Thursday, November 1, 2012

Thankful Thursday: Adventures in compassion

Today, i don't really have a theme, or an issue on my mind to share..i mean, there are probably lots just doing their rounds in my mind...but not to make a post about. To be perfectly honest, i think it's because of the place i am right now in my life....Life isn't static, and the picture isn't always the same. Sometimes we take trips off the main path and the scenery is different...I do enjoy when my world is shifted and routines are changed. The challenge, the experience leads to me learning something new and important for for the most part, i'm seeing where this goes...

Apart from that, i am deeply thankful for life and who i am, for thought, for awareness, for the big picture, and all the small pictures that make it up. Life is totally worth living. It keeps getting better, and where it doesn't feel quite so warm and fuzzy, you cannot deny that it gets interesting and has the most unlikely turns of events and they just change up the dynamic and you never can tell where it leads...Butterfly effect things :P

Today in class we got yelled at, for what from one angle looks like not having a narrow idea of our futures. I understand that people should plan their lives..but at the same time, people shouldn't forget that they can plan all they want, but life isn't about to fit itself into their intentions. Who can really fortell tomorrow? who knows the lows from which you'll rise or the heights from which you'll fall? people forget that it is not by their might they are where they are. Me, i'm like this..i give thanks for each day and turn each subsequent one over to God. I know that His plans dwarf mine a million times over, His imagination is beyond what mine can grasp. Chance encounters, strangers, just one thought can alter the course of our entire lives. Where does one person come off judging another for saying..God willing? for saying...i don't know..but isn't this the truth? I do not know what my life will be like a year from now, heck, a month from now..

But maybe this is just me...but He has made me this way...I feel blessed that in my heart, life is an adventure, that i live each day with curiosity, that every day is a new chapter and with eagerness i look forward to what God wants to show me. How can i give that up for a narrow world view that involves me looking only where i want to suck out what i want from the world? for me, that's missing the point.

I have seen people who this type of thought has rendered shallow. They look down on people because they are not like them, because they don't have their goals or dreams or criteria of success. LIFE is beyond a career, beyond a job, beyond what the world considers successful. People are special, regardless of if they are a hotshot gazillionaire. People should be valued for more than their job or the financial gain they can bring to you or their status.

Look deep and open your eyes to the world, open your heart to the beautiful, exhilarating adventure that life is, and pay attention to it. Don't allow yourself get so caught up in some narrow minded view of what is important. Have compassion, realize that everyone has their story and God loves them and therefore they are as important as the next person. Free your minds and look out for things with true value.

I am thankful for life

I am thankful for God

I am thankful for Joy

I am thankful for this adventure

I am thankful for my family

I am thankful for books

I am thankful...for simplicity

I am thankful for feelings

I am thankful for new chapters

I am thankful for...this

I am thankful for food

I am thankful for understanding

I am thankful for patience

I am thankful for honesty

I am thankful for respect

I am thankful for kindness

I am thankful for Uni

I am thankful for God's Grace

I am thankful that there is always something more

I am thankful for His protection

I am thankful for me

I am thankful for laughter

I am thankful for warmth

I am thankful for my friends

I am thankful for inspiration

I am thankful for breaking routine

I am thankful for His love

I am thankful for His faithfulness

I am thankful for His patience

I am thankful for His guidance

I am thankful!

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