Thursday, March 25, 2010

Thankful Thursday: Right round...

Bleh. Lately it feels like i'm going round in a circle at breakneck speed. Like i have no energy to break free of this i just wallow in it...ah dunno...There must be a light somewhere at the end of this tunnel...

**I had a conversation sometime this week/last weekend? That made me a bit..ashamed of myself? See, because i caught myself thinking in the way that i've been trying to make people stop thinking. I hate that mentality..and yet, it's so ingrained into our consciousness, our's about conformity again. People yell, scream, preach, publish books encouraging people to be individuals, to be them, to be confident in who they are...

Which makes our society very ironic indeed, seeing as from birth, we are groomed, encouraged, and downright threatened to be normal. "normal" is subjective, no? We are begged to blend into the crowd, heaven forbid any sort of standing out, because we all know that isn't "normal" and so you must be crazy and should be sent to the loony house..and so little kids learn to lie, learn to act the way they know they are expected to, learn to lie low in this mad effort to be mediocre. School systems routinely annihilate any potential talent, instead of studying these young people as individuals and guiding them to be who they ought to. Instead, they are labeled and put in ugly corners, because they are deemed "not normal". People are just different in the end, and we should learn to embrace this, and stop this drive for conformity.

Conformity. This brings me right back to the conversation i had. This guy i knew from forever ago. Hey hey, whassup? where you at now,what are you doing?...I asked what he was up to..he told me he was helping out at an art studio and wanted to start fashion school next year. For a moment or two, i caught myself thinking..and somebody is ALLOWING your Naija ass to take this path? Why, how is it that you are not doing something serious?..and then i stopped and realized how much that train of thought conflicts with me, with the person i know i ought to be. It's been injected into my damn DNA, this mentality of study something sensible, and believe me, i understand that. I have almost had a fight with my friend, taking her mothers point of view and supporting this whole sensible agenda. Lol well that was mainly because i like to keep it objective, like to see all sides to a story and not just passionately and blindly defend what i want to see...but that's beside the point.

People are all different. We are all individuals, and in an ideal world, nobody should be made to feel like they should apologise for being who they are and doing what they do. Nobody should be forced to live a lie for fear of not blending into the crowd. Which is why i sit here feeling trapped, wanting to break free but being held down by this fear of conformity, by this idea of what ought to be done. This is why i am happy for every single person not doing the traditional thing, for every person chasing their dream and believing in themselves, in their talents, in their visions. I am proud of them, and at the same time a bit ashamed of the spineless coward i am..which is why i break free in baby steps, from neon nails to bright red lips on boring's not about anybody's about testing, and then escaping these invisible boundaries of conformity...

I am thankful for zee Internetttt lol..because it keeps me occupied and entertained and educated and and...yeaa

I am thankful for Petrilude..cuz he's the coolest youtube makeup guru..and the sexiest person i've ever seen in drag..and and..he's just lovely!

I am thankful for Ugly Betty and and Entourage and Scrubs and all the series that have made me smile from ear to ear this week..Ari Gold made me literally LOL all through!

I am thankful for literature! I've chomped my way through three novels this week...It's lovely!

I am thankful for friends..old and new and purely coincidental ^_^

I am thankful for pleasant people...somehow, the ones that crossed my path today outnumbered any grumpy people..heh! even that chick from year two that supposedly has bitch juice running through her veins was a sweetheart to me today...^_^

I am thankful for being understood..Like Vika and i were saying today..i really do not require for the whole world to get me, i do not need everybody's love, no matter how nice it may be..all i need is to know that one person understands, and truly gives a shit...Thankfully, they are more than one..and that is a huge blessing in itself!

I am thankful for high heels!...even if they are the one thing that could make me to concede that guys are more intelligent than us. What sort of person that is claiming sanity would do that to themselves? heels are sexxxaaay :P and yes, we do feel like superwoman running in think say na beans?

I am thankful that it's finally, FINALLY spring! no snow on the pavements and it's warm enough that i can wear my aforementioned high heels and loose the turtle necks...aaaaaaah freedom!...cannot wait for summer!

I am thankful...that there is this deluded confidence at loose somewhere inside me that remains unfazed by the fact that my coursework is due next's there formin badguy as per...chhhhhiiiiil boo, nottin to get yourself in a huff about...and somehow, i listen to this deranged thing..*sigh*

I am thankful for laughter!

