything. It was one of those, "God just keep this in mind ayy? i'd like this, but You don't have to rush it, or anything", type prayers.

And then i got thinking, and reflecting on all the major prayers i've prayed, and...they damn near all got answered. And the ones that didn't? i now see that it would be foolishness for them to have been answered. So either way? I end up on top :D

Prayer i've said many times on this blog, possibly the best thing ever. I don't know how it is for anyone else, but God and I? we have a thing. We just do, i don't know how else to explain it. It's in the little things that happen to me everyday, it's in missing the overstuffed bus, and getting to ride the empty one to school, it's in a stranger being nice, it's in an unexpected compliment, it's in finding the exact page that you need for an assignment. It's in these things that i know beyond a doubt that He's looking out for me.

Lately, i will have to admit, and as it probably shows from the date of my last post, i have been drifting somewhere in the middle. This doesn't mean that i'm completely just means that it hasn't been that much of a front line thing as it was at some point. I feel bad about this, i do, and i'm working on changing that...but the point is, all this while, that prayer thing be saving me.

There is such comfort in saying a prayer, be it a quick one, or a long one, an emotional one, or one said while running from class to class, it is sooo reassuring to know that someone way more competent is dealing with your wahalas. Cast your burdens people. So many times i'm stressed out and struggling with something, getting increasingly frustrated, when this part of me goes...Have you prayed about this? and i think...wait, why haven't i? it would take only a second of my life to place this in God's hands, and yet i'm here trying to do it all by myself. And then i pray, and everything works itself out. No lie, no exaggeration.

I have this friend whom i always tell that i am ultrablessed. It's true. My life is enchanted. Everyday is magical, and i know i only have God to thank.

Pray people, pray. You'll be blown away.

Be good.