Thursday, August 30, 2012

Thankful Thursday: Next Chapter

I am thankful that there is always a new beginning. It may be physical, tangible...or it may be symbolic. We may note it down on out calendars, or we may not even notice it's begun until ages after...all the same, chapters of our life are constantly being written...they start, they end..and on and on...yes, i know this is stating the obvious...but reflect on this for a's awareness of this that makes me love life that much more...knowing that there is something around the corner, knowing that something will happen that changes the scenery...this makes each day worth it, creates the light at the end of the tunnel...because situations come to an end, new doors open, skin is shed...

So Summer is over, those memories are being filed as we speak, i look forward to Autumn, to a new Uni year, to all the possibilities life based on Summer..based on all i've learned, felt, seen..based on the people in my life, watching as it all plays's the feeling of being on the edge of the's worth it :)

I am thankful for Life

I am thankful for Love

I am thankful for God

I am thankful for the relationship i am blessed to have with God

I am thankful for His faithfulness

I am thankful for His patience

I am thankful for His infinite wisdom

I am thankful for His love

I am thankful for His care, and guidance

I am thankful for His protection

I am thankful for friends and family

I am thankful for this Summer...for my friends old and new, for lessons learned...for everything

I am thankful for His perfect timing, His perfect plan

I am thankful for's a blessing...and my peace comes from my Faith in His constance.

I am thankful for understanding

I am thankful for laughter

I am thankful for maturity

I am thankful for lessons learned, and who they've made me today

I am thankful for me

I am thankful for my grandparents

I am thankful that God always comes through and saves me

I am thankful for forgiveness

I am thankful for growth

I am thankful for my bed

I am thankful for tears

I am thankful....

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Thankful Thursday: Under Construction

And proper excited about it too! It’s the beauty of life, that we are constantly learning, constantly evolving, growing. I know I’m changing, I see the lessons coming thick and fast from all around. I am thankful that even if not all the time, I am aware that it is not a coincidence. Looking at the big picture I see that everything is connected, and I see it’s preparing me for something. I mean, we are all always learning in order to be ready for something…but this is a small section of the big picture where intense work is going on …it’s exhilarating. It is beautiful that God cares so much, it is wonderful to surrender to Him and allow His will be done and see the places that takes you, I am thankful each time that from my heart, bypassing my brain, I pray, May Your will be done in my life…and it’s being done. When I’m aware and when I am not, when I understand and when I don’t…but then you look at you and you can, we’ve come a long way!

Also,  Hosea 14:9. Selah.

I am thankful for life

I am thankful for the reminder to write this post. I totally blanked that today being Thursday meant that I had something to do

I am thankful for God

I am thankful for His perfect plan

I am thankful that He made it possible for me to be typing this, because I looked at my sister like she was crazy when she said she was taking the laptop and modem along…who’s laughing now? God is awesome

I am thankful for my relationship with God

I am thankful for contentment

I am thankful  that He provides for me and I do not lack anything I truly need

I am thankful that He is my father, my comforter, my friend, my everything

I am thankful that God made it so that we are able to communicate with Him

I am thankful for prayer

I am thankful for Love

I am thankful for my mother. She is my hero.

I am thankful for laughter

I am thankful for understanding

I am thankful for family

I am thankful for Grace

I am thankful for forgiveness

I am thankful for reconciliation

I am thankful for the Holy Spirit

I am thankful for opportunities to help

I am thankful for when you see the fruits of your labour

I am thankful for the amazing new people I’ve met these holidays

I am thankful for conversations

I am thankful that paths cross

I am thankful that life is this great big adventure and you don’t know what the next day holds, but somehow, I know it’s worth it

I am thankful for His faithfulness

I am thankful for the Bible

I am thankful for where I am, who I am, and who He’s molding me into

I am thankful for words

I am thankful for thoughtfulness

I am thankful for wisdom

I am thankful for understanding

I am thankful for progress

I am thankful for memories

I am thankful for hope

I am thankful for the future

I am thankful for the now

I am thankful for music

I am thankful!