I am thankful for friendship

I am thankful for some of my classmates..LOL i have to be honest nau!

I am thankful for sportssss! and by sports i mean Football, Boxing and er..Tennis..most other things are incredibly gay, Period. Ah wait, basketball is fun too...lolz

I am thankful for individuality...whether you show it be refusing to be anybody but you, sticking to odd opinions, dyeing your hair oompa loompa an individual, don't strive to be a bloody copy!* oooh remembered sermon! off to type...phew, all typed!

I am thankful for nailpolish!

I am thankful for inspiration

I am thankful for water! gattdemit i am dehydrated right now!

I am thankful for evening..for night...

I am thankful for sleep!!!

I am thankful for tact and diplomacy...they come in very handy when saying no to an apparently serious proposal..i learned my lesson from the fight of catastrophic proportions i had with my best friend on my birthday in '07 :P

I am thankful for family and the love they have for me!

I am thankful for food...grrr that's some serious love/hate lol

I am thankful for my sisters..amazing pair!

I am thankful for..cats? lol had a really interesting conversation this morning :D

I am thankful for'd be surprised how you can literally confuse someone into getting your way with a well timed smile :P

I am thankful for the french Lifesaver!

I am thankful that my issues only make me appreciate other people i can't complain

I am thankful for the nasty people in my they keep you from under appreciating the wonderful ones

I am thankful for S..that i can talk to him..sounds simple enough..i've been unfortunate to know otherwise...which is why i am MEGA thankful for this!

I am thankful for S's jokes, cuz they get me laughing out loud and grinning from ear to ear from the sheer cuteness of them!

I am thankful for every day...because every day is an adventure

I am thankful for people who just don't because us chickens tap confidence from them..which is ironic, seeing as i think i'm one of the chickens and yet i'm one of the most out there people i know right now..go figure :P

I am thankful for learning

I am thankful for knowledge

I am thankful for wisdom

I am thankful for Purity of...mind

I am thankful for daydreams :P

I am thankful for Google! what would i be without google? i could totally get an honorary Ph.D in Google use meynnn...lookin for something? i WILL find it..i am relentless

I am thankful for poetry

I am thankful for indifference...believe me, it is an emotion worth having. Not to use as your default emotion, but to apply where necessary. Lots of people get into all sorts of trouble by caring too much about things they shouldn't have given a shit about..i'm just saying

I am thankful for maturity...and confidence shh i am not listing qualities that make a guy hawwwt beyond comprehension :P

I am thankful for..grrr..i have never been this dehydrated! brb..back..mouth feels like the Sahara..I am thankful for beautiful people...Artwork!

I am thankful for life...

I am thankful that tomoz is Friday..even if i heard some deluded rumour about us having classes on Saturday? abi dem mad?

I am thankful!

Have a good one. X

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Thankful Thursday: Rise and fall..then climb right back up?

Sometimes in life you feel the fight is over,
And it seems as though the writings on the wall,
Superstar you finally made it,
But once your picture becomes tainted,
It's what they call,
The rise and fall - Craig David, Rise and Fall

So many times i've tried to fight sinking with being ridiculously upbeat...Most times it worked..even if i could physically feel my brain wince in protest. Truth is, sometimes, you finally get to that good place, you seem to be living right, doing okay..and then comes the fall; one little slip helps another along and all of a sudden you really don't care about much at all, and all the ideas of doing what's "right" become blurry and you are really not sure what it means anymore so you shrug and say eff it, i'll wallow in this low place.

That's kinda where i seem to be right now if i take away any fancy euphemism. I am in a low place. That place where you are, and it seems like you're watching yourself from the outside, seeing how the you on the inside is just powerless to the fact of the you that is actually doing these things that are making the other two yous me be this?...yes i know, that was a complicated sentence buh i promise it makes sense.

What happens though? How do you go from a comfortable place of thinking the fight is over and you can finally get on with cruising at this comfortable altitude, to plummeting helplessly until you're back at ground zero...or lower still? What is the method to this breaking down and building up if i end up right where i started?'s my fault in the end, i allowed slip ups that are totally not me, mistakes that are crystal clear in theory and practice i'm making them over and over again? What wears you down and makes you indifferent to this metaphorical fight? What the hell is that happens and you think..shiiiii i'm out of strength, i'm out of cheer, i'm out of team spirit and i am tired of being confused about what is wrong and why it's wrong and why it's wrong in this situation and why i have to be fighting anyways...

