Thursday, September 9, 2010

Thankful Thursday: Reasons why...

So this week has been good to me in the places that matter... The content of this TT has been on my mind rather a lot..which is part of the fun stuff :P seeing as they usually turn out from pure improv. I think that this situation is what would make me talk about certain decisions I've made, because they are totally connected to each other, imho. If anyone is curious, the other subject was about God and honesty and vulnerability, and it was also all doublespeak, cuz it applies to any relationship you're in..the serious ones o! Nobody said you should go and be all vulnerable with random idiots who couldn't care less..
Now, this one is a short post thingy..all illustration. The commonest answer you get when you ask why people drink or smoke, especially when linked to stress is that they want to relax. Probe further and you realize that this relaxation is reached by the numbing of the mind, the "not thinking" thing that kicks in, that temporary memory loss. I won't lie, a lot of the time it feels just like what the doctor prescribed. But I'm talking about me, and this, long term. My week has been good because I've..I'm giving up ish (I'm only human) and I refuse to call it a coincidence that I've been thinking notepads, electronic and regular are filled with scribbles, ideas, inspiration..I haven't had that in ages and missed it just might be part of the huge void that has been haunting me. Have a whole other post on doing what's right, but I will say this. We set our priorities, we mark out what is important to us..and then we discipline ourselves to do our part in maintaining/getting it. You are not always going to be thrilled about it, it will be a lot of work, but you know that the end result is worth more than the temporary delusions you think you need at the moment. I apply this to my writing/thinking now, but you can fit it in anywhere really... Diet, exercise, relationship, friendship. Things worth having require commitment, work and nurturing.. Lol when the craving hits,go back and remind yourself why you have chose
n to not give in, think about it, and make that commitment all over this is largely a motivational talk for yours truly..but it's true, no?
So that's my own reason. My personal growth, which is impossible with a numbed mind, is more important than "not thinking"..time to stop being a wuss and face growing pains. Not claiming this is a universal one-rule-fits-all decison to make... But I have thought about me and this is the conclusion I have this week proof much? Me I like enlightenment o! #refuseToCallItACcoincidence...

Now on to the thankfulness...

I am thankful for God, whatever form you choose to have Him. He Is and for that I am thankful..

I am thankful for The Road Less Travelled and Scott Peck and Marc and Angel's blog, which made me get over my initial foolishness, go back, and get the book. It is amazing! Giving me insight in places where I only had vague assumptions, putting things into logic sequences... And most of all, I am thankful for how that book will make you see yourself from the side and make you grow..

I am thankful for books..still giddy over my last haul.

I am thankful for family.. It's all too easy to fall into taking them for granted. #workonthat.

I am thankful for this..whatever this change that is happening with me is.

I am thankful for inspiration, understanding, things that suddenly dawn on you.

I am thankful for music... Shake ya bonBon Ricky Martin style will many times out of the whole amount lift your spirits

I am thankful for laughter and kindness

I am thankful for trust..without it... Well, without it there is nothing. Nowhere. Chaos!

I am thankful I passed all my exams last semester..hunting down lecturers doesn't look like much fun

Ooh...just remembered that my daily devo's have been illustrating those "dude sells all he has to buy field cuz treasure there is stupendous"...well..pretty much the same sacrifice thing... Give up a little to get a lot more AND better quality..#detourover
I am thankful for communication.. Even if I still have a lot of work to do there... :)
I am thankful for my boyfriend ( I quite like the way tat sounds :P) and us and every single moment since we "met" lol... I am thankful

I am thankful that S is there... Gives me this constan happiness underneath whatever I may be going through...

I am thankful for God's plans...reflecting, everything is just the way it is, so even when we don't understand right away, instead of being angry or distraught, let us be thankful before time, knowing that in a little bit, it will all make perfect sense..

I am thankful for BBM!!!! Lol I stick my tongue out at distance...I get to talk to my baby all day :P

I am thankful for the lessons we learn each day

I am thankful for the strive to perfect..yourself, your art, whatever it is, you can always do more. Not out of superficiality, but to reach the potential you are meant to.

I am thankful for life.

I am thankful for memoried...I for don they are on replay in my mind.. Me, him..couch, tv :P

I am thankful for love.. Have I said thid already? All versions of it..but espeecially the sort that is real, true, unconditional, unaffected by the weather or your mood, or quite frankly, the acting out of the person/people you love.. Love is patient, love is kind, love is a conscious decision, even if it may er.. Come upon you suddenly. At some point you acknowledge it,and choose to keep it, go along with it.. and that makes it a you stick whatever out for the same reasons I have all up and through this post. Everything that is not what you've marked out to be of importance is dispensable and inconsequential and can be given up for the sake of the bigger picture..

I am thankful for prezzies ^_^

I am thankful for learning to be comfortable in my own skin andd offering no apologies for not conforming
.I am thankful for prayer..ish helps me meyn.

I am thankful for a whole lot more... But #handsnumb and #thumbsdead

Ooh ooh... Did I say I was thankful for S? He's the bestest...I am thankful for my blessings :D

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