Thursday, October 18, 2012

Thankful Thursday : Knockoffs.

Colossians 2:8
New International Version (©1984)
See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the basic principles of this world rather than on Christ.
New Living Translation (©2007)
Don't let anyone capture you with empty philosophies and high-sounding nonsense that come from human thinking and from the spiritual powers of this world, rather than from Christ.
King James Bible (Cambridge Ed.)
Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ

HI! so this one has been on my mind since last week. It's the one that presented itself to me as the post to be written...and i nodded, and i didn't write it down..and i forgot...and i felt all guilty in church on Sunday, but God reminded me, so YAY!

Even now, i thought for a second that maybe this wasn't it afterall? that it wasn't so wow maybe and that perhaps i should think of something else to write..(probably because i've walked around with it for a week and it's not so fresh to me :P)...but then something said to start this off with a Bible verse..with the actual one, and not a paraphrase...and i'm glad i did. It reminded me why this is important, why this is relevant. The words aren't much, but they are perfect, spot on.

I got three different versions as you can read, you is missed in subtext or context.

We have a lot of new-agey stuff around us, don't we? a lot of "love" and "widsom" and "spiritual" directions thrown at us. A lot of "contemporary" and "modern" views have arrived with a bang to uproot this antiquity of a religion we have around Christ. They tell us that our approach is not relevant to today's world, to today's views. That it has been left in the past and need to chill ouuuuut duuuuude and move into the present, to have a shot at the future. To lose all those silly moral principles and rules that are really just a burden. This is the new philosophy that is thrown at us these days in one form or the other.

A couple of minutes ago i was watching this show that i'm currently rather addicted to, and after one girl said it was against her understanding of things to live together before marriage, some other girl commented that she basically has archaic views on things and that sort of take on things isn't modern or contemporary.

It made me pause, really. So, out with morals and principles and the fact that they are based on something...and in with frivolous non-principles and non-stands because hey, they are HIP! yes, we are all aware that they are silly and bring no good or respect..but who really cares? we are contemporary here!

So back to knockoffs. I've been told that a good knockoff is rather difficult to tell apart from the original to the untrained eye. It looks like gucci, smells like leather, and the salesperson in that not half dodgy store said it was original...and at such a reasonable price! so you buy it, and you're all happy...but somewhere at the back of your mind, questions are think, oh whatever and carry on...but then at some point, that point always comes...that someone with the right eye spots your knockoff and calls you out on it...and then, well boohoo...well, i wouldn't know..i don't own expensive handbags or their knockoffs...but you get the general point.

It's looks good, it seems to have come from a credible place, the material isn't exactly screaming cheap..yes the price seemed a bit inadequate..but hey! this is good for don't ask questions but you're saving quite a bit, and even if it miiiight have questionable feel like you'd be able to bluff your way through 98% of the biggie..bargain! Until you're in the company of people who you KNOW have originals..and then the squirming begins.. much you learn from TV...wussup Ugly Betty!

Now to tie this analogy to life. There are a lot of philosophies and teachings out there these days that provide comfort for us. They seem like a bargain..all the good stuff and half the work, and in the places they make us squirm, we close our eyes and find ways to justify it, bluffing our way through. The teachings seem to come from credible people, it sure sounds good, and a lot of it sounds like the real deal...But somehow, we have this part of us that holds the philosophy up to Christ and see that yeah perhaps it's not the entire real deal..but we are as quick to snatch it away and continue bluffing our way among the people who have knockoffs as well. this is the arena in which we, with our modern philosophies feel comfortable. This is the relaxed zone because somewhere inside, people are going, yeah, well we're all messing need to be around them goody goodies with their original bags because well, the knockoffs are so glaringly obvious in their presence.

The shortcomings of philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ are glaringly obvious in the light of Christ. The way morning light makes you question your evaluation of people's aesthetics the night before...

And another very simple thing...even if the knockoff is practically impossible to differentiate from the original upon sight, after touching...there is one thing that you cannot deny. It just isn't the original. It just isn't. By it's very nature, it is fake. It lacks authenticity.

Do not be led astray by empty philosophies and human traditions, no matter how delicious and enticing and easy and convinient they might sound. Run to God for answers if you have too many questions. He is patient, and believe me, He LOVES providing answers and peace of mind and explaining...if only you'll turn to Him and be patient...

I am thankful for life

I am thankful for God

I am thankful for Love

I am thankful for His patience

I am thankful for inspiration

I am thankful for prayer

I am thankful for Babym..and his prophetic ways :P

I am thankful for wisdom

I am thankful for lessons learned, for scar tissue, and for who i am now

I am thankful for my family

I am thankful for my relationship with God

I am thankful for understanding

I am thankful for revelations

I am thankful for peace

I am thankful for listening

I am thankful for Uni and how God blesses this area of my life

I am thankful for learning

I am thankful for the lovely play i got to see this week

I am thankful for emotions

I am thankful for awareness

I am thankful for words

I am thankful for memories

I am thankful for hope

I am thankful for growth

I am thankful for Church

I am thankful for being led

I am thankful for His perfect plan

I am thankful that He teaches me to love me

I am thankful for vulnerability...i e no easy

I am thankful for friends

i am thankful for fooooood!

I am thankful for His word

I am thankful for devotional time

I am thankful for His faithfulness

I am thankful for His patience

I am thankful that He is LOVE

I am thankful for His hand in my life and the work He has been doing, and is doing..

i am so very thankful!


wellsbaba said...

My God! Holy Moses! I can't believe you still blog!!! I was just driving by... lol

theicequeen said...

aww Hi Wellsbaba! it always makes me so happy when bloggers from those active blogging days stop by! memories! really really pleasant :)