Again, in theory all this is crystal clear...i wonder why i'm asking questions. I can point to all the things that are creating this lowness. I can list them out and then list out their solutions right next to them. So what is the problem? The problem is that it isn't very well easy..and that is one thing i cannot explain. Why on earth is it hard to do what's right? You'll be there, indulging in some messed up habit that offends your common sense...and yet...funny enough, i just might have an answer to that. Character building. I guess it takes a strong person to live rigidly by principles. Whenever i feel like the fight is over, that i've finally made that brief phase i do establish and adhere to some impressive principles...but then i loose steam..because i am only human and i'm just a little girl and it is overwhelming to take up that cross each yea, maybe i'm a coward and i detach, scream screw it all and sink to...sink to this place i am in, looking around in horror and remembering how much better it could be..vaguely relating the girl then to me now...*sigh* This is not fun

That being said though, i cannot, and refuse to act all pretend cheery and positive. Right now, my facebook status says "

They say it's never too late to start over, that you're never too far gone to rise again...The biggest battle is in your mind, remembering this and resolving to pick yourself up and get back where you should be. Stage one. Believe."

I typed that in a feeble effort to motivate's yet to kick in..i know i should i know i should..but all i want to do now is curl up and cry until everything goes back to normal. I do not like this place..

Baby steps, right? They always say to do it one step at a time, win the war one battle at a time. Lol this post sounds a bit more melancholy than i thought i was..

I am thankful for Life

I am thankful for love

I am thankful for blogger

I am thankful for the REAL ones lol..not dem friends for mouth kinda ish

I am thankful for words

I am thankful for Creativity...

I am thankful for Intrigue..

Which is why i'm thankful for Dan Brown!

I am thankful for crying..because sometimes, it's the best release

I am thankful for have to spend 5 years doing something, right?

I am thankful for philosophy

I am thankful for books

I am thankful for my mama!!! i am more than blessed to have been given to her

I am thankful for my daddy! and for who he is..because if he was even slightly different, i wouldn't be who i am...same for my mom..and i really kinda like who i am so hey

I am thankful for my sisters...they are amazing. To have become the intelligent darlings they are despite the trauma i put them through? That's dangerous..a kid raising kids..sometimes i look back and am awed by their resilience, the whole rose through concrete thing they have pulled..cuz lord knows i've done them wrong..i didn't know any better! i am thankful that He didn't let my blunders affect them, instead, He blessed me with these darling young women :)

I am thankful for S, because sometimes, most times when he doesn't even know, he keeps me going when i'm just about ready to tell the world in explicit detail where to stick it...a word, a gesture...and i snap out of silly mode :P

I am thankful for S..because of who he is. I really do not know how to explain that more..who i am just agrees with who he's that simple.

I am thankful for simple things

I am thankful for smiles

I am thankful for laughter

I am thankful for fooood! delicious thing that agreeeth not with my body...the grandparents disagree..but it's their job to make empty statements like that..apparently that's how you express lying to the ones you claim to love :P

I am thankful for my ultracaring grandparents...

I am thankful for all the miraculous narrow escapes He sees me through...Econs test on Wednesday is still a mystery

I am thankful for next week's timetable...I almost burst into song when i saw it...NO tests!!!!!!!!!!! plenty of time to er..tie up loose ends...*cough* read through all dem novels i have stacked in line

I am thankful that i have no problems

I am thankful that i have people who will give me their shoulders for me to cry on...that is very comforting to know

I am thankful for people who understand me..i know it's not easy

I am thankful for quality..not quantity

I am thankful for lessons learned

I am thankful or wisdom

I am thankful for knowledge

I am thankful for God's plans

I am thankful for daydreams

I am thankful for sunny days

I am thankful for kind people

I am thankful for positivity...never force it though...cry through the pain, don't try to drown it..cry knowing that it's not the end, but by all means cry and allow yourself wallow in the misery of the moment

I am thankful for baby steps..abi even if you want to eat enyimba, na one bite at a time...don't be overwhelmed by the volume of work before you..choose whats immediately in front of your nose and get started doing that, thinking nothing at all of "all else"...

