Thursday, March 29, 2012

Thankful Thursday: Not by our might.

I think today's post might be short...

For the last week and a half-two weeks i've been in limbo. I've had days when i was so frustrated it felt like i was dying, or going to explode or something to that tune. Just confused, not knowing what to do or what to think or what direction to walk in. That is not a good state in which to fight off temptation, the state itself being a temptation. To be honest, the paradox lies perhaps in that i would sit and be frustrated, and put off obeying His voice until after i was good and done being frustrated and hopeless. And yes, i know..i keep writing that we should pray at situations like that, drown them out with praise...
But they wore at me, even while my faith in Him remains as true as ever...something has gotten to me..something is getting at my spirit and wearing it down, and apparently i'm letting it..maybe thinking like that is also bad, because it causes me to become hopeless's all so awful really...

Only just now i saw a video where the a girl mentioned that the devil knows when God is about to give you a blessing and so he rushes forth to make you's to praying that God forgives and understands and doesn't withhold His plans.

Sometimes, it seems like, in line with His style, He will allow certain things to happen in order for your understanding to be deepend. He will allow you sink, He will allow you to undo it all, so that when you build again, it will be stronger. In this situation, it seems to me that i might have unknowingly patted myself on the back for doing (or not doing) certain things...i'm a bit confused there though..i thanked Him for keeping me from them, i gave glory to Him..but perhaps i slipped and thought it was by my might? i don't know..everything i do is thanks to Him...i claim nothing...

i guess times like these happen. Just that sometimes, in my head, there's a line that divides the before and after and i expect it to be all different and put pressure on myself to be perfect, entirely missing the point. Sure, we strive to live in a way that pleases Him, we give up sinful things...but at the same time, the real difference lies in the fact that we turn to Him for forgiveness and grace and do not stop or give up...we keep it moving. It doesn't mean that we are now perfect...So don't loose hope if you trip, fall and do something that you know better than doing...ask for forgiveness and keep going..repent of it, ask Him to see you through...and keep going...

Also, don't feel abandoned or lose hope when you aren't feeling all "in the spirit" as you did in the's not about a tingly's not about's about consistency and faith that won't quit, for He is always there, same as He always was. Don't allow your subjective perception to affect your vision.

Last night/this morning, 2 am...He woke me up, and showed me this : Psalms 30:5: For His anger is but for a moment, and His favour is for a lifetime. Weeping may tarry the night, but joy comes with the morning.

I pray i get past this limbo.

I am thankful for life

I am thankful for God

I am thankful for forgiveness

I am thankful for Grace

I am thankful for mercy

I am thankful for prayer

I am thankful for my family

I am thankful for His strength and support

I am thankful for His leadership

I am thankful for His word

I am thankful for His patience

I am thankful for His will

I am thankful for each day

I am thankful for every lesson learned

I am thankful that He hears me

I am thankful that we move on

I am thankful for understanding

I am thankful for miracles, for the supernatural

I am thankful for books

I am thankful for films

I am thankful for feelings...glorious glorious emotions

I am thankful for love

I am thankful.

Have a good one! :)

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Thankful Thursday: Don't stop moving.

So i searched for this quote online..and it's nowhere to be found. This leads me to think it's either ficticious, or, the internet is getting sloppy. It is the quote that this post was supposed to start with, and frankly, i didn't want to paraphrase yet again. Anyway, i saw the quote in MH, but that's another story. It is attributed to Frank Sinatra, and it's his son that said it doesn't really's a translation...

"When you feel that you are moving forward seemingly by inertia, know this: your life is rolling downhill"- Frank Sinatra Snr.

This really struck me, because the week before last at church, the pastor had a sermon on the "roads" that we are on, and what leads to heaven and what doesn't. Now see, i think that even now, i am still struggling with that. The part where i used to, and still pretty much go: eh, everybody has their path to God. What matters is that they are going to Him. And that makes sense and feels fair..but then the pastor threw this illustration out and it kinda revolutionized the picture in my head.

He said well imagine it's a hill that we all have to get to the top of. And we are here believing that there are all these paths all around the hill and everybody picks one and we'll all meet at the top anyways...and then he puts this card on the table.

John 14:6. New International Version (NIV). 6 Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

See, when that is placed in front of you, you can't just turn your neck the other way and pretend it never happened. You cannot not acknowledge that that's His word,and that is what it says, clear as day.

And then after we have pondered this for a min, he makes it clearer still...using words direct and not modified from the bible...

Matthew 7: 13 “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. 14 But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.