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Thankful Thursday: Because He loved me…

Being a Christian is not about being perfect, it’s not about attaining perfection or “getting it right”. We are human and that’s a status we can never attain, it would be chasing after the wind to even try.

Salvation is about Grace. It’s about Him saying, it’s okay, I forgive you, I understand, and through my Son your sins have not only been wiped away, but are continuously cleared away. His love is everything. It is all on Him, not by our will or our might, and it is the most humbling and overwhelming thing.

He is faithful when I am lost, He is forgiving when I am wrong, He is patient when I am stubborn…He is God, and His ways are not our ways, and His love surpasses anything that you can imagine. Not height nor depth nor things present or past can separate us from His love…

This grace thing came to my mind specifically this evening while wondering how I would explain my spirituality to an acquaintance who is a raging atheist, abi agnostic these days. I considered how in “logic” he would ask about why I’m not perfect, and question my mistakes, and point out that there were wars and bad things happened to Christians..and the answer that came to mind was simply Grace. It is by Grace that I am, it is by Grace I keep going…His love and His Grace. Not my doing, because I fall short on the daily. That is something mighty to be thankful for.

I am thankful for life, for where there is life, there is hope

I am thankful for God

I am thankful for my relationship with Him

I am thankful for my mom and that I’ve been blessed with her, and that God keeps her and protects her…happy birthday mama!

I am thankful for my family

I am thankful for love

I am thankful for my friends…Babym and Smallie really really made me happy today ^_^…I earned brownie points! Forgive, people!

I am thankful for food and cooking

I am thankful for laughter

I am thankful for understanding

I am thankful for wisdom

I am thankful for growth

I am thankful for God’s extravagant love

I am thankful for my holidays

I am thankful for books

I am thankful for kindness

I am thankful for God’s guidance

I am thankful for His faithfulness

I am thankful for forgiveness

I am thankful for my daily devos

I am thankful for generosity

I am thankful for prayer

I am thankful for patience

I am thankful for the Holy Spirit

I am thankful for His word..

I am thankful!

p.s Psalms 37:4 “take delight in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart”….you do not need to look for anything anywhere else. Ask of the Lord and of the Lord alone. Any other source is a lie..b’lee this!

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Thankful Thursday: School of life

Get out your notepads and be ever ready to write down the lessons that God teaches in every situation, and through everything.

It is another side of “giving thanks in every situation”, I’d say, because if you were constantly aware that God uses everything to teach you valuable lessons, it will become easier to go through things, without falling into thinking that woe is you and that misfortune is hounding you. Instead, you’d brighten up and keep your eyes and ears open for the lesson, because it will make you that much stronger and wiser, and will surely come in handy in future, and believe me, you’ll be able to make the connection.

Like I talked about with y friend, D, today, it is not up to us to judge in what form a relationship with someone is valuable to your life. It is not for you to decide that only as a teacher/wife/employee, that a person, or the relationship you have with them will be significant..sometimes, a person needs to hurt you, to bring the value they have to add to your life to the table, someone might need to be a salesman to do so, your doctor, etc…which is why we should value the relationships in our life as they are, and not spend time trying to make them into what we want them to be, so much as allowing them go where they will and be what they will be…dig?

Personally, God has used situations, relationships, people to open my eyes and give me wisdom that I wouldn’t have learned any other way. It is not always that they have done their good deed by being nice to me or sitting me down with advice..a lot of the time, these situations have made me anxious, made me cry and panic and wonder how I was going to get out of it…and God got me through..and I know that now, whenever those sort of things cross my path, I’m not going to lose my cool. People have made me cry, have disappointed me, and with time, God has helped/is helping me let go of any anger I hold on to because I was wronged…because the good that came out of their actions surpasses the bad, so if anything I am learning to be genuinely thankful to them. No sarcasm…

Basically, it’s like this..spend more time being still and taking notes, than trying to always make things happen, because if you’re always swimming, one day you’ll stop and look, and you’ll be in the wrong place…yes, I know there is a whole movement around “go out there and make it happen” and I’m not saying anybody should just sit and allow life happen, I’m saying that it’s important to pay attention and notice the lessons in any situation you find yourself in…God is not a wasteful God. He doesn’t allow things happen just for kicks…God will include the important with the pleasant…multitasking like a pro :D

It’s beautiful that life is a continuous lesson, and that there is no limit to growth. It would be such a shame to miss out..