I am thankful for Naijaaa! if i had to do it all again, i wouldn't change a thing...UST, PHC, NAIJA! lol firealz..Naija rawks hard..faults and all

I am thankful for Nairaland...guilty pleasure..but dammit it can be entertaining

I am thankful for knowledge gathered from knowledge is wasted...whether you discovered it in a library or in an M&B novel, in a classroom or from a music video..LOL school is overrated...most of what makes you, you did not learn in a classroom...A classroom did not teach anybody to have a fabulous personality..which you your job? lol learn for school o! buh you've gotta learn not to obsess...

I am thankful that there are so many recipes...grrr i have soo many things i want to try..buh i can't...cuz there's no one to feed it to and i damn well am not going to gorge myself on all that i want to make..grandparents are a bit vanilla and not into trying new things..humph!

I am thankful for.....for whatever it is that keeps pulling, dragging, pushing, prodding, holding me up while i stumble along this...this path..There is always that voice not letting me give up, no matter how bad it gets. There is always that voice through the haze telling me that i shouldn't dare log off...

I am thankful that them down times are just glitches on my radar..temporary lows...i will get back where i need to be

I am thankful for the internet..whatever would i do without it?

I am thankful for everybody who uploads Ugly Betty, season 4 ep 16 OMG new eye candy!! he was duly drooled over *sigh*

I am thankful for eye candy :D

I am thankful for common sense

I am thankful for S!!! i am thankful that i met him, i am thankful that i know him, i am thankful that i care so much about him, i am thankful that he gets me and i am SO thankful that he makes it so easy..i am thankful that even though i miss him silly, songs, lines from books, pictures, they all make it seem like he's much closer...that's compensation..right?

I am thankful for how God doesn't actually blow you up into smithereens when you mess up...that does beg the controversial question of how come bad things happen to good people, but i'm not even going to go's a sore topic with on which my stand is to be the classic drone sort of Christian. Ask no questions and for crying out loud don't try to think too's just for this post is an issue to be pondered

I am thankful that tomorrow is Fridayy!!! this week has exhausted me..shaa, i've learned a few valuable lessons and am earning my student status small class, check, go to class hung over, check, write test well on empty head, and a few colourful scenarios we won't be painting just right now.

I am thankful for logic

I am thankful for rationality

I am thankful for principles

I am thankful for recognizing the real value/worth of things

I am thankful for compassion

I am thankful for good people

I am thankful for being able to say No to what is wrong...e hard sha...and lately i've been saying yes a steps

I am thankful that despite scoin scoin (OmDaze i just realized how much i miss NFB! :((...need to re-read that blog meyyyn..shame on him for stopping) i know deep down that everything is going to be okay

I am thankful that i am able to shrug and adapt to whatever situation i find myself in...i am ultra thankful for this ability.very very useful!

I am thankful, really..that out of every messed up situation, a lesson can be learned, a foothold can be created for your climb to where you ought to be

I am thankful for...enlightenment..cuz with it comes the natural ability to see the folly in a lot of the foolishness that people dedicate their lives to.again like Socrates said..there are so many things in this world i don't need...

I am thankful for memories

I am thankful for every day i've lived, every thought i've though, every tear i've shed, every laugh i've let loose...

I am thankful that someday not far away..all will be well with me again...just have to er..regroup, and stop putting it off for tomorrow...

Stay blessed and don't give up...there's no shame if you're down..just don't get too comfortable there..

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Thankful Thursday: I really have no problems in my life

Some days, i think i've had a bad day, and proceed to feel justified in complaining and being angry. There is nothing i could do that would be more selfish and ungrateful than that. Like Babym pointing out to me that, you know what? we don't have problems. Any small thing, we have parents to complain to and they wave magic wands and make it go away. B doesn't have that, he said to me, speaking of our friend, neither does A. They have to make plans for their next meal or where they will live, because if they don't, nobody is going to do it for them. We do not have problems. We have ungrateful kid issues.

Jos. Who the FUCK..excuse my language, who the fuck kills children? Who throws a baby into a fire? Who murders children in their sleep? Women? Men? Who kills innocent people? On a facebook note today, Banky W started it with this quote from Shakespeare "Hell is empty, and all the devils are here". Somehow, i do not question a word of that statement. People share a city with beings who are capable of commiting these atrocities.