Do you see that there? there are two roads. All those other tiny footpaths we hold in our imaginations? er..they aren't technically there..see they are all the slivers of that one other "wide gate, broad road" road. And then there's that other way. That one true, narrow way.

What do Frank Sinatra and perpetual motion have to do with any of this? See, at some point we go..well...*scratch head* i'm all confused about this business with the roads, let me just stand here and be neutral..i mean, i'm not doing anything bad or anything, i'm just chillin', static.

That's one illusion we fall for. Frank's words have the right illustration. There is no such thing as standing still. Once you stop moving, you give yourself over to whatever external force that fancies to carry you along, or toss you this way or that. You give over your power and your life to "come what may". That's the inertia, the current, the tide just sweeping you along.

I keep having this vague nagging that i've seen another quote that supports this somewhere..but since i cannot remember, i'll just go with it. Bearing the narrow path idea in mind, i believe it is clear that it is not, in fact, a walk in the park to walk right. It is tough and there are temptations and there are rocks, and sometimes, a lot of the time, it will be the most frustrating path to be walking on. None of this mean that it is the wrong path. God never said, never promised that life would be gravy or that He will never let you experience hardships (what's the fun in that? :P) What He does promise, is that He will get you through it, and with Him, it is possible. That is more than enough for me. It means that though it's intimidating, and daunting, it is doable, and in such a way that you won't even suffer in the way you thought you would. It will be unpleasant, sure enough..but you'll see the ways in which it builds you and ultimately not hate the experience, because God is there with you, making it okay, somehow, no matter how awful it physically or emotionally is...

Okay, so i digress. Now, the alternative to that helpless downhill slide is to be not so "neutral" (read: passive), and realize that you need to be active about climbing up that hill, over rocks and everything. It means you making conscious decisions every day, every hour that are in line with that narrow path that you know is the right one.

So basically it's this: There is no neutral option. If you're not on one road, then you will involuntarily be on the other. There is no standing and scratching your head. If things are happening that have nothing to do with what you know and where you want to means things that you know nothing about are taking you where you don't know you want to be. Check yourself.

I am thankful. I am thankful in ways that transcend whatever "mood" i'm in. It's like...i have these parasitic thoughts that bother me from time to time, that pop up and remind me that i worry about them..but somehow, totally separate of them, and totally encompassing my whole joy, that makes everything else insignificant.

I am thankful that God, well..i know this sounds like it has cheese grated over, and is the work of Capt. Obvious..but God is supernatural. Like...sometimes i think we need to completely chuck our logic out of the window because it cannot handle the truth that God makes supernatural things happen in our lives. Downright ridiculous sometimes. I know that on Sunday i actually laughed out loud when God answered me like two minutes after i went all pouty, and yes, yes i was hurt and flippant and i asked that He make something happen...and then it happens, and there are too many coincidences around it and i'm literally looking at the sky and am like "saywhaaat?" Supernatural.

I am thankful for my family.

I am thankful for Love. For the love that God has for me, for the love my family have for me. It is life.

I am thankful for God

I am thankful for my relationship with Him.

I am thankful that He saved me, and keeps saving me. I've been through a whole lot of things. Some bad, some really bad, and some just a mess...but i'm know i'll keep being okay. God has never forsaken why would He suddenly start?

I am thankful for the intensified learning course He has put me! He is doing things to me..

I am thankful for faith. Faith is a powerful thing.

I am thankful for kindness and laughter.

I am thankful for prayer, for answered prayers, for unanswered prayers

I am thankful for His perfect plan.

I am thankful for His instructions, guidance and protection...kai..with the adventures i get myself is only God that keeps me alive and whole.

I am thankful that He made me. That He gave me life, that He keeps me, and that He has a plan for my, specifically designed. That's love.

I am thankful for so many things that this list, as you well know, cannot be exhausted...really need to walk about with a notebook and write down all my miracles and constant blessing...cuz my silly head forgets some along the way..ooooh! i am thankful that He gets me through school work and tests in the most miraculous way...all my stressin', He just brushes away and makes it all okay.

I am thankful for His patience. I am THANKFUL! can i get a witnesssss? :P

Wait on the Lord, wait for Him in silence...just align yourself with His time...don't take things into your own hands..believe me, i am testifying, that you will be blown away..just sit down and trust Him.

Side hugs and air kisses! keep the Faith and keep it moving!

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Thankful Thursday: Love, Obedience and Living Sacrifices...

