Disclaimer!!! why the text is a different colour and underlined from the middle of the first paragraph onwards is as much a mystery to me as it is to you...
God will do anything and everything to make you see the light, to teach you, to make you understand. It is very easy to get caught up in legalism, rule following. While for the most part they are good, they have a tendency of getting very physical
of getting very physical, so watch your step cuz if i do you'll need a miracle!!
:P got carried away for a bit there..that bit is from Maroon 5's Harder to Breathe...heart it silly by the way..Where was i? ah yes, a tendency of getting out of hand and becoming the objective and not just a means of achieving the true objective..does that even make sense? It's like you focus so much on the rules that they become your aim, instead of being what they are..merely a means to achieving something higher...make sense nooow?
Then it starts. You make all this rule following the center of attention, and then naturally you feel all good with yourself that you are being good...While that may not be a bad thing, for me, it doesn't work like that. This thing happens where He doesn't like the pride that comes with it...so letting you slip is what happens, and you kinda realize that, nah, in fact, it is not your goodness or piousness that earns you your blessings, because that's what happens, right? you start feeling like you've earned your blessings...That is exactly what you did not do.
You do not, and cannot earn them. If it worked on that principle, we'd all be screwed. Methinks this fact is being drilled into me so i don't have any misconceptions. So yea, according to my self-adopted rules, i kinda screwed up/am still screwing up this week, but it's okay. It will be okay..This too will pass, as they say...
On the confirmation of this theory side of it, i've had and am having a great week! So see, it is not your goodness or your principledness or any of that that "earns" you anything...I thought about it in relation to writers today. At some point i really thought, for a brief period that there was a formula to inspiration...while some things might help you out, it comes down to the fact that it's beyond your control. There are a ton of great works out there by less than pious people...conclusion? He wants something to be said, He'll get it said through His Chosen Vessel and it really seems to make no difference if you're the Pope, or a druggie. He chose you do do this in this space and time, and He will get it done through you, whether it's writing, or inspiring someone or whatever it is that passes a message...That's my two cents at this moment in time...
I am thankful for life! every new day is a blessing
I am thankful for this week!! He saw me through the madhouse that Tuesday promised to be, for starts
I am thankful for the very very productive study session i had last night..i am still confused o! but what i know is that i know something ^_^ even if the lecturer wasn't there for the test today..boooo!
I am thankful for smiles...a smile will get you everywhere!..it's what i've been trying to tell my friend..who seems to be a recreational grump...relaaaaaaxxxx...i don't care how awful somebody is..smile at them until they give in..or go crazy..either way, it's very rewarding to watch indeed! Plus there's nothing wrong with positive energy
I am thankful for the wardrobe ladies! They are the perfect way to start a day at uni, it seems...smiles and warmth all around!
I am thankful for the...cosyness of my uni..it has this...this family feel about it
I am thankful for our Dean..he is such a great person!..hehe i seem to be in school spirit today..
I am thankful for my friends! sometimes, we take for granted the fact that we have them..
I am thankful for Spring...even if it freakin snowed today...e never do?
I am thankful for kindness...without motive...just because..i love just becauses!
I am thankful for Love
I am thankful for people that are there for you no matter what!
I am thankful for cheerfulness...there is enough to depress you as it is..
I am thankful for understanding...this whole thing happening with things suddenly making SO MUCH SENSE is awesome!
I am thankful for books!! omigosh how i'm thankful for them!...i think i need to seek help ni..you should see me at the bookstore!
I am thankful for my book lady..because she is da bosss! She brings me so much joy ^_^
I am thankful for music! and how sometimes, it's the most effective means of communication :-)
I am thankful for S!! each day that much more..i am thankful for how effortless it is to like him so much, for how utterly adorable he is ^_^
I am thankful for his mind...a complete breath of fresh air! i can talk to him without feeling like a slightly crazed alien...and even when i do feel like one, somehow, it's okay
I am thankful for jokes and general sillyness..one has to be serious so much of the time these days that any opportunity to break free of that makes me giddy with excitement :P
I am thankful for Literature...like...utterly passionate about it!
I am thankful for words..lots and lots of words! for synonyms and antonyms and homonyms and word play and codes and rhyme and all the magic that happens when words come together...i appreciate this even more after reading that bit from 1984 when words are generally annihilated to well, kill expression, individuality, thought...