I don't have many fears, maybe two total. One of them, the feature of many nightmares, is being killed for no other reason than being who i am. Just the way hundreds of innocent people have been killed in Jos this month. How can they butcher 500 people in one week? for WHAT?

Now those people, those people have a real problem. Those people can shout and scream and be angry at and question every deity they ever knew. Not me.

R.I.P to the ones we've lost. To the ones that are left, i cannot choose any words, because no matter what i come up with, it will still fall short. What do you say to people who have lived through that? what do you say to people who have lost family that way? There is nothing i can say. Courtesy will demand that empty words like comfort, and it will pass, and..what the bloody hell do you say? So i say nothing.

So here, in my warm room, with no threat to my life whatsoever, i am Thankful that i have no problems. And honestly? That about covers everything.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Thankful Thursday: When it comes down to it...

Disclaimer!!! why the text is a different colour and underlined from the middle of the first paragraph onwards is as much a mystery to me as it is to you...

In usual fashion, i get inspiration once i start writing...this is surely a "hint! hint!" thing..i need to write more! lol...

Then it starts. You make all this rule following the center of attention, and then naturally you feel all good with yourself that you are being good...While that may not be a bad thing, for me, it doesn't work like that. This thing happens where He doesn't like the pride that comes with letting you slip is what happens, and you kinda realize that, nah, in fact, it is not your goodness or piousness that earns you your blessings, because that's what happens, right? you start feeling like you've earned your blessings...That is exactly what you did not do.

You do not, and cannot earn them. If it worked on that principle, we'd all be screwed. Methinks this fact is being drilled into me so i don't have any misconceptions. So yea, according to my self-adopted rules, i kinda screwed up/am still screwing up this week, but it's okay. It will be okay..This too will pass, as they say...

On the confirmation of this theory side of it, i've had and am having a great week! So see, it is not your goodness or your principledness or any of that that "earns" you anything...I thought about it in relation to writers today. At some point i really thought, for a brief period that there was a formula to inspiration...while some things might help you out, it comes down to the fact that it's beyond your control. There are a ton of great works out there by less than pious people...conclusion? He wants something to be said, He'll get it said through His Chosen Vessel and it really seems to make no difference if you're the Pope, or a druggie. He chose you do do this in this space and time, and He will get it done through you, whether it's writing, or inspiring someone or whatever it is that passes a message...That's my two cents at this moment in time...

I am thankful for life! every new day is a blessing

I am thankful for this week!! He saw me through the madhouse that Tuesday promised to be, for starts

I am thankful for the very very productive study session i had last night..i am still confused o! but what i know is that i know something ^_^ even if the lecturer wasn't there for the test today..boooo!

I am thankful for smiles...a smile will get you everywhere!'s what i've been trying to tell my friend..who seems to be a recreational grump...relaaaaaaxxxx...i don't care how awful somebody at them until they give in..or go crazy..either way, it's very rewarding to watch indeed! Plus there's nothing wrong with positive energy

I am thankful for the wardrobe ladies! They are the perfect way to start a day at uni, it seems...smiles and warmth all around!

I am thankful for the...cosyness of my has this...this family feel about it

I am thankful for our Dean..he is such a great person!..hehe i seem to be in school spirit today..

I am thankful for my friends! sometimes, we take for granted the fact that we have them..

I am thankful for Spring...even if it freakin snowed today...e never do?

I am thankful for kindness...without motive...just because..i love just becauses!

I am thankful for Love

I am thankful for people that are there for you no matter what!

I am thankful for cheerfulness...there is enough to depress you as it is..

I am thankful for understanding...this whole thing happening with things suddenly making SO MUCH SENSE is awesome!

I am thankful for books!! omigosh how i'm thankful for them!...i think i need to seek help should see me at the bookstore!

I am thankful for my book lady..because she is da bosss! She brings me so much joy ^_^

I am thankful for music! and how sometimes, it's the most effective means of communication :-)

I am thankful for S!! each day that much more..i am thankful for how effortless it is to like him so much, for how utterly adorable he is ^_^

I am thankful for his mind...a complete breath of fresh air! i can talk to him without feeling like a slightly crazed alien...and even when i do feel like one, somehow, it's okay

I am thankful for jokes and general has to be serious so much of the time these days that any opportunity to break free of that makes me giddy with excitement :P

I am thankful for passionate about it!

