Sunday, April 12, 2009

Христос Воскрес!

The title translates as "Christ is Risen"..and you're supposed to reply "Войстинну Воскрес"...which translates as "truly, He is risen"...pronounciation wise, it would go- Khristos Voskres!- Voistinnu Voskres...

LOL thats it for the lesson in Russian...

But for real though..He truly is risen and alive in all who accept Him and believe. His love is limitless and undescribable, He gave up His life so that we may live. If that ain't love then i don't know what love is!!!

Recently, i came to the decision to honour His per, consciously...everytime i blatantly went against His word, i disrespected His sacrifice, i took it for granted...and i am not going to do that anymore as far as is within my power.

Have a very blessed Easter, and don't forget the significance of it, That He loved you so much He died for you so your sins may be forgiven...and none of it is because you somehow earned it..It's pure grace....

Happy Easter!!!...Christ is Risen and alive in all those who believe..


kay-shawn said...

Am I first or is there a comment moderation in place? Anyway, Happy belated easter. I admire your decision to start this blog. Wish I could do something like that myself. Have you noticed how seldomly people comment when you are writing about God?

aloted said...

happy easter dia..yes my lord and saviour is risen!!!!!!

theicequeen said...

Kay yep, your first, no moderation...and er..thanks for admiring my decision, as you put it..and whats there about wishing you could do something like it? it isn't rocket science, you know?..and yea..i don't paticularly get a huge fan base on this blog, but even like my other blog, that is not the point of it at all..i have this blog because i need this's selfish like that :P...and i really don't know why people run away from God themed blogs..maybe it's guilt..i know i used to feel it before o..used to burn 440 from some blogs cuz i knew i was doing wrong and they just pointed the wrong out to me...but mostly..i don't know :P

Aloted....true word!..hehe..and i'm gonna celebrate Easter the second time this Sunday- Orthodox can never celebrate Easter too many times!