Friday, June 26, 2009

Heaven couldn't wait...apparently

In a way, i am thankful that i didn't do a thankful post yesterday, because today, it would have felt like blasphemy.

Not saying that there was nothing to be thankful for...but all that is just dimmed by the fact that Michael Jackson is dead.

I cannot process that. Michael Jackson and dead in the same sentence is surreal. I'm reading words and i'm hearing sounds, but i'm in a trance.

So...i will be thankful for his life...HE ROCKED! and i will be thankful for the fact that he will live on through is music forever.

But for now? i am in mourning.

He's in a better place, and i am selfish, but i'm only human.


aloted said...

sad n shocking news :)

how r u?

Enkay said...

Sad, really Sad.

He was one of a kind indeed. Can't think of any other artiste who can measure up. None.