I am thankful for words..lots and lots of words! for synonyms and antonyms and homonyms and word play and codes and rhyme and all the magic that happens when words come together...i appreciate this even more after reading that bit from 1984 when words are generally annihilated to well, kill expression, individuality, thought...

I am thankful for expression

I am thankful for individuality

I am thankful for thought

I am thankful for George Orwell, because frankly, he rocks. Nothing you can say about it! I am thankful for "discovering" him

I am thankful for the classics..they are that for a reason!

I am thankful for old books..and the way they hold the energy of everyone who has ever held them between their pages..

I am thankful for communication...hmm i'm on a literary love spree here!

I am thankful for food and every single thing involved with it ^_^

I am thankful for my mother! again, she is the biggest blessing i have in my life!!

I am thankful for my sisters..and the conversations we have, and all our inside jokes, and the way they can understand my beginnings of sentences so much that i don't have to bother competing them ^_^ I am thankful that they are so darn smart..when they feel like it..hehe

I am thankful for my father...and the fact that he is my was a long time coming, but i'm all growed up and slightly more sensible now and thus i can appreciate :)

I am thankful for the way time seems to be's March people! three months like zap!...exactly three months to the end of my first year...eeew i'm old! and more importantly, three months to being back home again and seeing all the people i love

I am thankful for being Nigerian, for being born in PHC!!! if i could do it all over again from the beginning, i wouldn't change a single thing!

I am thankful for the miraculous way in which i'm coping, and in fact, all my life have coped with school VERY WELL without well..much effort. That is a blessing right there..i claim nothing..i'm just as bewildered as you...He obviously has plans...

I am thankful for crappy movies with actors i have crushes on..teehee..okay, just one crappy movie, but for some weird reason i can watch it over and over, because somehow, he makes it okay...Ten Inch Hero Baybay!! shhh, tell no one

I am thankful for yet another week that has gone by without any negetive all turns out good, even if just two seconds to the end..but that's all that matters

I am thankful for words! and pictures and music..because they are all we seem to have as substitutes, as compensation for distance..but i guess that's okay too...they manage to make me oh so happy, so i am nothing but thankful

I am thankful for art once again, in all its forms

I am thankful for wisdom

I am thankful for lessons learnt, learning, and yet to learn

I am thankful that He always, always has a light at the end of the tunnel and nothing, absolutely nothing is done or allowed to happen without an amazing end result..i believe this

I am thankful for ebooks ^_^

I am thankful for Naija's like..hugs, it takes me's familiar and oh so very comforting when you're so very far away...

I am thankful for progress

I am thankful for growth

I am thankful for wit...ooh that phrase has been playing in my head today..."i have nothing to declare but my wit!"..Oscar? George Bernard? i forget who, but both have the right to say that :P I don't think Naija immigrations officers will get the joke though... witty literary reference will have to wait *sigh*..kai forgive my prejudice o!

I am thankful for languages...and for accents :P

I am thankful for the way life is oh so dynamic on the small scale..and fantastically static in the big picture...really! take for instance, the fact that man has not changed one for the fact that he now has fancier toys...

I am thankful for philosophy

I am thankful for psychology...grrr...i love law, i really do, especially after fraternizing with all those laws last night and having criminology to look forward to *cough* for more reasons than the obvious.. but theres a little..or a huge part of me that just knows psychology is what it needs!

I am thankful that i went to the yeye secondary school i went to...sometimes, God will let you get caught in a storm, just so you can realize how awesome rain is...Babym and M2 are TOTALLY worth that whole experience..i love them die!

I am thankful for Love again..if you let it grow within you, it is the most rewarding experience...but like anything worth having, it takes a bit of work..apparently..hating is so easy, yes?

I am thankful for random coincidences that appeal to your inner simpleton and kinda wow you..hehe

I am Thankful!!!!

Be happy, and let nothing and no one take your happiness away from you...fight every grumpy person in your path with a might take a while, but by the time they give in, you would have taught two people a very valuable lesson

Have a blessed week and a kick ass weekend!