I am thankful that i learnt a whole lot of things that evening about faith and trust and casting my burdens and committing everything into His hands and knowing that it's gonna be all right. My mouse stopped working, my mousepad on the laptop stopped working,..me i just started singing "God will make a way" :P it was really strange for me not to freak out, but i kept feeling this voice saying to just keep smiling and trust Him and see how it will turn out..so i kept singing, even read my bible small during the "break" and as He promised that it will be done before morning, it was done!
I am thankful for the bus driver who waited a whole minute as i ran for my bus...because of that, i wasn't late for class.
I am thankful for the A i got in my oral test today.
I am thankful that i am learning to make friends with my classmates..for a while there i looked upon them with relative skepticism..
I am thankful that God is so Awesome! His plans will numb your mind with their brilliance, and watching them unfold is a joyous thing! almost too good to be real, so you keep pinching yourself :P
I am thankful for God's patience with me...i for don slap myself upside the head tey tey
I am thankful that no matter what, He reminds me of whats what.
I am thankful that things are looking up for New Years! it's astonishing how everything is coming together! because..
I am thankful for the new friends i have in my life. People that turned up suddenly, and it's like i've known them forever. People that just pour in the positivity!
I am thankful that i have grandparents who love me
I am thankful that i have a roof over my head
I am thankful that even when i feel that i can't go on, He has faith in me. That is at the same time humbling and daunting...I cannot take responsibility for coming through! but..
I'm thankful that He understands that i'm only human
I'm thankful for His word
I'm thankful for His word that is not in the Bible, but in the actions and words of those around me. Inspiration and support and lessons in Him surround me every step of my day
I am thankful that i get to smile a LOT each day
I am thankful for youtube :P
I am thankful for my sisters
I am thankful for cloudy days
I am thankful for sunshine
I am thankful that each day i'm put on a journey of learning something new
I am thankful that i can realize that what i sometimes see as obstacles are merely stepping stones in God's plan to make a better me. In His plan to make me into the me He means me to be.
I am thankful that even though it gets hard sometimes, and boy does it get HARD...i can take a deep breath and ask Him for strength..He always comes through
On a side note though, i know it's a good thing from the ideological point of view, but in practice, this thing be breaking me! I have a temper. God has a well worked out plan to get rid of that. It is a very very formidable temper i have. I get irritated very easily and i have the worst tongue you'll ever come across. I mean no harm, but when i'm provoked, i go into hedgehog defense mode and can say some pretty unpleasant things. This is my wahala, and lately, i've noticed that whenever i'm tilting towards giving in/giving in to it, my conscience doesn't let me be. It feels like i'm literally suffocating, then i want to cry and then i just get really frustrated and upset. On the one hand, i'm happy with this, because it means that i'm not indifferent to it, that there is a struggle somewhere to move towards the light...but it's hard. Thats all i can say, especially when every moment my buttons are pushed. It's my cross to carry until i learn to control it..next post i will put up the bible verses that i read to talk sense into myself...James...dear James is a good place to start concerning this tongue of mine...
I am thankful that this week is almost over! went by right quick, and God had me floating by on His Grace all through. It's not my doing lai lai...feel beyond blessed!
Have a great rest of week...and i'll be back soonish!
Nice post. The bible says, "in all things, thank God". Nice post...
way to go.. keep being thankful!
May your thanksgiving continue bring your way more reasons to be thankful.
God bless you dear!
i love thankful posts..may your thankfulness bring more of His grace your way...
and keep working on controlling that temper..you'll see how proud you'll be of yourself each time you succeed.
i love thankful posts..may your thankfulness bring more of His grace your way...
and keep working on controlling that temper..you'll see how proud you'll be of yourself each time you succeed.
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