2) I shall attempt to weave two post themes into this one, and hopefully it will be all smooth and seamless.
3) God is Magnificent and deserves all our praise, all our worship, all of everything we are.
We all vaguely know Jesus' opinion on Children, and how He says that we must become like children..in short, just ref. Matt. 3:18..unless you turn from your sins and become like little children, you can never enter Heaven.
Usually, our first, deep down true instinct is to get all indignant, like...but children know precious little! they are just naive there and know nothing of what is real..how can i put all my knowledge aside and make like i know nothing? my intelligence is insulted..okay, so maybe there are people who honestly hear this and go..hey! fabulous idea! and then just morph into the required kid mode...
What, then, is unique about being like a child? Well, as with everything else with God, everything is linked to everything. This, vague as it may be at first sight, is about His love for us, and wanting us to live in the way that enables us experience it to thr max.
Here we go again, right? God asks things of us not so that He can be all smug like, look what i made them do...but so that we can bask in His love...Yeah, He's odd and selfless and romantic like that. See..We are agreed on the part where we are His children, right? Okay. Also, He is God, right? The very same one who created the earth and all that's in it? We're still together on this? okay, good. So, it is safe to say, that we can trust His decisions, right? His choices too?
To have faith like a child before God, is to let go of our pride. It is letting go of what we think we know and have achieved by our might, and letting God. Letting Him take care of you, letting Him teach you how to walk again, how to speak again, how to listen again. Do you see where i'm coming from? Flash back to when you were little. Your parents were your everything. Their word was absolute truth as far as you were concerned. I personally was covinced beyond all reasonable doubt that if i swallowed an orange seed, it would grow out of the top of my head. I also cried genuine tears when this mistakenly happened, until i was reassured that i'd be fine.
What it is, is this. You had absolute faith in your parents. You trusted that they would not give you instructions that would bring you harm. You ran to them with any problems, believing that they could fix it. And then we grow up and get wise and think we know it all and start teaching them a thing or two..and this is not bad..but at the same time, they will still always be your parents and still always be the same amount of years ahead of you and still able to guide you right...but that is a detour.. What i'm learning, what i'm trying to share, is that God calls us to go back to that place where we are completely defenceless before Him, trusting in Him, because He is God, and He knows, and He CAN make it all alright, and He knows what is best...if we could be this way with our mortal parents, then how much more with God?
And thus we shimmy into the next theme...Luke 12:32, then Luke 12:30..in that order :) see, it is God's good pleasure to give you good things. And He knows what you need, He knows the basic things you need, He knows the special things your heart desires.
This is continuing the theme of Faith like a child in that one of the reasons why we hold back and try to continue leaning on our own understanding is that we suspect that God might be up to handling things in a way that is not the best for us as we imagine it needs to be. This is sad, but often true. We think..i have to give this up..but look how it's been working in my life since..and now God is asking me to give it up..i'll never be the same..and for some reason the underlying understanding casts a negative tinge on this and decides that God doesn't quite know what He's taking away...and other thoughts to that tune...
But it's not like that at all. God not only knows what you need and want and truly desire, but He knows the best form in which to give it to you, and He also has this habit of giving us extra. Just pressed down and running over and newest model and just the very best plus extra of whatever it is that we want, need...not to mention the surprises He throws in, because He knows it will bring us joy. So my petition is this. Believe God, trust Him. Trust that He has your best interests at heart and He deserves for you to be able to let go, dismantle all your guards, be vulnerable and childlike in His presence, trusting, loving, and ready to lean on Him and learn what He teaches, because, like that other bible verse goes...If a son asks for bread, His father will not give him stones...
also, Luke 12:22-34.
I am thankful for Life.
I am thankful for God.
I am thankful that He saved me, and keeps saving me and is in my life every second, of every day.
I am thankful for my relationship with Him.
I am thankful that He looks out for me.
I am thankful that He is go Kind, and gracious and merciful and thoughtful. Also, God is sweeeeeeeeeeet! He will just drop all these presents and love notes all through my days and have me smiling and tearing up..and there are no ulterior motives with Him. :)
I am thankful that He is my joy.
I am thankful that He speaks to me through His word, through inspiring others, through everything and anything that He can.
I am thankful that i have cause after cause to rejoice.
I am thankful for prayer.
I am thankful for answered prayers.
I am thankful for prayers which He answered with No. He has kept my feet from stumbling.
I am thankful for love
I am thankful for do-overs
I am thankful for the times when He reaches out and steadies me and doesn't let me act out of anger or spite or pure foolishness
I am thankful for my family
I am thankful for my friends both old and new
I am thankful for communication with Him
I am thankful for His love..it is all encompassing, blanketing, loving love :D
I am thankful for His guidance
I am thankful for insight He provides me with
I am thankful for His peace, for the calm He pours over me in the midst of storms
I am thankful for Lara George )))
I am thankful for music...there is something about switching of your brain and allowing your heart to sing out the words
I am thankful for learning
I am thankful for bonding
I am thankful that He will move mountains, part seas, do the seemingly impossible for His children...like joke like play, i went for BigBro's wedding...and it was beautiful. there was no part of the entire week away that wasn't exquisitely touched by God...This is what i was on about in the last post :)))
I am thankful for BigBro and his BEAUTIFUL wife...kai..if you see her...you'll know that it's the God in her that gives her that glow like none other...say a prayer and cover their marriage in blessings and favour and love!
I am thankful that He has blessed, and blesses me so..and abundantly too, i might add...He has put a song in my heart.
I am thankful for faith
I am thankful for who He has made me be. Past, present, and future...Also, He is teaching me to love me through the love He has for me...thinkabourrit...He made me!
I am thankful! oh so very thankful..for each and every day, for each day i wake up and pray, for His word, for His presense, for Him. He does not abandon me, He is there for me come rain or shine...and that is more than enough to sweep any girl off her feet ;)
p.s>>next post, i should write on how we try to replace Him with anything we can lay our hands on, try to find sources to provide what only He can...
Also...testimonieeesss..dem full barrel remain :P
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