I am thankful for life

I am thankful for God

I am thankful for the relationship I am blessed to have with Him

I am thankful for lessons learned and the person they’ve made me/are making me

I am thankful for family

I am thankful for friends

I am thankful for God’s perfect plan

I am thankful for understanding

I am thankful for wisdom

I am thankful for joy

I am thankful for music

I am thankful for thoughtfulness

I am thankful for love

I am thankful for prayer

I am thankful for forgiveness

I am thankful for repentance

I am thankful for grace

I am thankful for patience

I am thankful for His faithfulness

I am thankful that I am still here

I am thankful that He hands on saves me from wrong situations

I am thankful for His word

I am thankful for inspiration

I am thankful for freedom

I am thankful for me

I am thankful!

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Thankful Thursday: Trust, again.

This topic is the opening topic today first of all because of a sense of loyalty. Last night, half asleep and doing devo, I was reminded about this obedience thing. It is something that you cannot meditate on enough, because well, the temptation to disobey presents itself at every turn, so reminding yourself why you do it every now and again is never extra.
The reason I’m talking about today is trust. Really simple, actually…if you trust that God knows what He’s doing and that He has a plan which is in your best interests, then it only makes sense to do what He asks so you don’t continuously spoil His plans for you. It’s like…He’s the commander, He has worked out a game plan, before Him, it is all written and He sees clearly the whole picture, He sees how this one action is connected to this other action and how all these work in a system to achieve what it is that is to be achieved at any stage and place in your life.

So trust God, and with that trust, obey, because He has the best plans for you, and if you work in harmony with that, you’ll get where you need to be much quicker and with less stress. With God, it is all about trust. that song goes, everything rides on hope now…the assurance of things not seen. When God asked Noah to build an ark, it probably made no sense. There was no logic which helped Noah along in deciding to build an ark. It was all trust that God knows what He’s doing and when the time comes, he, Noah would understand. It didn’t mean that the thing did not make sense even when Noah did not understand. He did his part of the operation when and how  God asked in trust and faith, so that when the time came, everything was in place…again I will make an analogy with cooking and how you spend time cutting up vegetables and such, and you, as the chef, know how and when you’ll apply them..your assistant might have no clue…but if they obey, trusting that you, as the chef of the thing know what you’re doing..when you ask to pass the chopped onions, there will be chopped onions to be passed….ya dig?
Also, read Ephesians 4: renewed in the spirit of your minds…it starts in renewing your mind…don’t try and stop bad habits before you bring your mind in order. Put off old deceitful lusts…but more about that next week…I hope :P
I am thankful for life
I am thankful for God
I am thankful for love
I am thankful that I’m here writing this…it’s all God’s doing
I am thankful for God’s faithfulness
I am thankful for my family
I am thankful for my friends and for good conversation
I am thankful for the people with whom God crosses my path
I am thankful for growth
I am thankful for learning
I am thankful for lessons learned
I am thankful for experience
I am thankful for everything that shapes me into who I am now and who I am meant to be
I am thankful for understanding
I am thankful for patience
I am thankful for kindness
I am thankful for letting go
I am thankful for food
I am thankful for laughter
I am thankful for genuine feelings
I am thankful for wisdom
I am thankful for care
I am thankful for thoughtfulness
I am thankful for communication
I am thankful for when we connect with other souls…for a while, or a lifetime
I am thankful for my grandparents
I am thankful for books
I am thankful for memories
I am thankful for kismet
I am thankful for me
I am thankful for information
I am thankful for forgiveness
I am thankful for repentance
I am thankful for peace of mind
I am thankful for support
I am thankful for encouragement
I am thankful for words
I am thankful for change
I am thankful that life is so complex and dynamic
I am thankful!!!!