So this might end up a three in one or a two in one or something to that tune, because in my head, even i cannot differentiate where one theme ends and the next begins, and if they are so unconnected at all to start with.

The ideas that have been on my mind to write about have been Obedience, and keeping your body as a living sacrifice to see, those two are definitely intertwined, even more so when i realize that at the top of this pyramid is..wait for not cliche, so not expected...ha!..Love. Yup, the very same one Jesus goes on and on and on about. That Love should be the motivation behind Obedience, and should be what leads you to, and keeps you through keeping your body, your life, basically, a living sacrifice to Him..because, you are alive.

About love being your motivation. See: “If you love Me, you will keep My commandments” (John 14.15); John 14:23 Jesus replied, "If anyone loves me, he will obey my teaching. My Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our home with him.(be prepared, the acutal Bible verses today are plenty :D).

“Blessed are they who keep his statutes and seek him with all their heart” (Psalm 119.2).

Now, this does not mean that we should merrily fall into that trap of thinking that it is some sort of traansaction we are carrying out. We do not obey His commandments SO THAT He will bless us. That would be selfish and scheming and missing the point. On this blog i have, several times, addressed the nuance of not worshiping God for any reason other than Love for Him. He sets these rules for OUR benefit..but more on that later. See, you do not worship Him as a means to an end. He IS the end. Every good thing that He chooses to bestow on you is just the manifestation of the promise that follows "Seek ye first the Kingdom of God".

I have the verse somewhere at home, but right now i'll just heavily paraphrase. See, It is of no gain whatsoever to God whether you obey Him or not. It is not going to make Him any less Himself. It grieves Him when we disobey, just like it would grieve anyone who gives us a good thing and we throw it away. It does not mean, however, that anything will be added to or taken away from Him. For us, however, the picture is different. We, unlike Him, face consequences when we disobey Him. We face actual loss, we are stunted in growth and so forth because of disobedience...and no, it's not because He is punishing us to show us who's boss...

The defining factor between legalism and love, then, is that the one who loves, obeys because he wants to please his savior who has judged and pardoned him; the legalist obeys in hopes that he can pay his own penalty.Obedience Out of Love not Legalism
Jul 1st, 2010
by Anthony Delgado.

Arghh i'm so scatterbrained today..anyways...Now, why this should be done out of love, rather than a grudging sense of duty. It's quite simple really...What can you give God? what is it that you can give to the One who owns everything and the box it came in? You can't too much give him a goat or a house or a country because it would be kinda awkward, gifting Him with what is His to give to start with. Which is the very reason why God never asks us for material things. Him asking you to give up something has nothing to do with the material thing itself, but with your obedience, the willingness in your heart to do what He asks. Obedience.

He asks for our hearts. He does not create us such that we are pre-programmed to loveHim. He does not make our default setting "obedient". Nope..Just like in Coming to America, He wants us to come to Love Him. To love Him with understanding of who He is and WHY we love Him. I know for sure that there's nothing more unsatisfying that someone "liking" you because they have been forced to it. Love that is born genuinely, from understanding why exactly it is that you can be loved is the sort of thing people cherish.

In human relationships, for example, it is perfectly clear, but somehow, we fail to extend it to our relationship with God. Immediately perfectly understandable things become very confusing indeed. How many times have you gotten upset at a significant other because they did something that they know you don't like? It could be perectly illogical, but since it matters to us, we let them know, and see it as a sign of love and respect that they desist from doing these things. I've known people to stop cussing, because their girlfriend doesn't like it; to stop partying, because their boyfriends aren't comfortable with it; to stop smoking, drinking etc. The list goes on. The point here is that they do these things out of reverence for the feelings of these people, not because they are standing over their heads with a club. Same reason people don't cheat..because you know it would hurt the other person.

What this boils down to is that you should extend that same love, respect and care to His feelings. We know He frowns upon the things He asks us not to do (out of concern for you sef), so why then, would we deliberately carry on not caring?

Now that we have that theory established, let's take it over to our relationship with God.

2 This is how we know that we love the children of God: by loving God and carrying out his commands. 3 In fact, this is love for God: to keep his commands. And his commands are not burdensome, 4 for everyone born of God overcomes the world. This is the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith. 5 Who is it that overcomes the world? Only the one who believes that Jesus is the Son of God.1 John 5

His commandments are not burdensome. And even when they seem too much, it's only because we have become used to the prevailing system- not because they are in themselves ridiculous. It is in the context of what we have come to accept as normal that they seem out of place..but that doesn't make them wrong. Even when we feel overwhelmed by the requirements of living a life that pleases Him, He has promised time and time again that not only will He be there to see you through it each step of the way, He is thoroughly delighted to lead and support you. I can testify to this.

