The first time i put a definition, made into a conscious principle the stance i had on people, especially those i didn't really know was when my friend Fatima told me not to talk to one boy from her class because he was dumb and unintelligent and didn't get along with her.
This boy/young man has been nothing but extremely polite to me, and we had just had a pleasant superficial chit chat thing. I calmly told her that her request was absurd, seeing how i didn't have beef with this person, and that i wouldn't start one on the grounds that She didn't get along with him.
Sooo, principle being that i shall judge (not in that uppity sinful way nau, oya, replace it with assess) people based on the relationship they choose to have with me. Honestly, i do not care if your hobby is skinning baby rabbits...okay, so that might cause some issues, but my point is that if this hypothetical rabbit skinner gets on their best behaviour and is respectful and a general sweetheart to me, then it would be..a lie of me (just understand the expression jor!) to front...I'm not saying that anybody should run around looking for serial killers to make into best friends..but i'm slightly weird like that...I think i'm capable of seeing the *cough* human in a serial know, if they weren't lunging for my throat or anything..bad thing, good thing, i don't know...
In the end, it comes down to the specific relationship between you and another human being...and you can never define or judge that based on their relationship with another person..i know people who are extremely nice to me...and absolute horrors to some people *shrug* that's the way it biko, don't let demsay or iheard, or i'msurethat cloud your vision...Give everyone a chance to speak for themselves, you'll be surprised what they say to you.
I am thankful for my Mommy!!! i spoke to her today and we got proper mushy..i love that woman more than all the water in all the Oceans...
I am thankful for me daddy! I like how i understand him a little more each day...
I am thankful that i've gotten up when i planned three days in a row! that, my dears, is a takes all my willpower not to hit snooze...the rewards are soooo worth it!...devotion time, a nice lazy unhurried breakfast, time to play with eyeshadow aaaaand catch the early bus which means i'm early to school+ i'm not sitting in first period regretting not getting up early, not eating, not having my quiet time...waking up early rawks!..starts your day with a sense of accomplishment...ahem...for sleepers like me, in any case :P
I am thankful that i haven't fallen in this slippery madness surrounding me...when winter is over, i'm going to the circus to apply for a part time job, because my balancing skillz iz maaaad now...teehee yea right...i'm clumiser than Bella! but i haven't fallen so yaaaay!
I am thankful for...the book market, because it makes me to be thankful for...
I am thankful for BOOKS! *drools* *eyes glaze over*...i can't believe i forgot how magical it is to open a book and find yourself in another world, literally see and smell...or maybe i'm just crazy? I am thankful for Sefi Atta's "Everything Good will Come" and all the laugh out loud moments it brought me...even if that boy opposite me on the bus was lookin like he was about to call psychia..nonsense boy :P and i'm thankful for Twilight..omigosh don't even get me started on Twilight!!!! i can't believe it took me this long *sigh* I'm addited
I am especially thankful for Twilight because reminds me of Z..a's nice to see someone in every page...maybe i'm random, maybe i'm crazy..but i'm Thankful! :P
I am thankful for Z...:) and that sentiment only gets stronger each' very welcome indeed!
I am thankful for Z's Thankful made me smile, and it made me tear up..somewhere between sprite and pounded yam :P arghhh he's soooo adorable!
Borrowing from that TT, i am thankful that i have someone i care about...and he makes me smile everytime i think of him...and that includes randomly grinning at Nazi lecturers who cannot fathom what is entertaining about their lecture...*in my defence i pay attention in class o!...just multitaskin ish :P
I am thankful for memories...which unlike most times, seem to be very vivid recently..they keep me company :)..and make me nostalgic :(
I am thankful that my body is on a disciplining mission against me...seriously! it simply refuses oil and anything fried, is revolted when i feed it white bread..or better yet donuts..muahahaha fried white bread :(, it protests at coffee...and ciggarette smoke leaves me nauseous and wondering if i'm not a victim of immaculate's great!
I am thankful for music...not just vaguely, but for the lyrics, the voices, the calm they can bring, the spirits they can lift...Music is powerful..
I am thankful for good people
I am thankful for laughter
I am thankful for His patience with is not hizzy!
I am thankful for my devotional bookies...they have really inspiring chapters!
I am thankful for SCL...because Jon Acuff always reminds me that God is fun dammit! He is FUN!...and all those people who think otherwise should just clear from my dommot :P
I am thankful for Youtube...and the think blue line i laugh myself to tears watching the same scene 10 times in a row...Goody is special...
I am thankful for jokes!!
I am thankful for being understood..if not by all, then by those who matter
I am thankful for feelings...i'm often fighting them away..but sometimes, they are the most delightful thing to give into
I am thankful for words
Have i mentioned that i am thankful for books? *does excited dance, looks at bookshelf, dances some more*
I am thankful for sunny winter days...even if the sun is strictly for posing purposes...
I am thankful for Prayer..i for don crase true true if i didn't have the option of praying until i got calm in the middle of the madness!
I am thankful for Joy!
I am thankful for wisdom
I am thankful for knowledge
I am thankful for His guidance..yes, i hear voices in my head sometimes, gorra problem wiv that? mscheww :P
I am thankful that i grew up in PhCityyy!!!!