I am thankful for expression
I am thankful for individuality
I am thankful for thought
I am thankful for George Orwell, because frankly, he rocks. Nothing you can say about it! I am thankful for "discovering" him
I am thankful for the classics..they are that for a reason!
I am thankful for old books..and the way they hold the energy of everyone who has ever held them between their pages..
I am thankful for communication...hmm i'm on a literary love spree here!
I am thankful for food and every single thing involved with it ^_^
I am thankful for my mother! again, she is the biggest blessing i have in my life!!
I am thankful for my sisters..and the conversations we have, and all our inside jokes, and the way they can understand my beginnings of sentences so much that i don't have to bother competing them ^_^ I am thankful that they are so darn smart..when they feel like it..hehe
I am thankful for my father...and the fact that he is my father..it was a long time coming, but i'm all growed up and slightly more sensible now and thus i can appreciate :)
I am thankful for the way time seems to be flying...it's March people! three months like zap!...exactly three months to the end of my first year...eeew i'm old! and more importantly, three months to being back home again and seeing all the people i love
I am thankful for being Nigerian, for being born in PHC!!! if i could do it all over again from the beginning, i wouldn't change a single thing!
I am thankful for the miraculous way in which i'm coping, and in fact, all my life have coped with school VERY WELL without well..much effort. That is a blessing right there..i claim nothing..i'm just as bewildered as you...He obviously has plans...
I am thankful for crappy movies with actors i have crushes on..teehee..okay, just one crappy movie, but for some weird reason i can watch it over and over, because somehow, he makes it okay...Ten Inch Hero Baybay!! shhh, tell no one
I am thankful for yet another week that has gone by without any negetive happenings...it all turns out good, even if just two seconds to the end..but that's all that matters
I am thankful for words! and pictures and music..because they are all we seem to have as substitutes, as compensation for distance..but i guess that's okay too...they manage to make me oh so happy, so i am nothing but thankful
I am thankful for art once again, in all its forms
I am thankful for wisdom
I am thankful for lessons learnt, learning, and yet to learn
I am thankful that He always, always has a light at the end of the tunnel and nothing, absolutely nothing is done or allowed to happen without an amazing end result..i believe this
I am thankful for ebooks ^_^
I am thankful for Naija music...it's like..hugs, it takes me home..it's familiar and oh so very comforting when you're so very far away...
I am thankful for progress
I am thankful for growth
I am thankful for wit...ooh that phrase has been playing in my head today..."i have nothing to declare but my wit!"..Oscar? George Bernard? i forget who, but both have the right to say that :P I don't think Naija immigrations officers will get the joke though... witty literary reference will have to wait *sigh*..kai forgive my prejudice o!
I am thankful for languages...and for accents :P
I am thankful for the way life is oh so dynamic on the small scale..and fantastically static in the big picture...really! take for instance, the fact that man has not changed one bit..save for the fact that he now has fancier toys...
I am thankful for philosophy
I am thankful for psychology...grrr...i love law, i really do, especially after fraternizing with all those laws last night and having criminology to look forward to *cough* for more reasons than the obvious.. but theres a little..or a huge part of me that just knows psychology is what it needs!
I am thankful that i went to the yeye secondary school i went to...sometimes, God will let you get caught in a storm, just so you can realize how awesome rain is...Babym and M2 are TOTALLY worth that whole experience..i love them die!
I am thankful for Love again..if you let it grow within you, it is the most rewarding experience...but like anything worth having, it takes a bit of work..apparently..hating is so easy, yes?
I am thankful for random coincidences that appeal to your inner simpleton and kinda wow you..hehe
I am Thankful!!!!
Be happy, and let nothing and no one take your happiness away from you...fight every grumpy person in your path with a smile..it might take a while, but by the time they give in, you would have taught two people a very valuable lesson
Have a blessed week and a kick ass weekend!
Rules were made for guidance towards an end. A problem however arises when we stop going towards that end and become fixated on the rules!
That's my definition of legalism.
Thankful with you dear, for friends such as your S with whom we can be completely at ease even when we don't seem to make sense! lol!
Gbam! sometimes words fail to express what i'm trying to say..you are spot on and have Saved my sentiment! :P that is the brilliantest way to put what i was trying to say..Thank you!!
and thank you again..i wish many many friends like S in your life!
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