Thursday, January 21, 2010

Thankful Thursday: Learning to See...

The best part about my flight back to Kiev was the hours of time i had to finish Al Koran's book and make lots and lots of notes and have lots and lots of thoughts...One of the bits that really got me was about being Aware. Being aware of your every breath, being aware of everything around you, not just looking, but seeing...

Like Z has pointed out to me, Al Koran and i have a lot in common ^_^...This book contains so much of what i already know, but at the same time gives me additional insight, makes me look at the same issues in a more complex's great!..I've been on about this whole awareness thing for a while, and have tried to actively be so, but er...ya gets in the way...

Which is kind of my point, really...and like the quote goes, "what is life, if full of care, we have no time to stop and stare?" I am always too busy fulfilling my routine to take the time to stand and see myself from another's always busybusybusy...but thats wrong. Going into zombie mode is the surest way to making the hugest mistakes. You stop thinking, you just act on inertia...and that...not good..not good at all...

Which is why i'm on this thing where i, a little at a time, will consciously make an effort to be Aware of me..of my thoughts, of the things around me..sebi like buddhists...i am breathing, i am reading, i am looking at a beautiful admit that it's a bit harder than it sounds...trudging along on autopilot is so much easier..and at the same time so much more destructive, because your brain just closes down...

And thus, i am thankful for my camera, which forces me to see things in different ways..for realz, it's like exercise for er...the appreciation of things...not that i'm any good with it o! but for personal reasons, it's a fahbulous thing :D

I am thankful for Art...omigosh i love lovelovelove! and i suspect that this love has always been there, just that now, for some reason, i realize it...i, abstract art, modern art, sculpture, graffiti, literary art:prose, poetry, witty fb statuses :P (extra thankful for the absolute beauty that happens when words work together...thankful for talented writers!) street the Sartorialist lately? beauty! Music.....Thank God for Art!

I am thankful for inspiration

I am thankful for Love

I am thankful for the support i get from friends and family

I am thankful for being able to be absolutely silly ^_^

I am thankful for opportunities i get to show love and help in the little ways that i can

I am thankful for the cute little doggies i see on my way to my bus stop :P :P

I am thankful for the new people i meet each day...thankful for random conversations..

I am thankful for school...mine is mostly a warm place to be...

I am thankful for my mother..who means the world and then some to me

I am thankful for my father...he's...he's been a blessing

I am thankful for blessings

I am thankful for sleep...which i have been doing shakara for...shame on me!

I am thankful for the lovelylovely guy at the Bobbi Brown store..he totally made my morning!

I am thankful for beautiful people...the beautiful on the inside ones..

I am thankful for His unwavering faith in me, even if i fall short on the daily

I am thankful for Blogger

I am thankful for ideas...

I am thankful for courage...that i still haven't fully mastered..kinda feel like the scarecrow in wizard of Oz :P

I am thankful for people who are not indifferent

I am thankful for growth

I am thankful for wisdom

I am thankful...i am thankful that i am able to care...thought i lost that a while ago..very welcome turn of events :P

I am thankful for Camels :P lol...figure that one out :P

I am thankful for facebook! cuz without it....without it, i'd be lacking some very special someones in my life...

I'm thankful for the view from my window at night..aaaahhh...lights, snow...bleh at going out in it though...

I'm thankful that my rants and ramblings are tolerated

I'm thankful for hot showers....long hot bathes

I am thankful for my army of lotions and potions...I'm an ADDICT! haaaa! I'm thankful that i get to be spoilt like's the best way to be spoilt...vanilla and cherry and chocolate and cocoa butter and mint and and let's not even get started on fragrances! *stares off with blissful smile on face*

I'm thankful that He keeps me going

I'm thankful for answered WHOA! i'm too in shock to be in shock, prayers literally get answered within hours...infs!

I am thankful for unanswered prayers..if to say God wicked, He for answer all my prayers without screening....= disaster!

I am thankful for my grandparents...they are the BEST!

I am thankful for my grandfathers wikid sense of humour ^_^

I am thankful for my grandma's hugs and occasional smothering with care

I am thankful that i am able to ask for forgiveness...cuz dhemmmn i've hurt people with so so ashamed of it..there is good news though..i'm totally on an eradication campaign...being snappy is sabotaging my sweet-as-pie-ness :P

I am thankful for Z..i really REALLY am...for more reasons than i can put into words...i need to learn how to paint or sumn :P

I am thankful for my sisters...and pray that they turn out better than me, and that i'm able to make that be the case..

I am thankful for the attitude i choose to have...

I am thankful for chewing gum :D

I am thankful for books, for ideas, for philosophy

I am thankful for old books...with notes in the margins :D

I am thankful for Nigerian authors..right now, i'm reading Yellow-Yellow and every chapter is making me's either the book is SUPAH...or PMS is catching up....*sigh*

I am thankful for nature

I am thankful for thoughtfulness....most touching thing EVER!

I am thankful for the little's always the little things...

I am thankful for the fact that tomorrow is Friday

I am thankful for Libraries

I am thankful for interesting classes

I am thankful for interesting people

I am thankful for Life

I am thankful for evolution...from..who i was, to who i'm becoming, and the beautiful journey i'm on

I'm thankful for when he understands my nuttiness...and plays right along! Banana and PawPaw much? :P

I am thankful for the funny accents we make

I am thankful for stand up comedy on youtube :D..and Spoken Word poetry too...even if it makes me not to sleep when i ought to...

I am thankful for resolution..and those moments in which i do what i have to and don't procrastinate :P..need to make more of those..

Thankful for people i can be myself with, and more thankful still for those who make me a better me...

Seriously thankful for the Al Koran book :)

Thankful for ALL the AHMAHZING books i have lined up to read

Thankful for Awareness...delightful every's a crime to numb it out..we are alive to live, not just to exist..if thats your plan for life, you might as well just buy a coffin now and lay in it...because theres no point if you're not living...the objective is to have as many stories to tell as you possibly can...make your album people! gather material for your memoir :P *makes note to self to be encouraged and inspired by own words* know i have a whole list of ish planned to post but coming soon! pray for me jor!

How una body? una family? mothers and fathers? ogas and madams? pikins and grandpikni? Hope everything is great with everyone..and even if it doesn't seem so at the will be...

Lots and lots of love!


Rita said...

Oh my...lots and lots of things you are thankful for. This is detailed, girl. Well done.

Thank God for you. Hope you dont miss your Thankful Thursday series :-)

theicequeen said...

:D my TT's don't just express what i'm thankful for, they also help me realize things i didn't think to be thankful about..if that makes any summary, it is a very good spiritual exercise, whenever i type, it's like meditation time in which i learn...

Thank God for you, Rita..your blog is a huge part of the reason why i have mine...

Hope i don't miss them too!

take care of you!