Monday, November 23, 2009

His Faithfulness

2 Timothy 2:13
If we are unfaithful, He remains faithful, for He cannot deny Himself...

Quite often, we give in proportion to what we get. We react off of peoples actions towards us. If someone hurts us, we want to give them that hurt back in equal, or higher measure. If we feel that someone is closing the tap on the love they have for us, we adjust ours towards them. If they completely shut us out, the idea is that we try to do the same. God, however, is not playing that game. He loves you, and thats it. He's not gonna start hating on you and punishing you to "do you back". Personally, i believe in the idea of God punishing less and less each day. The thought of a God that is out to revenge is ridiculous. If ever it feels like God is indeed punishing you, then you need to take a step back and see that it's not punishment, but simply a nudge to get you where you need to be. It's never done with bad intentions.

God's unconditional. It is literally not based on a "I shall love you if you pray every morning" principle.Love is loving someone, not when they are being good and nice, but despite them being absolute horror shows. God shows me this love everyday. He is unchanging, and He will not compromise that because i choose to act out. He loves me. He does not begin to hate me because i may have strayed. He keeps His end of the bargain. That is a principle. He sticks by it. That is love. The sort of love that humbles you and blows you away. I am thankful for it.

He is faithful. His faithfulness is not dependent on mine. He doesn't do that whole do me i do you ish. His faithfulness towards us is a thing that is not subject to change and that is humbling on every level.

Have a blessed week!


Rita said...

Gosh, you are back for real. How come I did not know?

This is beautiful and the same realization that I just have.

Will be right back. Let me go read through the other posts I have missed.

David C Brown said...

God couldn't righteously punish me - because my Saviour has taken all my punishment!

Enkay said...

Truly humbling on every level. Making me look inwards and judge some of my actions.