I am thankful for ahmahzing's all about beautiful people!
I am thankful for Facebook, MSN, Hotmail, Glo (makes face), Life :)...because they, in their humble way, bring me and the people i care about closer...
I am thankful for..for doing it right this time..i think..i hope i am at least..
I am thankful for...innocence..agenda-less-ness (:P)
I am thankful for things that just are...and are immensely beautiful by being that way..they weren't planned, they were just created..have a certain ease and comfort about them, do not need constant definition....i am thankful for that...
I am thankful for funny accents :P
I am thankful for kisses..^_^ i shall stop there before i go and confess too mush! :P
I am thankful wan hembrazz me here...Sensuality? it's..higher and way more special than aggressive sexuality...even if everything has its time and place and phase...yea...i likes that...i likes that mush :P
I am thankful for inspiration
I am thankful for bloggers!
I am thankful for shared ideas.
I am thankful for friendship and people who care..
I am thankful for kindness and not being indifferent
I am thankful for being able to help in my own little ways
I am thankful! food blogs, street fashion blogs, japanese and korean pop songs, ART!!! (again, teehee), for pictures and quotes that take the words right out of your mouth...God bless Jeff Thomas for creating Pon and Zi...i cannot get over the adorableness!
Have i mentioned that i'm thankful for Z? he's a beautiful person aaaand i can talk to him about things aaaaaand he *cringes at word about to be used* inspires me aaaand lol//
I am thankful for cheesiness...sometimes, it's very apt...ooh and i like that i'm not alone in thinking that Handsome is a ridiculous adjective...bleh! i cannot say it without feeling stoopid
I am thankful for patience...Lord knows i need more lessons in that....but i'm gettin' there
I am thankful that my relationship with my grandma has improved..even if sometimes, i suspect it's more credit to her than to me...i need to remove some of these my provocable buttons that there is nothing for anybody to press...and i'll cut off my toes while i'm on that know, so that nobody steps on them..
I am thankful that my grandma really really loves me and cares for me silly...
I am thankful for my sisters and what amazing young women they are! i am incredibly blessed to have them!
I am thankful for when i'm living right by Him...
I am thankful for being slightly more aware than i was say a month ago about my thoughts and reactions...and it's an effort, but i'm loving the results of this er..revolution :P
I am thankful for alternative rock songs
I am thankful for all those gospel(?) songs that will be makin you dance all sorts of attitude dances...Thats why i love Him like i do aaaaa!!!'s the God in meeeee!!! I need a Heroooooo to save me noww! Dietrick Haddon and Mary Mary and Skillet are sooo guilty! :P
I am thankful for friends...they are nothing but a blessing!
I am thankful for the miracles that happen to me on the the quotes go..when don't pray, coincidences don't happen, when i pray, they do..that's all i'm sayin :P
I am thankful for them watch-the-movie-online sites..superyay! i heart Julie and Julia....oooh and Coco before Chanel...if i were a boy..okay, a man, my brain would crash everytime i say Audrey Tautou..:P this is just a phase, i promise...
I am thankful for, this time, physically beautiful people..i people watch, it's something i do...and sometimes, you spot the artwork ones...candy for the aesthetic soul...i say a little thankful prayer is needed in the world...not in a superficial way in art, beauty in speech, beauty in living...okay i'm rambling.. :P
I am thankful for the little prayer prompts i get..have you ever felt compelled to pray for someone? about a situation? like rightnowrightnow? no?'s a nice feeling...
I am thankful for life
I am thankful for Love..because love makes the ride colours your journey, provides the sunshine and the flowers...diig? :P
I am thankful for nerdy things like English no, not the nationality..more like language jokes, like...when words come together perfectly sarcastically? *sigh*
I am thankful!!!..and i'm sure i've left out half of the important things...will start jotting them down as they happen...
Ooo, i am thankful that my book lady trusts me :P...
I am thankful that we had two periods of THAT lecturer today...he rawks!
I am thankful that i didn't have to wait for my bus for more than 5 minutes today...and it was empty! ha! sitting space=reading Twilight= me in school early and extremely happy and not the least bit snappy...
I am thankful that it's Thursday....and evening, so technically it's Friday :P TGIF!!!
I am thankful for blogger!
I am thankful that i am able, for physical and most importantly, mental and spiritual reasons, to be able to write a TT post every week..
I am thankful that i can stay without getting too panicked over next week's timetable, because i know a fail-proof method to get it all taken care of :P
I am thankful for that 6 page assignment that i copied today na make-your-own-note assignment naaaa...I am thankful for Vika, who did all the looking through textbook work so i didn't have to...
I am thankful for warm smiles...we need less people with attitude problems!
I am thankful for breathing exersises...which often succeed in keeping me from doing foolisher things to ease stress...i fully intend to increase that statistic in favour of breathing!
I am Thankful!!!
have a blessed week!
Wonderful....your words are the strangest thingZ...
Your list is long and beautiful.
So will beauty continue to surround you!
I am so grateful for books too! i mean what would the world be without them?
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