Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Thankful Thursday: Happen already!

The thing that ought to happen, before i forget, is that moment where i resolve to stop hovering between my hiatus from spirituality, and embracing it.

So it's Thursday, 12:45am. Momsi's office, and determined to write. In fact, the challenge before me is to update all my blogs..uh oh...Blog Therapy..didn't think of that one..ironic, how this resolution to write is prompted by that exactly- Therapy... Ah well.

I am Thankful. I am thankful for my life..every aspect of it. That kind of thankful that hits you when you sit down, revise where you're at and go..nna mehn, i am BLESSED.

Problems, i don't have them. Even when i do, they are never too much to move out of the way; sooner or later, they go away...

I am thankful for my friends. I am thankful that by His Will, these people are in my life to start with, and that they are still there. I have some good friends. You know? The type that you know you're stuck with for life, if not physically, then sentimentally. Those people who you will never let go of, because, simply put, they rock. Spent the day with M and Babym today... Nothing of the important has changed. Mona trying her best to compose herself while me and Babym loose the understanding of er... being worried about people's opinions...and then we tease M...and on and on..just like Js3...i am thankful for that :D..and M went makeup hunting with me and and...they both truly care about me and i know that not because of the words they say...I am thankful that i have them... I am thankful for all my friends who made me laugh beating...laughs!

I am thankful for my sisters...wonderful widdle people them... they just might be the ones who know me through and through and still...ah well..not like they can get rid of me :P...they listen to me whine, they give me massages on demand, they can complete my jokes, they are so goshdarn smart, talented, patient, understanding, know, when they are in the mood :P...and above all..forgiving

I am thankful for my mom...cuz shun...our occasional misunderstandings aside...she nurtures me like no other...she is always there for me even when i act the fool :P...she is special...

I am thankful for my dad...i owe a lot of who i am to him...

I am thankful for prayer...been doing that a bit more diligently in recent's weird how i could go from praying every 10 including short ones not praying in days..i know..i know... but there is something to slowing down and consulting with...God? Yourself? directing your energies? listening to yourself? there is something to prayer...and i suck majorly for letting that part of my life slip up...mmmm rewarding to get back on it :D

I am thankful for cannot think all the thoughts in this world on your own...and even if you do, you cannot analyze them to their fullest capacities...which is why people write books, in which aside from novel ideas, you get to see your suspicions expounded upon...abi two heads are better than one?

I am thankful for psychobabble and spiritual books...the ones that guilt makes me run away from...*sigh*...

I am thankful for psychology

I am thankful for philosophy

I am thankful for writing...cuz this is kinda good...forces you to think..or at least allows your conscience wreak havoc, allows your words come out more or less unhindered, uninterrupted by our own least if you're writing the way i write these posts...some people scoff at rants, raise snooty noses in the air and things...well i say a huge ass it really possible to confront your thoughts and real issues if you are too busy making them PC and trying to write what you THINK is the right thing? sometimes, for you..just let it rip and be introduced to yourself...i go back and read my posts sometimes, and notice that they are me in what is possibly the truest form...we get so caught up in being the way we ought to be...that we become strangers to ourselves...(yes, i gag at the cliche that whole sentence is drowning in)

I am thankful for the little's concern in me getting away from the cinema today, him calling on my way home...texts in the mornings, goodnights..asking if i'm, that way in which he just generally looks out for me..."watch that step" an things...shhhhhhhh! :P

I am thankful for S...every day, over and over..I am thankful that i pray for him, i pray for us...this is no small thing. It is a big thing when it's something you feel you can and want to pray's like

It's like the way i'm thankful for loving him. best.feeling.ever. i care about this person...i care about this person so much that my sisters will soon start shanking me for mentioning it :P...oh have i said how much i love him?...aunty T today mentioned that just being loved...well..that gets old if you don't love the person in return...but now loving a person...well...that's a whole other euphoria :P

I am thankful for love.... Jesus knew what he was on about, eh?

