Thursday, May 7, 2009

Thankful Thursday: fourth time around...

Good news is that i'm hanging on...

I'm thankful for the fact that He takes care of me, day in, day out.

I am thankful for the fact that He uses every situation to bring me closer to Him.

I'm thankful that every wall i come up against is only but a stepping stone.

I am thankful that God has always, always, all through my life, cleared a path for me. I have never had struggle, or suffer, or go through ish, God always provides a light at the end of my tunnel.

I am thankful that He will use even unconventional means to get through to me.

I am thankful that He answered my questions, no matter how non-kosher they were, and completely eliminated all those silly doubts and divergences. Nullified, gone, cuz He is awesome like that :D

I am thankful that my sisters are growing up to to be sooooooo smart. They read so much, and not just read, they read, analyze, and understand all the complex classic literature...and ENJOY it! and they are such good people...i am soo proud of them, and so thankful.

I am thankful that God always removes the illusions of fear that threaten to tip me over the egde...because that is what they are: illusions, distractions.

I am thankful that He is there for me to run to.

I am thankful that He is my comforter, come rain or shine.

I am thankful that no sin is strong enough to make Him throw His hands up and deem me incorrigible.

I am thankful for my amazing grandparents, and that i have this opportunity to be with them.

I am thankful for all the times God has taken me and steered me off of the path that i do not need to be all. even though my silly mind was thinking that that path was right.

I am thankful that He has taught me to see the rainbow at the end of every storm, the lining to every cloud, be it silver, bronze or aluminum foil...

I am thankful that He is not letting me give up.

I am thankful that He gives me insight and understanding.

As tooting your own horn-ish as this sounds, i am thankful that i am not a complete ignoramus idiot person :P

I am thankful for the wonderful rain today and that really beautiful thing that was going on when the sun came out..priceless!

I am thankful for the huge Park near my house and all the trees and the wonderful walks i get to take there with my Grandma..

I am thankful that MY MOTHER is MY MOTHER!! and nobody else, because that woman is a blessing beyond all blessings. God has to love me a whole lot to have given her to me.

I am thankful that i don't have yawa, and He keeps my feet far off the path where yawa dey :P

I am thankful that everyday is a learning process

I am thankful for my best friend...which in turn leads me to be thankful that i went to the secondary school i did and thus met him, best friend is God Sent. Our friendship was planned out in Heaven. I love that boy die, and i am overblessed to have him in my life!

I am thankful for love! don't have that kind of love right now, but it's okay...

I am thankful for all my friends them..i have a very gread bunch!

I am thankful for music

I am thankful for all the warm hearted people at my uni...they make everyday that extra bit lie!

I am thankful that i am able to be thankful. That i have this relationship with God at all, no matter how rocky it is from my is a great blessing to be able to take it all to Him.

Something i realized while praying yesterday, is that i've gotten so used to building up a fence and forbidding being vulnerable, that i was/am doing that with God to a certain degree. I got into the habit of..well...excluding "emotions" where it concerns God. As per, not trying to indulge in all those "catching the holy spirit" moments. I still refuse to base my relationship with God on sensations, but i have also realized that God is the One (er...person? Force?) i can afford to let my guard down with, to cry, to scream, to speak to , to be less than perfect with, to be immature with, because He doesn't expect perfection from me anyways...Like, i'm so used to being all mature and grown up and responsible, that people around me expect that from me, and sometimes, it's overwhelming, but i have to keep that up, because it has become who i am. But in those moments when i feel powerless and just want to curl up and cry, God is the only one i can turn basically, i have to stop this nonsense with being "proper" when talking to God, i have to stop that rubbish of being "mature" and not laying out my problems as they are because it's a bit "childish" or some other tag. Not saying it is not going to change the fact that that problem exists, all not saying it is going to achieve is make that problem never have a chance to go away...

So think about that...are you vulnerable with God? or are you too busy trying to be proper? drop the act, because that what it YOU when you talk to God..He knows's not a job interview where you make like you're this proper machine....Loosen up, and be Vulnerable!


aloted said...

hmm i loved the sincerity of this post...

too much..

i am thankful for life and people like u

aloted said...

hey your attention is required on my blog