And at this point we tie in the living sacrifice bit:
Romans 12:1New International Version (©1984)
Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God--this is your spiritual act of worship.

Romans 6:13 Do not offer the parts of your body to sin, as instruments of wickedness, but rather offer yourselves to God, as those who have been brought from death to life; and offer the parts of your body to him as instruments of righteousness.

I think the logic here is really simple, given what i've written already. Loving God, and being aware of the fact that we have nothing to give Him but our hearts, we do so by obeying His word. The one present you can give to Him. A handmade, love filled gift. You :P I dunno bout you, but handmade gifts- cards, cakes, cookies, clothes..speak of love and affection way more than bought things can...

Which is why you should keep the body He has given you, the Life which He has given you in such a way that it honours Him. He created you with love. What sort of behaviour would it be to take that sort of intimate gift and toss it in a corner, rough it about and generally act like it's worth nothing? (kai this should be a separate post...)

Also, Deuteronomy 28:1-13..and further if you're not a lazybones...Obedience...because you love Him, and that's the best way to show it. like, because you LOVE Him...knaamean? eh..will try and expound on that in a subsequent post...

Kai, this ish was long sha...

I am thankful for life

I am thankful for His patience with me

I am thankful for lessons He teaches me

I am thankful for growth

I am thankful for His guidance, His word, His whispers and the discretion He bestows..

I am thankful for His protection, comfort and support

I am thankful for this avalanche of inspiration..i do believe once a week is no longer enough to contain the sheer quantity of things i need to write about.

I am thanful for my family..i am truly blessed to have them

I am thankful for books

I am thankful for His perfect is perfect.

I am thankful for patience..which is something i'm stil working takes a while for your mind to adjust and be able to even begin to grasp His sense of's totally not similar to our narrow imaginations of what is appropriate

I am thankful for kindness

I am thankful that He wipes away my tears

I am thankful for all the intense ways in which He makes me smile, and cry in joy and relief when understanding finally gets to me.

I am thankful that He knows exactly how to get to my heart. Ways that even i didn't know existed...

I am thankful ohhhhh! for so many things...buh this post don pass limit as it is...ah...i am thankful for uni, i am thankful for my lecturers, i am thankful for conversations had, i am thankful for thoughts thought, i am thankful for sleep, for waking up each morning, for my devotional times, for His presence...ahhh, you guys should help me and go through what YOU are thankful for today..count your blessings, name them one by one... :D

Stay blessed! and choose to live His way, out of love. His commandments are not burdensome, especially as He will help you and keep them sef :D

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Thankful Thursday: Hang in there!

Hebrews 10:23

New International Version (NIV)

23 Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful.

Hebrews 13:5

New International Version (NIV)

5 Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said,

“Never will I leave you;
never will I forsake you.”[a]

Deuteronomy 31:6

New International Version (NIV)

6 Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.”

Faith is a difficult conquest and it requires daily combat in order to be maintained. - The Valkyries.

It is not often that i pack in the actual Bible verses, let alone start a post off with them. But i cannot avoid the signs, and i cannot call it coincidence that not only have they presented themselves to me, they have made it clear that this is what this post ought to contain. You see i have a list of posts i'm to do..Yet somehow, on Thursday, i end up writing a radically different one. This is not because i have nothing to say concerning the other's because once i get on this, my fingers take a life of their own and something beautiful happens.

So here we go..Temptation and keeping your body as a living sacrifice to Him and all of that good stuff will just have to wait their turn.

Do you see what those verses have in common? God will never forsake you. He is faithful and cannot deny Himself.

These verses mean a lot to me, and are very personal, because He causes them to cross my path in those moments when i'm hurting and wondering and silly questions are creeping up regarding the things He asks me to do, or that i'm doing and there seem to be no fireworks happening.

He sends me this reassurance, this encouragment that assures me that He is there and hasn't forgotten my case, that assures me that everything is how it should be and i should not worry, just hang in there until His plan is fulfilled.

See, it's a bit like this: You ask, and He gives. But you're going to have to trust Him to do it His way, and sometimes that involves a lot of what looks like waiting around. If you've taken that crazy leap i wrote about a few posts back, it means that you have turned your life over to Him, that He should do what He will. This means that a lot of times, you are going to be taken waaaay out of your comfort zone, because if you keep sitting there where you're comfortable, you'll never grow. God doesn't say you will never be in danger or in a situation that looks hopeless, what He says is that He will deliver you from it, and as such you have nothing to fear..but i digress.

