Thursday, November 29, 2012

Thankful Thursday: Love sans frontiers

I haven't embedded code in a lifetime...but this...this called for it. Maybe you've heard about this guy, maybe you haven't..but i am personally awed and humbled by him.

We often have an "us" and "those other people somewhere there" mentality. We are detached. I am in no way accusing anyone of anything, because i am  this way too. This is life. We have enough of our own problems and we are caught up in them and the idea that there are people in need is abstract to us.

We know of their existence, we know of their problems. We are aware and we genuinely care. We do. We firmly believe that they need help and love and that they are people too and that someone should be DOING SOMETHING about this injustice.

But that's it, isn't it? "somebody" should be doing somebody. Just like these abstract people and their real but distant from us problem, these abstract "somebodys" should really but a stop to this.

It's about starting with the man in the mirror, isn't it? Thinking like Kant, if everyone were to wish a someone will do something..who will do something?

This man has my awe and deepest respect for his action, his selflessness, his love without reserve.

Today i thought to do a post on love. On recieving it and realizing that it is a blessing and a gift to be loved. So many people spurn love, do not value it, mock and reject it when it is not from the people we want it from. Love is sacred and pure, and should be honoured and respected as such. Someone loving you is a gift. It is really not because you are the supermegabest. We are not obliged to return it in the same intensity..but the least we can do is to not insult it...

And that was to be my post...until i saw this vid that my friend, P sent me...and i was blown away. Literally had this cascade of emotions all at once. Love, awe, respect, humility....this man saw a problem, rolled up his sleeves, and went forward to give love. To the body, and to the soul. He is an inspiration. He ought to be an example to us all. With more people like him, this world will be a much better place. What really is the point of life if not to give? if not to bring more love and light into the lives of others? God is the ultimate healer and lover and earth will never be heaven...but we are called to love...

I'm not saying i'm about to run out and start a soup kitchen. I wish i could..and maybe i can and am making excuses and falling back on my "somebody should" mentality...i'm human, i'm not perfect, i'm not better than the next person...but i do know this man's story has changed a thing or two within me and by God's grace, i too will see a need and be able to rise to meet it...and this is what i hope for everyone who reads this.

I am thankful for life

I am thankful for God

I am thankful for the relationship with Him He has blessed me with

I am thankful for people like Narayanan, who go out and do, and inspire others to do, and bring so much much needed love into our world

I am thankful for family

I am thankful for friends

I am thankful for wisdom

I am thankful for prayer

I am thankful for God's faithfulness

I am thankful for souls

I am thankful for growth

I am thankful for inspiration

I am thankful for who i am. No apologies to anyone. I am going to be real. Need to deliver myself of this mask i've allowed myself to believe is demanded..I am me..i am good, i am a mess, i love, i get jealous, i fall, i get back

I am thankful for words

I am thankful for the weather

I am thankful for music

I am thankful for literature

I am thankful for hot showers

I am thankful for sleep

I am thankful for joy

I am thankful for freedom....set yourselves free

I am thankful for memories

I am thankful for emotions

I am thankful for honesty

I am thankful for laughter

I am thankful for the internet

I am thankful that He provides for me and that He is enough

I am thankful for everyone who stayed

I am thankful for everyone who walked away

I am thankful for His perfect plan

I am thankful for His blessings

I am thankful for His word

I am thankful!

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