Thursday, February 10, 2011

Thankful Thursday: Subtle things

I was going to type "Subtlety" but i don't have spellcheck and i am too lazy to check it...and so i decided to leave it...see, i was going to type "forego"..but again..spellecheck...So all this shall be taken in stride :P

Yesterday, i had a panic moment where i compared myself to people i think are successful and thought..oh wow...i'm not doing that! i am SUCH a looser...and had my i-feel-like-a-looser 5 minutes. Then, out of bitterness (wrong, i know) i grudgingly gave in to the push to just pray...two words into the prayer and a very calming answer hit me...will you RELAX? That is not your story. That is not for you. Everybody cannot become The Sartorialist or Philip Pullman, you know? That is their role to play, and you do not, as a person, suck because you are not being successful at what they do.

We all have our scripts planned out, our strengths and weaknesses that are unique to us (well at least in that combination and under that star sign and gender and geographical location and height and hair length and interests and such forth...) and if anything...our job is to identify them, and work WITH them, not be resentful of them. This does not mean you cannot learn from, or be appreciative of other people's's a big happy talent party! Do you...I know the theme has practically been raped...but be an individual, that's all you were made to be. Be you, and unapologetically so...

It's interesting how what i just typed is kinda roughly what i had in mind already, and wasn't sure i wanted to go with it...but at the end of the last paragraph, i saw just how it relates directly to the thought that inspired this title. I was watching Desperate Housewives just now, and was taken with Eva Longoria's fingers (oooh do i have a foot and hand fetish...hush)..It wasn't in any perverted sort of way, however..It was the fact's fingers, for crying out loud..everybody has them...and yet you'll be stumped to find a pair of hands exactly the same..the nail bed is different, the fingers are longer, shorter, bonier, chubby, big, see? Then i realized i've been fascinated with faces pretty much the same way since i was small and used to "draw" and never be able to get the same face twice, or how on The Sims, you could make so many tiny modifications that completely change a face..eyebrow hight, length, thickness, eyelids lips, jaw...

My point, then, is this: There are so many subtle things that make each person in a way that's not repeatable. The way you are born aside, every conversation, every walk, every bus ride...people meet different people and have completely different conversations, different experiences...this is another moment that calmed me down...Do i not trust Him? What am i panicking for? He has charted everthing in my life just so, that nothing is wasted...every experience goes into storage and waits for when it meets another moment and is used (okaaay cheeesy!) But it's true...It's like..Q and A (or Slumdog Millionaire for you strange movie obsessed people)..It looks a lot like coincidence...but everything that you go through WILL be put to good use at some point...skills learned, pains experienced, even if they scarred you bad...You just might be in a position to understand somebody else that needs you more than you ever will know...

So it doesn't matter if your role is in the spotlight, or goes is equally important. It is to us that glitz is THE objective...i believe that to God...lives and people are important. Be That Kenyan Boy, or be the janitor that listens to the stressed out CEO when he needs it...If you are able to touch a life and be there, directly, indirectly (God bless Avenged Sevenfold. Amen.) Then you, my dear, are a Star.

I am thankful for Life

I am thankful for His work in mine

I am thankful for the Internet

I am thankful for NaijaFineBoy and for Chammie for getting me on Blogger, i am thankful for everyone who's kept me here...I love each and every one of you..even if i need to get round and comment and SHOW it....#ListOfThingsToDo

I am thankful for my Family. They are my rock.

I am thankful for my Friends...had a weird couple of days last week...they listened, they were patient, they made me laugh, and they ignored my pouting, and they also sent me links at the right times and didn't even know...I am thankful for my guardian angels!

I am thankful for happiness, for Joy

I am thankful for Lisovoii...lolz..i wasn't going to type it, but then it hit me that it rhymed...He's an amazing teacher, and he doesn't "have" to do what he does, going the extra mile to raise us like his children/siblings whatever works for our age correlations...

I am thankful for communication...i am weird and awkward at it (best no mind to the epistles i type..once it goes personal i loose my voice) but one strangled word after the other, one disjointed sentence after the other, i manage to choke it out...but that's not even the good part...I am thankful that all that madness is understood...that is communication

I am thankful for S...reallytruly thankful. Every day.

I am thankful for Love..sometimes i love it, some days, i cannot understand what is good about it (again, cynicism :P)...but honestly and without tantrums? Love is an amazing, powerful force. Embrace it.

I am thankful for that A could i forget...the nerves i left in that classroom!

I am thankful for Uni...and how it generally goes super for me :P i am blessed

I am thankful that i am so blessed

I am thankful for yesterday's SCL post about the prodigal son...God did not love him more when he returned... He loved him all along..the thick skull only got to see it again when he came back...gotta keep that in mind, but NEVER EVER forget that He loves you no matter what..whether you think you deserve it or not...Relient K said...the beauty of Grace is that i makes life not fair...because when you analyse it with our understanding..there is nothing to be loved for..

I am thankful for me. issues and all...

I am thankful that He doesn't leave me...this is proved to me everytime i feel useless and i force myself to type something and all of a sudden i cannot shut up, when i thought i had NO inspiration whatsoever...i believe that the times where i do have weird short posts..i must have put a loooot of effort into restraining myself...

I am thankful for every new day

I am thankful that there is SO much to much

I am thankful for everytime He shifts my paradigm...we get so caught up in our boxes of "how to be" and not questioning that we forget that there are other options...funny story i saw on MLIA...little girl made all the minuses on her math test into plusses...Chick was NOT in the mood for subtraction that day, and she added instead...and you know what? i agree with her.. We stop ourselves from seeing options...I mean..sheep are needed...but it's her that will find her way over, around or through, but by God will she get past that mountain..that's all i'm saying

I am thankful for positivity boost ever!

I am thankful for this is/went by as quick as i prayed

I am thankful for my Godmother and the time we spend together

I am thankful for S. He is a blessing to me. Ups and downs and life in general tend to make us loose sight of just how awesome people are, we get "used" to them and their awesomeness and start slacking in consciously stepping aside to appreciate them every day.. but my days is he a wonderful person..even if he doesn't like pickles or mustard *roll eyes dramatically* I love you baby!

I am thankful for fooood :D yummy yummy happiness bringer

I am thankful for music

I am thankful that February means we're that much closer to warmth..Hello Mr. Golden Sun? i MISS you!!!!!!!!!

I am thankful for BBM! you kiddin me?!

I am thankful for that little doggie that came out of nowhere on a morning when i was well on my way to being miserable the whole day...he melted my soul...gotta be like frontin...he walked up to me and smothered me with his innocent puppy luff (do NOT say he was just was a moment jor!)

I am thankful that i have so much to be thankful for....Thinking about everything, and how some people have it..i have no right to make any complaints whatsoever...but it would be biased to say that, because if i am not to be looking at the "happy" people's life path, i shouldn't be comparing here either...So i'll make notes, but ultimately...that is not your life...face your own. Abi you don solve am finish?

I am thankful for my wonderful sisters..they could go under family...but them little babies have grown into fascinating, intelligent beautiful girls that i can *gasp* talk to!

I am thankful!!!


Rita said...

Yes oh, those subtle things go a long way in differentiating us, especially in the eyes of God...

theicequeen said...

*hugs!!!* Rita! thank you so much for stopping by ! i really appreciate it...

lately i seem to be on an "embrace yourself" campaign :P..because seriously...if you don't..then you're saying a mistake was made...and He doesn't make mistakes.