It all leads to this: If you've asked that His will be done in your life, if you live by the faith that He has you covered, then be assured that He has promised, and will uphold His side of the promise forever. If you feel like you've hit a wall, or you're just sitting there and nothing is happening, don't lose faith.

There is no such thing as nothing is happening. Let go of your expectations of what something happening looks like and notice all the things that you deem insignificant that ARE happening. Always acknowledge and respect that He knows best, and give thanks to Him in every situation, because He uses everything to lead you to where you need to be. Take this analogy: when we plant something, we do not see what is happening to it in the soil. We plant it, cover it up, and go about our business, watering it as necessary. And then, one day, this thing breaks the soil and we see the results of our waiting and watering..and the best part is that it doesn't stop there- but keeps growing! and even if we want to attempt the pessimistic route and say that the plant will grow, and then die..well, it would have spread out seeds which will in turn bear new plants..except this time, a lot more!..which also leads to the analogy that some plants are annuals, some biennials..and some are just great big trees that grow and grow and are thousands of years old...and these ones, they grow a little at a time too, we spend a lot of time that looks like waiting just staring at them..and then one day we stop and see that they're three times the size they were..

I'm rambling now though...the bottom line is...hang in there, do not be discouraged..He has promised, and He is faithful..He hasn't forgotten..just keep doing what He says...

I am thankful for life

I am thankful for today

I am thankful for revelations

I am thankful for Paulo Coelho and the miraculous ways in which God leads me to him..and all the things He teaches me through his books...

I am thankful for God's word

I am thankful for His love

I am thankful for Love. Love is everything.

I am thankful, that everything is the way it should be, and if we acknowledge this, and work with it as opposed to against it, the everything that is the way it ought to will keep being bettered...keep up with that there :P

I am thankful for His guidance

I am thankful for the omens and signs He sets along the way

I am thankful for kindness

I am thankful for His patience with me

I am thankful that He teaches me, patiently, until i understand..

I am thankful for my family

I am thankful for books

I am thankful for my mother

I am thankful for prayer

I am thankful for ODB

I am thankful for healing

I am thankful for forgiveness

I am thankful for God

I am thankful for life

I am thankful for health

I am thankful that i am blessed

I am thankful for where i am, who i am at this place in time

I am thankful that He is not indifferent to me

I am thankful that he who seeks, finds. The universe will conspire to lead you to what you seek. The questions i've had pop up along the way- He has sent answers my way, in books, in videos, in epiphanies..but He has sent answers.

I am thankful for Church :D

I am thankful for laughter

I am thankful for friendship

I am thankful that He leads me away from what i don't need and what is destructive to me, even if i do not understand at the time..

I am thankful that He is my support, my courage, my strength and my comfort. And no matter what i've been through in the past year, no matter the hurt and the pain, He has always been there. He has never left my side, and out of everything, He has carved a stronger me. He has not let me fall apart, and for this, i am thankful.

I am thankful for this post..even if it feels rather foreign to me...

I am thankful.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Thankful Thursday: In His hands...

I am thankful for God.

Okay, let us continue..This one has been sitting about in my head for about two weeks now, if not more. It goes a little something like this..

Do not search for in people, or the world around you, the things that God alone can give, in abundance.

We all have this God-sized hole in our hearts that we try to fill, because the emptiness is loud and gaping and demanding to be filled. We stuff it with drink, with drugs, with people, with relationships, with gossip, with entertainment..and still, all of it leaves us feeling unsatisfied, aching beneath the temporary numbness that these things provide. We tend to be in a quest to find numbness, to drown out the urging to turn to God for our least this is what is as clear as day to me now about myself, and getting clearer.

We have needs. I will detour and talk about material wants and needs in a bit, but i will start with emotional, intangible ones, because in our imagination of satisfaction of needs, we tend to think of material ones, and miss all the huge missteps we make, making all the wrong decisions for the sake of satisfying ourselves emotionally.

Comfort, assurance, peace, intimacy, understanding. I don't know much about the workings of the minds of men (i'm coming to accept this without question), and after a couple of the books i've read, so do a lot of women. And yet, men and women alike are perpetually stuck in dubious, questionable emotional situations, hanging on, tolerating anything and everything, for just a little love, a little comfort, a little warmth. We demand of the people around us things they are not equiped to provide, and for the most part are not obliged. Yet here we are, looking for acceptance, for patience from whoever dares to happen to be by our side.

