Thursday, December 17, 2009

Thankful Thursday: when in the midst of a storm

It never ceases to amaze me just how apt God is. He will always send me the messages that address whatever problem i might be going through. In the past week, it's been messages about faith and just letting Him do His thing and not stressing about anything. Thats easier said than done. I have been on the verge of a major freak out since before this week started. All the people freaking out around me are not helping matters either...

And yet in the midst of all this, He calms me, He is not too much in a hurry to repeat the same reassuring words to me. He says to me, He says, calm down, i've got it all in control, do not give in to the lie that fear is. Fear is a lie, anxiety is a lie. They are things that distract you from remembering the fact that God has it in SUCH control. Like, Peter, abi? sank when he started doubting...thats what fear is,a distraction that takes you away from His awesomness, because you get so caught up in trying to make this fear go away, that you forget to ask God to do that. The moment you ask Him, it will poof and disappear. I promise.

I am thankful for His care

I am thankful for the calmness He grants me in the midst of what is only an illusion of a storm. He however understands that i'm just a lil human girl, and the illusion is sometimes more than i can handle

I am thankful for all the miracle He don sprinkle this week so so ojoro :D all the things i was dreading have just sorted themselves

I am thankful for His lessons...on Love this the last two days i've learned to love somebody i had uncounsciously make up my mind to dislike..not as if she made it hard to dislike o! but God has opened my eyes wellu, and now all i can see is the good in it's a beautiful thing...we often create barriers and then are surprised when we're stuck...liberate your souls! serious "set your conscience free" stuff...for real..owe no man anything except love...that lesson goes beyond just finding it in me to love her...but that one na long tori :P

I am thankful for aformentioned woman...i no for learn lesson without her

I am thankful for my lovely sisters and their love for me

I am thankful for my friend Ivi who might never know how she turned my mood around today by simply acknowledging that something was the matter with me

I am thankful that God talked sense into me today and talked me into praying instead of sulking

I am thankful for my Dean...amazing person! make God bless am wellu

I am thankful for His laws that He's engraving in my heart step by step

I am thankful that He is carrying out a "out with the ick and in with the good" campaign in my soul

I am thankful that He doesn't let me hit the floor...He barely lets me trip, not to talk of fall sef

I am thankful that i am surrounded by some truly nice people

I am thankful for chemistry between people

I am thankful for frozen toes...because i get all cooled out like a three year old..lookit that! my toes can't feel!

I am thankful for crisp snow that explodes into a carpet of twinkling diamonds under the streetlights

I am thankful for the warmth of being indoors

I am thankful for markets...seriously, i have an addiction

I am thankful for tea and cakes and chocolates and biscuits...hush, don't judge me! :P

I am thankful for kindness and good humour and courtesy

I am thankful for fairness

I am thankful for pidgin english

I am thankful for Naija songs in Pidgin..anybody heard Shakara by Falz? heelarious!

I am thankful for laughter

I am thankful for beauty

I am thankful for learning to love myself

I am thankful for inspiration

I am thankful for books

I am thankful for warm cozy beds

I am thankful for His perseverance

I am thankful for the way He lifts all my problems up, up and away

I am thankful for this blessing of being able to experience life with the abundance of His grace...His way is the best way to live life to the fullest...every day...EVERY DAY is a celebration

I am thankful that praising Him comes naturally

I am thankful for all the support He's sent my way in my daily devo's

I am thankful for the Nneka song He put in my head that i was singing all day...that song helped me meyn "God no go give you anything wey you no go fir handle!"

Always remember to place everything under His care. Struggling to do it on your own is a major waste of time and Joy...just cast your burdens on Him and trust that it will be done. Doubt, anxiety, worry...are emotions that we should learn not just to put aside lightly, but to throw away with great force. Personally? i reject every lie and stubbornly only believe that He is gonna make it all alright. Trust. :P

Have yourselves a lovely and very much blessed week

P.s...try it, honestly, try it today, tomorrow, and come back and tell me what happened. Dedicate EVERYTHING..nothing is too mundane to place under His care...the way He'll sort it will leave you standing with your jaw on the ground...


Myne said...

I love this post, I'll try it because I also believe he is faithful. Thanks for the inspiration.

Enkay said...

One thing I've come to learn is that thankgiving breeds more thanksgiving.

Trusting God is something I do try to do everyday.


theicequeen said...

Thank you guys so much for checking in every Thursday and leaving comments, i appreciate it more than you guys might know. The love i feel keeps me goin :D thanksss!

and i'm really sorry that i'm sporadic with replying comments..even as i'm writing this one, i'm supposed to be studying for two tests's 1:22am and i have such bags under my eyes that i don't need luggage when travelling..and of course, they are a very fashionable shade of blackish navy blue...what do you take me for? :P

One more week of school, and hopefully things will go back to relatively sane next semester and i'll be able to not only reply but *gasp!* stalk your blogs from recent to first post :P

much love and bearhugs!