Last night, my laptop stopped coming on. The green light would come up all right..but it just wouldn't come on. I left it...This morning i tried again..same story...My defensive Zen attitude came on and i refused to waste emotions on it....bothered the hell out of me all day..(see i don't like when all these little things just go wrong..) i prayed about it a counter reaction to the urge to cuss it out...Yes, cuz i've been trying to get on that God thing in recent times...but we will get to it...this n home and decided to try again...over and over again i poke this button...take out battery, turn off, turn on, and it won't come on. I felt the tears building up...started getting...hurt...won't even call it angry..cuz i was all like...oh so what is this punishment which point the thought occoured to me that maybe it isn't a punishment at all..but a test? See very close to the time when it eventually started working, i considered going out to the store to get something. I was this close :puts index finger and thumb really close together: you know..all oh eff it, victim me, life unfair...but then i didn't go...and i prayed again, full ready to burst into tears (i realize how dramatic this sounds..but i'm a girl and these times come around)....and then i absent mindedly poked the button..and voila! it came on! to say i was happy is an understatement...
Like am o, no like am own interpretation of it is that i passed my test :P yay me!
I am thankful for today. From start to finish. Everything that happens to us plays a role in making us the people we ought to be.
I am thankful for my classmates; the "i'm not a great big attitude problem riddled person" ones..they aren't as many as the latter...but they mean significantly more
I am thankful for some lecturers shaaa! peoplez :D....ooh thankful for the one my mom and i bumped into...that wonderful woman taught me Ukrainian with a Harry Potter book...bless her meyn!
I am thankful for every single baked good that comes out of the kitchen at my uni erryday... you go fear how many people get out of bed cuz of the lure of foood :D
I am thankful for laughter
I am thankful for communication :D
I am thankful for my BB; and S getting me it (? getting me it?) and i am even thankful for UpS sef..cuz looking at it from a now point of view, i really like that he gave it to me, you literally :D :D :D :D and that the dude at the MTC office was a complete sweetheart about don't often get good service meyn..people be actin like you came to their bedroom to make demands..humph!
I am thankful for Sushi!..and for the fact that my mom is more into it that me sef..don't need to beg to get her to go...oh happee daeeeee! ^_^...i am easy to please :P
I am thankful for God. I am thankful that no matter how dysfunctional i let our relationship get..He is always there, being the mature one (D'uh), always nudging me, dropping hints until my senses decide to congregate from wherever it is that they have been holidaying... *sigh* so much wasted time that would have been spent building...
I am thankful that He will reach out to you through any medium...books, inspiration, art, people...
I am thankful for The Road Less Travelled...i dig how the author doesn't say what it is we want to hear, but writes the uncomfortable, unpadded truth that we all know to be true, but disregard cuz it lacks fancy packaging...makes you think, you know? you step aside and question your decisions, the way you a constructive way..helpful..
I am thankful for my boyfriend. I am thankful that honest to goodness, for the first time in my life, i am able to care about somebody this's amaz :D
I am thankful that he gets and is patient with me when i am completely blonde...
I am thankful for everything that has made him who he is
I am thankful for's been less than a week...but they make me smile, and quite often make me cry..i miss him universes, see...
I am thankful for the person he is... he is kind and compassionate and thoughtful like few people i know..if i know any at all... it's like..not even about the er..outward manifestation of think of what motivates it, and you realize that it takes a beautiful person to be that way...and i am thankful that he is :D
I am thankful for words..even if i am superclumsy with them when i need them most...
I am thankful for mother is on a mission..but if it makes her happy to give.... ;)
I am thankful for my mother... misunderstandings come, and they are forgotten just as fast... She gives me and my sisters her all. Everything she does, she does for us, and it's not even hard to prayer is that i learn to be growed up and not let petty things get in the way of her seeing how much i love and appreciate her...
I am thankful for my widdle angels... biggest hearts out there :D
I am thankful for appreciation. It's so easy for people to neglect showing it, and yet it makes all the difference...
I am thankful....that He will give you certain unpleasant situations in double dosage very consecutively indeed so that if you're too dumb to notice the first one, an unmistakable pattern is established and you are forced to learn... I feel i've learned a thing or two about trust in the last week..i am thankful for that...
I am thankful for humour...and all the people with whom i can indulge in it with..
I am thankful for D, M and girls!
I am thankful for my is calling me..all soft pillow and everything!
I am thankful for the weekend...
I am thankful for it what you will, believe it how you wish..but there is something about settling down and putting your concentration on this conversation with, well..whoever it is you decide you are conversing's God...
I am thankful for God...and the way my relationship with Him is forming up to be (i use the masculine for ease...if i think "He" is a "man" in the human sense? most likely not..He is above that..but i've said this before)
I am thankful for second chances
I am thankful for understanding
I am thankful for decisiveness... i am thankful that it has helped me let go of so many things that were bad for me...people, things, habits...don't draw it out...just let go and that's it...
I am thankful for thoughtfulness...and all the little ways in which people demonstrate it..Grams got the fruit tea my mom and i like today...she and gramps don't drink the stuff...
I am thankful for my Grandparents.... a LOT of tension...but i love them, and this surpasses everything else...need to curb my anger meyn..."getting back right" with God ought to help this...
I am thankful for epiphanies
I am thankful for kindness...simple as the people holding open the door for you
I am thankful for coincindences and chance meetings...oooh just hit me...i bumped into three people i wasn't expecting to see today AT ALL...coincidence?
I am thankful for fun..and whatever it is that brings it to each individual person..dancing o, clubbing o, reading, painting...
I am thankful for Art
I am thankful for shoes...have mercy! addict? fetishist? grrrr!
I am thankful for health
I am thankful for Love..and not just the butterflies in my belly bit..that bit may (can as the pessimists insist) fade...but it's that love that you just know is there underneath anything is a powerful emotion ni...
I am thankful for blogs
I am thankful for self expression
I am thankful for psych my favourite past time...:P
I am thankful that i am inside this warm (ish?) dry house..and not hustling a corner under some bridge and feezing myself to death
I am thankful for dreams
I am thankful for Life... like..even on the days when you feel like there's nothing good about it...realize that it's just one day, one moment..and the rest of your life does not consist of have Life..which means the opportunities you have to change your experience are endless..don't like it, change's you don't have it, you can't change its colour. If you have it though, and you get an awful green paintjob horrible as it is fresh, you could always dye it another colour in a week or so..see..the important part is having hair..everything else is i am thankful for Life...
I am thankful that we are here for some, thinking, loving, striving towards something, wondering,'s a bit of an overwhelming thing when you realllly think of it..
I am thankful for wisdom
I am thankful for history
I am thankful for puns :P
I am thankful that He has a plan..and it's always the best possible option..and when He means for something to be...everything will come together, cooperate to make sure that it go surprise oh!
I am thankful for Summer...I am thankful for Us...wouldn't have been like this without this summer...
I am Thankful that i have survived day how it's a prayer that changed it all...stopped asking that i should stop..and started asking that He should help me stop...
I am thankful ojare...and on and on and on...but there is next Thursday...and a lot of days in between...
Seek and you shall find, knock and it shall be opened, ask, and it shall be given unto you...sounds simple why are we not seeking, knocking or asking? instead more than half of the time it seems easier to just complain about it...that's one of the policies i'm reviving..don't complain about it; pray about it (lol bumper sticker much?) you'd use the same amount of time, but will achieve more..throwing negativity at a problem is not a solution...
That He will Bless you indeed....(on that Jabez ish atm :P )
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