Okay, let us continue..This one has been sitting about in my head for about two weeks now, if not more. It goes a little something like this..
Do not search for in people, or the world around you, the things that God alone can give, in abundance.
We all have this God-sized hole in our hearts that we try to fill, because the emptiness is loud and gaping and demanding to be filled. We stuff it with drink, with drugs, with people, with relationships, with gossip, with entertainment..and still, all of it leaves us feeling unsatisfied, aching beneath the temporary numbness that these things provide. We tend to be in a quest to find numbness, to drown out the urging to turn to God for our answers...at least this is what is as clear as day to me now about myself, and getting clearer.
We have needs. I will detour and talk about material wants and needs in a bit, but i will start with emotional, intangible ones, because in our imagination of satisfaction of needs, we tend to think of material ones, and miss all the huge missteps we make, making all the wrong decisions for the sake of satisfying ourselves emotionally.
Comfort, assurance, peace, intimacy, understanding. I don't know much about the workings of the minds of men (i'm coming to accept this without question), and after a couple of the books i've read, so do a lot of women. And yet, men and women alike are perpetually stuck in dubious, questionable emotional situations, hanging on, tolerating anything and everything, for just a little love, a little comfort, a little warmth. We demand of the people around us things they are not equiped to provide, and for the most part are not obliged. Yet here we are, looking for acceptance, for patience from whoever dares to happen to be by our side.
In material things too, we slip, unknowingly into demanding of people and whatnot, things that we ought to be asking God for. The incredulous thing is that we just circumvent God along the way..like, wait, lemme sort this and i'll talk to You in a bit...or when we do venture to bring it to God in prayer, we direct Him to give us our desires through other people. It looks a bit like "Ooooh i'd love somebody to buy me a house/car/phone/salad", or placing responsibilities of protecting and caring for you upon the head of another person. I'm not saying that God will not, or cannot bring His promises to pass through people.
The distinction is that in one case we are looking directly to people or things to provide our comfort and joy, and in the other, we are looking to God, and trusting that He will use His own ways to bring it to pass...all clear?
So basically it's like this. Whatever need, whatever desire you feel within you, take it to God in prayer. Ask it of HIM, and no one else. First and last. **next post might just have to be on doing things in order, step by step...
Think about it. He created the world and all that is in it. He has the whole entire universe, all of creation in His hands, and what more, at His beck and call. He can and will move mountains, everything is His alome to give. He declares and no one can oppose. So why then, would we be wasting our time asking or waiting for anything from any source other than the Lord?
Do not make anyone your scapegoat, that is unfair to them. Do not appoint them as the source of your happiness, do not hang upon them the obligation to provide your comfort or shelter or support. You have God. He is your strength, He is your shelter, He is your solid rock. He is faithful, and loves you silly. Turn to Him..trust me, He has your back, and you really, truly need nothing apart from Him, because all you need, He will provide, and then some.
I am thankful for this post...God toh inspirational :D
I am thankful for today! all week, i dreaded this day mahn...was so nahvos! He saw me through, cleared the path before me and just brought me up tops and entirely calmed :D
I am thankful for my friends
I am thankful for my mother. My blessings on this earth just might have started when God decided that she would be my mother. She is the kindest, most genuine person ever. She embodies love..and while it's all well and good to talk about it..she has taught me with her life what it is to love, to respect, to honour...she is a blessing.
I am thankful for today.
I am thankful that He saved me, and the fact as at today is that i'm here, and He's holding me firmly and getting me through all sorts of insane temptations that come my way
I am thankful for His Love!
I am thankful for praise and worship music!
I am thankful for His word!
I am thankful for devotional times
I am thankful for every lesson He teaches me, every new thing He reveals to me, the way He sets my vision and perception right
I am thankful for His promptings and guidance, where He leads me..
I am thankful for being able to help, and bring happiness to people. It is beyond cliche when they say that the truest way to gain happiness, is to do something to make another person happy...lol, "coincidences" abound! God is a humorous God..buh mahn, i was high on that joy yesterday!
I am thankful for Prayer...best.thing.ever. God does more than listen...He speaks. He will saturate wherever you are with His presence and...whoa!
I am thankful for thankfulness! there is so much to be thankful for! at any point in time, as i always say..i have more to be thankful for, than to complain about. My blessings are too abundant to ignore, and He even turns what i think are down moments into blessings so...Be thankful For what has happened, what He has given and you have seen, and for what lies ahead, give thanks in advance, for in your faith, you KNOW He won't ever ever deny Himself.
I am thankful for inspiration
I am thankful for kindness
I am thankful for every answered prayer...nna meyn...i keep repeating the prayer-answer cycle over and over to assure myself i'm not making things up, because the way God directly answers prayers is awe inspiring..prayed over a misunderstanding with my friend the other day (when i wanted to tell her EXACTLY what i thought of her...instead, i listened to His prompting, and prayed about what to do)...She called me about an hour and a half later and apologised for what she did and it suddenly wasn't even an issue anymore...and this is just one example...
I am thankful that when you do things His way...the damns just burst and the blessings and favour and closeness to Him just drown you..
I am thankful that with each challenge, with each stumble, He makes me stronger, teaches me, strengthens my faith...and is always there. Reassuring, comforting, encouraging.
I am thankful for God!!!! and that He has saved me, and believes in me even when i write myself off and doubt myself. He reminds me of His faith in me, and proceeds to cheer me into getting up and continuing...and that is humbling and overwhelming and fills me with the sort of joy that makes me tingle.
:D also, my devotional today was on thankfulness...go figure :)
Have a blessed week, and don't forget to be thankful. When things are looking up, and especially when you think they're not...that is when YOU need to dig your talons in and hang on and not allow yourself to be decieved into doubting that God has your back...
Ciao, my bellas :P
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