Tuesday, November 17, 2009

On Commandments and keeping them

Thinking that you are doing God a favour by keeping His commandments is a big foolishness on your part.

You see, whether you keep them or not, God will keep on being God. He will not shrink or catch fever.

The commandments are for you.

Have you ever told a child not to stick their finger in the flame of a candle? ever told a child not to run across a busy road? not to stick a needle in their eye? ever told them that nothing good comes out of sticking their tongue in a socket?

Yup. We all do it. Not because it does anything for us personally. Wetin konsain me if you roast your hand commot? It is not going to hurt me in any way. It's not my hand. My own will remain intact and functional.

But we love this kid, and we don't want them to go through that pain. We don't want them to take the long road to understanding why this or that shouldn't be done, because experience is a very unforgiving teacher. We tend not to want the people we love to have to go through things that we can offer solutions to in the first place.

We are God's children, and He loves us. He doesn't want to see us stumbling about blindly in the dark for years on end and making the same foolish mistakes over and over again because we cannot see the end result as clearly as He can.

So He gave us commandments. Ones that if followed, will keep us well away from a lot of unnecessary troubles, and allow us to focus on more productive things.

He's telling you not to stick your hand in the fire. It's hot, and it will burn you. He knows, and He wants you to please, please don't stick your silly hand in the fire.

So...keep the commandments with wisdom in your mind, knowing that you are not fulfilling some sort of joy-sucking sacrifice for God. It's for you, and you alone. Once you begin to see that, it will all make sense, and easier to follow.
P.s In my last post, i forgot to mention that i get prayer prompts..i don't know if anyone else does, but i sometimes get nudges to pray a certain prayer..like, pray now! quick, now is the right time for this particular prayer...it's an amazing phenomenon, because within 24 hours it gets answered....

Be good yallz!

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