Monday, May 17, 2010

Thankful...Day :P..My life be like oh aahhh!

Grits + TOBYMAC!!!...i don't know how it rates on the coolness scale to think TobyMac is rather boss, but if it's nerdy, then so be it...i dig him majortime!

Now...i have skipped two TT's...not because i forgot, because i totally, wholeheartedly went over them in my know, it was suddenly 2am and i didn't have the energy...Not, good, i know, but hey...

This post was supposed to be titled "it's all in your head"...but maybe i'll leave that until next time? I'm just in a really good mood, and i'm all thankful about my life at this moment in it's life is all gravy :D

Which brings me to the point i'm going to attempt to make. My life is not perfect, it may not be the way i want and wish it to be..but i think i had a mini epiphany and realized that what i need to do is be embracing where i'm at, and not fighting it. Afterall, everything, every phase is there to teach a lesson, and fulfill its own purpose...Yes, i know that saying the purpose of this is to realize that this may not be the best thing is a valid argument...but i'm tired of feeling guilty, i'm tired of feeling like i'm failing, i'm tired of being disappointed in me. IT'S ENOUGH! it's earning me no points and bringing no happiness...So i'm going to do me. In the end, i firmly believe that all there are in the world are individuals, and right and wrong are subjective. What is right for one person isn't for the next. We all have different stories to write, so i think it's about time i just wrote my own for what it is, and stop reading other stories to see how it should be written..make sense? It doesn't matter if it's prose or poetry, a song or a series of quotes, it doesn't matter if it rhymes or not, if it's comedy or it's drama..It's your own story, and it will be what it will be...

Yes, i do see how this sounds like me trying to justify a situation...but really, embrace You!

I've had a good day, i have good people in my life, i have people who love me, and i've spoken to only pleasant people all day..i've laughed and walked under the rain, frozen my po' ass off and then been delighted at sunshine. Was a bit of a nervous wreck because of two tests i was supposed to have today...Lecturer left=no tests. I got my booking, quick in, quick out, and the lady was a doll...came home and chilled with the grandparents, joked with gramps and yanned with grams, and got FED proper!..Spoke to my mom today...then my friend decided to "do me christmas" :P...ooh and i'm still Nigerian!

You see? I have more than enough to be thankful for. Each day is a blessing, and i am truly thankful for every moment..the real sin, then, would be sulking and obsessing over things i think i'm doing wrong..when really, who knows what is wrong? We spend lifetimes, (thanks to religion!) punishing ourselves over every little thing, instead of just living and embracing everything life has to offer...That's the whole point of are you supposed to experience when you work yourself into a state of believing than that everything is wrong? I refuse! lol i might just go all out Hedonistic! no apologies or nothing...main rule, don't hurt anybody...

So i am thankful for today, and i am thankful for life, i am thankful for love, i am thankful for thought, i am thankful for my senses, i am thankful for people, i am thankful for family, i am thankful for food, i am thankful for shelter, i am thankful for communication, i am thankful for laughter, i am thankful that there is tomorrow, i am thankful that there is so much to be experienced...

Bearhugs all around!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Thankful Thursday: PomPoms and Guilt

Bout a perfect week too late..but that's the way it is. Deal.

The awful thing about guilt, is that nothing productive comes out of it. Nothing at just wallow in your guilt until it's around your eyeballs and you're tryna remember how exactly you got in so deep. Guilt is what keeps me from getting back on the God track, Guilt is what has kept me from praying for so long that i can't really remember anymore...Sure, i give Him the heads up everyday, mostly accompanied by an ironic smile and a side order of some more guilt..cuz i won't lie, i'm stuck in this rut that is major, and instead of getting out one of the millions of ties each day He offers me the opportunity, i'm like...nah, i'm too messed up to act all Sunshine right now, i can't be all fake like that...

But that's absurd, yes? Logically, i tell myself that you cannot screw up so much that He's like, gerraway you...i know this...but i don't want to get all emotional like, i'm getting on track and then i do sumn stupid an hour's complicated, i hate making promises that i have a huge chance of i figure, don't make the promise at all so your Guilt doesn't have fodder...

Guilt is terrible meyn, just creates this force field around you and moving on...Sure, acknowledge your wrong doing, for a moment, take notes, then fuggedabout it in the words of Donnie Brasco, fuggedabout it and move on without looking back...Yup, i could write's the putting into practice bit that gets tricky...It's all good...the bright side is that It's All In Your Head..and that means that there is hope yet...

And then we break out the do need that spurt of optimism to delude yourself into the first steps, that spurt of energy that makes you let go of the guilt that's messing with your game plan...So shamelessly break out the PomPoms and cheer yourself on!

So i've been wanting to say that all day...So basically,

I am thankful for Life..wouldn't be doing much thinking if i didn't have it eh?

I am thankful for my family

I am thankful for this rut i'm in because i firmly believe that everything happens for a reason, and no matter what, there is an important lesson to be learned..Now if only my dumb self can learn it so we can all move right on..

I am thankful for books

I am thankful for directions

I am thankful for second, third, and millionth chances

I am thankful for forgiveness

I am thankful for His love

I am thankful for His patience

I am thankful for my friends

I am thankful for the little things He does that seem like nothing at the moment, and then a while on, you're like WHOA!

I am thankful for writing

I am thankful for Writers

I am thankful for inspiration

I am thankful for photoblogs

I am thankful for art

I am thankful for talented people

I am thankful for surprises

I am thankful for simplicity

I am thankful for things that are uncomplicated

I am thankful for clarity of thought

I am thankful for epiphanies

I am thankful for Olive oil :P ish does wonders!

I am thankful for The Olive Garden...which is one book that makes me more happy on the inside than i can tell

I am thankful for hope

I am thankful for the future, and the endless, unpredictable possibilities it holds

I am thankful for kismet

I am thankful for language

I am thankful for smiles...someone did say it's the shortest distance/the bridge between two hearts? lol i have seen simple smiles work wonders...testimony here!

I am thankful for foood! and food blogs and and food bloggers

I am thankful for genuine people, warm people, kind people, people with no agenda and no talent at plotting and scheming

I am thankful for the amazing people that i can talk to, like really talk to..and they are there for me each and every time, and may not even know how truly i love them

I am thankful for people with no issues and hangups, people who simply don't judge...That might be the single most amazing quality a person can have

I am thankful for those random moments that happen that open up your heart and mind..those unconventional times...I love those! recent one..That homeless guy musing about my nailpolish then bumming a stick off me...i love people!

I am thankful for..Psychology..which is what i really ought to be doing..people fascinate me...and i want to help..i really do!

I am thankful for Political Theory talks with the gramps...he is the amazingest person ever! we go for hours and i don't even notice..

I am thankful for who i am...even if i keep forgetting

I am thankful for Spring and all the beauty about

I am thankful for solitude

I am thankful for diversity

I am thankful for variety

I am thankful for each and every day...because it means i get another chance...which i've been neglecting, but that's beside the point...

I am thankful for intelligence

I am thankful for individuality...yea, so sometimes i live vicariously..just waiting for my confidence to mature..hush!

I am thankful for Love

I am thankful for support

I am thankful for beauty

I am thankful for Art..have i mentioned this?

I am thankful for Pidgin!!! like, seriously.

I am thankful for being Nigerian...and Ukrainian too..God save these countries meyn, cuz their citizens are on a mission to murder them with their greed and absence of vision of any sort

I am thankful that i'm me..and messed up as i might be..not everyone hates me :P *gasp*

I am thankful..that this..this whatever this temporary....

Be good, and stay out of ruts...not fun..not fun at all....