Thursday, April 4, 2013

Thankful Thursday: Without a name...

I cannot for the life of me title this post.

I cannot even seem to choose what to write. I say choose, because i don't think it's a shortage of topics that is the matter. Only two days ago i had one of those thoroughly refreshing, epiphany filled, productive, mind opening days. I filled pages and pages of notebook. I understood things in whole new ways, my soul sang. That expression that often sounds cheesy was the only one i could use to describe the way i felt. And it's amazing, and i am thankful for that. The things i've learned will not be taken from me. They are oh-so-valuable and are building blocks and stepping stones for things yet to be revealed to be built on. I am thankful for days like that, i am thankful for the very gift of it all.

What i'm saying is...that even if i learned a lot of new things, today, now, doesn't seem like the right time to share them. There is nothing wrong with them, or any other topic that lays in wait somewhere in the archives of my is just one of those's neither good nor just is...and the best way to go is the way your soul guides you to. The spirit within you bears witness, to what you, knowing in your heart, heed, or ignore. So..that's kinda how it is.

I am happy, my soul is at peace...somewhat i guess, compared to how it has been...there have been ups and downs and struggles and questions and reviewing and all those things that come with life...but that IS no complaints..we only move forward, noting lessons as we go.

I am thankful for life, for laughter, for love and for family.

I am thankful for God, and communication, revelation and understanding.

I am thankful for inspiration.

I am thankful for love...and signs..and..whatever this is..i am thoroughly captivated, watching the picture unfold

I am thankful for His plans and His timing

I am thankful for health

I am thankful for the most delightful way the rain is drumming on the roof

I am thankful for

I am thankful for work

I am thankful for salary...kai i never knew that thing can make somebody happy...i mean..i sit at work..and then i get money..amazing.

I am thankful for wisdom

I am thankful for favour

I am thankful for kindness

I am thankful for...I am just really, REALLY thankful.

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