Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Guilty! Guilty! Guilty! *wails dramatically* I think i haven't done a Thankful Thursday post for three Thursdays now, and even to my ears, my excuses sound like i'll call it what it is, laziness and a general lack of genuine effort on my part..but it's okay, it's not like i've drifted too far..He's been surrounding me with support material aka this book by Al Koran that someone vewy vewy vewy special to me gave me..but more on that later :P

So long story short, i have been having reflective moments and all of that good stuff- my head is still on right..Seems to be the one thing i fear most at the moment..just forgetting my principles and slipping into that auto pilot mode where you aren't really thinking of what you're doing or where you're going, just existing from day to day majorly from that people, RUN..It's the worst thing that can happen to you.

It's not Thursday, and i'm just briefly stopping by to do this, because my procrastination no get part two..However, i am thnkful for SO much guys won't even understand..some things even require entire posts, and even then i do not guarantee that i'll convey just how deliriously thankful i Summary though, i've been having a great holiday, because i have the most beautiful people in my life ^_^..

In line with the mini-updateness of this (yup, that is now officially a word...i write am, una read am=word! :D) lemme try and put down post ideas that have been following me around for months now..i need a P.A for realz..or increased's amazing how much you can achieve when you put your mind to it..oya, enough with the detour...I am going to do a post on agnosticism and how it you'll read and understand jor! and uhm, a post on prayer, perhaps..ya'll know how much i love prayer, right?, one on optimism *scratches chin* and one on the Big Misunderstanding of the Bible and how the Bible is..WHOA! it's funny how reading deeper things makes me realize just how much profound wisdom is packed into the simplicity of the Bible..too much philosoply going on...

Oooh and HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! nope, i didn't forget :) 2010 has been blessed for me so far and it keeps getting better, this is gonna be a great year, i feel it. My prayer for everyone is that, (like one of my resolutions :) ) this year should be a year of enlightenment for each and every one of you, because there is no such happiness like the one that knowledge brings, because above all, when you get a certain level of enlightenment, you are at peace and you have this calmness that nothing else can compare learn to cut off the unecessary and recognize the truly important and that, m'dears gives the most wikid sort of joy ever..again, i will tie this to the Bible..but thats an entirely different post :D one on Socrates' story involving some overpriced blanket.i shall do a bit more research on that so i don't give half gist..i will add though, that the first time i heard the story, i was like huh? It's awesomeeee when things that made you scratch your head in cofusion are suddenly so full of apparent wisdom..*lets out content breath* learning is fun :D and that is what i wish you guys this find wisdom, an abundance of it...that wish is not wishing you baskets full of fish, but praying that you guys learn how to fish..might take some work, but the results are priceless...i'm rambling now..lemme sharrap :P

oooh one more post on Fate/destiny shall be attempted..i say attempted, because that talk has always been there to support the opposition whenever i got questions about what God wants from yet another post..which leads to this resolution..i shall make an extra effort to have at least two posts a week..a TT one, and one rambling/philosophicalish one :D because i have this thing where i think as i write, so writing is the ultimate therapy for me..which is why the whole " i can't post because i don't know what to write" thing is redundant..take this post for instance..i thought it will be two paragraphs o!..and now look what i'm subjecting you guys to :P

That being said, i have to squeeze in some thankfulness

I am Thankful for Him...God just goes on being good too me, extra good when i'm being not so good, because He would do anything to save me from disaster :D

I am Thankful for him...(naturally, you understand the lack of the customaru capitalization of him in this case ;) ) * nah, i'm not craZy, and you guys aren't slow..this particular one is for one person to understand..inside joke tingZ :D..i really am thankful for him though, even if it's an entirely different post *sigh*..God has his plans meyn, and you don't even see them coming, but like now, when you get His presents, you can only be thankful :D

I am thankful for this holiday in Naija thing that i'm on...if someone had told me in say, November, to go crazy with my fantasies, i wouldn't have come up with this...but it's turning out to be the funnest, most rewarding, most growing holiday i've ever understand am anyhow una want o.. but i've learned so much about so many things i will go back and get started on a book!

I am Thankful for Art..yea, who thought :P but i've been getting emotional over abstract modernist paintings *swoons, gets teary eyed* for realz, things like the texture of the paint hold me this what growing up feels like? me likes!

I am thankful for do i put this without sounding like an idiot...i am thankful for maturity, cuz be how many years you don live at all at all...which makes you realize that it's a gift..not something that is mandatorily(?) aquired proportionally to years lived (phew! when i was typing, it was making sense if you read three times, it can make sense again, cuz me i'm a tad fonkused..teehee)

I am thankful for Wisdom and Knowledge that is all around us, in the most simple things..but we are so pigheaded, that we need to read and go through the most complicated things to realize that there is no such wisdom as is found in the simple..complexities are a major waste of time..true word..but then again the complex journey to the simple is a growing experience..abi it's not just about the destination *sigh*..<< make sense out of that, i promise it's deep and everything, just that i'm a tad momsis office and everybody is talking at the same time..

ngwanu baibai jor! before i type epistle here :D

Love you guys tonz, miss you like crazy and will be back properly in a bit (lol, bout the millionth time i'm saying that but er...)

Happy New Year again! have a blessed one and live each day to the fullest, blissfully aware and conscious of every moment, and not for a moment slipping into placing value on what is absolute rubbish...Seek first the Kingdom of God...metaphorical, but think deep :)..or i'll make it into another post...

Stay Blessed!

1 comment:

Rita said...

Happy New Year. Even as you are thankful to God, may He give you more reasons to be thankful.