In material things too, we slip, unknowingly into demanding of people and whatnot, things that we ought to be asking God for. The incredulous thing is that we just circumvent God along the, wait, lemme sort this and i'll talk to You in a bit...or when we do venture to bring it to God in prayer, we direct Him to give us our desires through other people. It looks a bit like "Ooooh i'd love somebody to buy me a house/car/phone/salad", or placing responsibilities of protecting and caring for you upon the head of another person. I'm not saying that God will not, or cannot bring His promises to pass through people.

The distinction is that in one case we are looking directly to people or things to provide our comfort and joy, and in the other, we are looking to God, and trusting that He will use His own ways to bring it to pass...all clear?

So basically it's like this. Whatever need, whatever desire you feel within you, take it to God in prayer. Ask it of HIM, and no one else. First and last. **next post might just have to be on doing things in order, step by step...

Think about it. He created the world and all that is in it. He has the whole entire universe, all of creation in His hands, and what more, at His beck and call. He can and will move mountains, everything is His alome to give. He declares and no one can oppose. So why then, would we be wasting our time asking or waiting for anything from any source other than the Lord?

Do not make anyone your scapegoat, that is unfair to them. Do not appoint them as the source of your happiness, do not hang upon them the obligation to provide your comfort or shelter or support. You have God. He is your strength, He is your shelter, He is your solid rock. He is faithful, and loves you silly. Turn to me, He has your back, and you really, truly need nothing apart from Him, because all you need, He will provide, and then some.

I am thankful for this post...God toh inspirational :D

I am thankful for today! all week, i dreaded this day mahn...was so nahvos! He saw me through, cleared the path before me and just brought me up tops and entirely calmed :D

I am thankful for my friends

I am thankful for my mother. My blessings on this earth just might have started when God decided that she would be my mother. She is the kindest, most genuine person ever. She embodies love..and while it's all well and good to talk about it..she has taught me with her life what it is to love, to respect, to honour...she is a blessing.

I am thankful for today.

I am thankful that He saved me, and the fact as at today is that i'm here, and He's holding me firmly and getting me through all sorts of insane temptations that come my way

I am thankful for His Love!

I am thankful for praise and worship music!

I am thankful for His word!

I am thankful for devotional times

I am thankful for every lesson He teaches me, every new thing He reveals to me, the way He sets my vision and perception right

I am thankful for His promptings and guidance, where He leads me..

I am thankful for being able to help, and bring happiness to people. It is beyond cliche when they say that the truest way to gain happiness, is to do something to make another person, "coincidences" abound! God is a humorous God..buh mahn, i was high on that joy yesterday!

I am thankful for God does more than listen...He speaks. He will saturate wherever you are with His presence and...whoa!

I am thankful for thankfulness! there is so much to be thankful for! at any point in time, as i always say..i have more to be thankful for, than to complain about. My blessings are too abundant to ignore, and He even turns what i think are down moments into blessings so...Be thankful For what has happened, what He has given and you have seen, and for what lies ahead, give thanks in advance, for in your faith, you KNOW He won't ever ever deny Himself.

I am thankful for inspiration

I am thankful for kindness

I am thankful for every answered prayer...nna meyn...i keep repeating the prayer-answer cycle over and over to assure myself i'm not making things up, because the way God directly answers prayers is awe inspiring..prayed over a misunderstanding with my friend the other day (when i wanted to tell her EXACTLY what i thought of her...instead, i listened to His prompting, and prayed about what to do)...She called me about an hour and a half later and apologised for what she did and it suddenly wasn't even an issue anymore...and this is just one example...

I am thankful that when you do things His way...the damns just burst and the blessings and favour and closeness to Him just drown you..

I am thankful that with each challenge, with each stumble, He makes me stronger, teaches me, strengthens my faith...and is always there. Reassuring, comforting, encouraging.

I am thankful for God!!!! and that He has saved me, and believes in me even when i write myself off and doubt myself. He reminds me of His faith in me, and proceeds to cheer me into getting up and continuing...and that is humbling and overwhelming and fills me with the sort of joy that makes me tingle.

:D also, my devotional today was on thankfulness...go figure :)

Have a blessed week, and don't forget to be thankful. When things are looking up, and especially when you think they're not...that is when YOU need to dig your talons in and hang on and not allow yourself to be decieved into doubting that God has your back...

Ciao, my bellas :P