I am thankful for optimism, for happy people... touches me deep when you see people who are (not judging meyn) worse of that you in certain aspects, and they don't hate on you, instead, they wish you well and ask God to bless you... Takes a big person and i am always humbled...

I am thankful for His Word..recent epiphany involved revising an some point i decided that the Bible was just simplified philosophy for the masses....and then one day..i think when i read the lost hit me that it is the most brilliant paradox ever... The Bible is simultaneously stupendously simple, and mind bogglingly complex...i guess it depends on how you are reading it...speaking of which..need to get on that..

I am thankful for Bloggerrrrrr!!! which has me writing again *cough* yes, by that i do mean this post but that's beside the point :P...bloggers are just...special..there's this solidarity, there's this beauty of this world of ideas thing happening...just might be my drug...each post touches you in it's own way..dissolved over Chari and Buttercups blog last night...cuz their story is so me right now...*sigh*

I am thankful for lotions and potions...for yes, i am an addict

I am thankful for music

I am thankful for laughter

I am thankful for cuddles

I am thankful for all those inexplicable things that make me so damn happy whenever i think of S

I am thankful for who he is...he is sooo considerate, caring, thoughtful (these are not synonyms...for reasons i don't think i can explain sensibly :P), intelligent, kind, sweet..and oh so sexay ;)...talented :P O:-)..funnnyyyyy!!! cute! adorable! deep...arghhhh my baby is perfect.

I am thankful for the way he gets me :D....really...there are not many things more important than this, are there?

I am thankful for the way he is there for hero ^_^

I am thankful that i know him. That we text. That we talk...that i get to stare at him. That all is well with the world when we're cuddled up, "watching" Tv...

I am thankful that God will put you where you need to be...and when it's meant to just works...without you going crazy to get it...

I am thankful that even when i do not realize/acknowledge or appreciate a situation at the moment, i ultimately believe that things work out the way they ought to be, and anything that happens, happens for the best..

I am thankful for trust... It is only trust that will get you through people talking bullshit...and love and support and things of that nature too :P...but trust...that ish is way up there

I am thankful for...vulnerability *..side note on that..i am borrowing a bit of Funms post to put up on the Strangest thing blog...for i stumbled upon it and thought...that is kinda what i was setting out to try to is not easy to open up and is not easy to get walls is not easy...but the reward is worth cannot experience a relationship (in this case), if you're too busy waging what is essentially, a war. Like, are supposed to be on the same all this getting battle ready and armed to the teeth, God forbid you get hurt and can't hit as hard in return..omo, in the words of M...go and enter bush and iz confused :P

I am thankful for series...Family Guy has been the poison of choice this past week.....Stewie Griffin is my widdle crush :P #Now what did you learn? BWahahahahahaah! evil little baby!

I am thankful that i am healthy o!..dunno what high tech deficiency or thing i (or anybody for that matter) might have...but i am walking, talking, eating and sleeping without any major i am thankful for being healthy is not beans!

I am thankful for blissful coincidences

I am thankful for advice..of the well meaning sort..even if at the moment you want to slap the giver sideways...

I am thankful for my, if i might say, not too shabby people scanner...some people will just out of the blue start acting weird...meyn, i don't care how normal you were three years ago..if i sniff "idon'tnecessarilywishyouwell"! Anne Robinson style :P...nip that ish in the bud...don't need negativity messin up my aura and things :P

I am thankful for diversity

I am thankful for spirituality

I am thankful for thought

I am thankful for understanding

I am thankful for art..for a host of reasons...

I am thankful if you have read this far... i have been writing for the past hour!!!!'s enough...let sumn remain for next

I am thankful more than words can express...but He knows...He knows cuz i can't fake it..

Seek first abi? Prioritize...and everything else will be added on to you...simple words..but the truth, when you see it happen, will blow your mind...

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