Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Thankful Thursday : There is always something to be thankful for

No matter how desolate your situation is, there is always something to be thankful for in it. No matter how hopeless, look at the origin and possible futures of that situation, and you will see the many ways in which it is not such a bad thing afterall. Look for the silver lining, if you don't see it, look for the bronze one, look for the tin one, but by all means look for the bright side...LOL...and to think i am recreationally pessimistic...

This is the earliest i'm ever typing a Thankful school, home alone, actually remembered it's Thursday! Daddys Birthday!!!

I am thankful for my father, for his life, for his sucesses, for the love he has for us...ahem, we have had our moments, but you i am thankful that he is alive to be able to celebrate another birthday in his life!

I am thankful for today!!!

I am thankful for the immense beauty found in simple things...the other day, i was home alone with my grandma, studying for my exam, and i was struck by how beautiful the silence, really..enchanting lol, and the way the sunlight made ordinary scenes look so picturesque! the beauty in nature, in trees and in birds and that overcute way in which cats and doggies will sometimes can't buy that!

I am thankful for love from unexpected owners will understand doggie shows the kind of love that i have not come across in any human being...his forgiveness knows no bounds, his eyes will melt your heart into one great puddle, and his cute antics will have you smiling for years....

I am thankful that life is a symphony, and everything is perfectly timed by Him. Trust me. Nothing is out of rhythm...ahem, but that raises a whole new field of questions..i will leave that for now :P

I am thankful for lazy days...when the wind barely rustles the leaves, when everything is oh so quiet, when the sun just warms everything, and you're just chillin...ah-mah-zing!

I am thankful for bloggerz! more specifically today, i am feeling rather thankful for Aloted..dunno y :P

I am thankful for all those free download engines...limewire...utorrent...they mean so much to me *has tearful moment* thing naim go kill pesin!

I am thankful for music. More specifically, i am thankful for Kansas, White Snake and Depeche mode, because they made me happy all yesterday!

I am thankful for my grandparents...who are the sweetest nicest people in the whole wide world!

I am thankful that my exam yesterday went okay....

Truth be told, i am struggling..i pray less, i read my devotionals and my bible like i'm punching a time card, as per, i marked that i was there and did it...but that is very wrong. Hope i get out of this rut soon....I am thankful, however, that i got "in the spirit" at a very crucial time, when that was the thing i needed most...i am thankful for that...

Be good now!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Thankful Thursday: Above all, i believe...

I didn't realize today was thursday until i saw Aloted's comment in my inbox. I know. Terrible...You can't blame me too much though, i wasn't even sure what day it was...i had no weeked so my perception of time is all messed up :P...So good with the excuses eh?

The title...I have and am still struggling a whole lot with the concept of "christianity". I have beef with that one in paticular because it's the one know. I have investigated and had long discussions with my conscience, gone over all the scoin scoins it has for me and a whole lot of that... I have a lot of questions that are not answered, and i have a lot of things that don't sit well with me at all...But above all of that, totally aside and beyond those questions, is the fact that i DO believe in God. No matter the paths i investigate, i always come back to realizing that nothing will shake my faith in God. Not lies, not earnest legends, not fantasies, or "logical" arguements will convince me that there is no God. There is, and i believe in Him...i just have a lot to learn, thats all...and that i will do, one way or another...and i am thankful for that

I am thankful for my friend, Shar, and the timid steps she's "taking" to let go of the abusiveness she calls her relationship with her ex. Like all addicts...i don't believe her...i will not give her the luxury of believing her until i am completely convinced...but i am thankful that she is at least trying...even if only on the surface...

I am thankful that i am able to be there for her, that i am able to have words to tell her that lift up her spirits, that encourage her, that make her see a light of sorts. I am thankful for all the times i am able to hug her and talk some sense into her...and she listens...i am thankful for every word, every statement that takes root in her life and lifts her up...even if i may never know what did it...i am thankful that i can help in my own way...

I am thankful for all those nice women in my school who are forever flattering me...a little warmth goes a very long way!

I am thankful for my grandma, who somehow puts up with my hormone-induced drama queen-ness...i look back and think i acted HOW? it's shameful...but she doesn't ever get propa vex at me..and she forever encourages me..and feeds me!!!

I am thankful for my grandpa, and how he always has jokes and is the smartest guy i know...

I am thankful for the lie my teacher blew today to well...people that kinda "discriminated" against me..i'm okay with it, really...i'm chubby, okay, i'm okay with that, lol...and my dean sent me to some lady organizing a cultural fashion show, i had no idea what it was about, and the woman be talking about, they don't have the clothes yet, and so they don't know the sizes, and well, you know how they sew these days, economizing and all...LMAO...poor lady...she was looking for a delicate way to tell me i'm heavy...but then my teacher was like, okay, if you need her...then sumn sumn, i'm sure you won't have any problems, she speaks four a very HA! brains win over your superficiality way...i speak three...

I am thankful for the fact that i am able not to give in to "peer" pressure...i don't think i have ever had that as a problem..maybe i'm a tad selfish to give a hoot about living to satisfy someones standards...but most of all..i think it's because i have a very rational head on my shoulders, and i'm always the mature voice of logic and reason...and i am thankful for that!!!

I am thankful that i am oh so fine :P...yes, superficial..but that red lipstick today had me feelin fierce!

I am thankful that even though i am hopeless at solving most of my own emotional problems, i always seem to be able to come up with very sound advice for my friends in need...

I am thankful that deep down...i am okay with me...even if i indulge in minor complaints

I am thankful that..okay, this one is controversial...but i am thankful that i am able to put up a solid wall between me and all those silly infatuation kinds of things. Two words : SO WRONG...anything that makes me go silly and not in control is not a good thing..on the downside...for me to "fall in love" would be a task...

I am thankful that i am stronger than i was a month before, that i am able to say no to many things, that i am able to look at things more critically and not compromise where compromise is not needed...

I am thankful for my friends...that i know i can shamelessly lean on for emotional support...they are like springs of happiness!

I am thankful for emotions...because they make things so fun! crying..laughing...liking

I am thankful for my history test today!!! i sounded like a bumbling fool and the man gave me an "excellent" grade...this is not unfair, btw..i do deserve that grade..i know everything he has ever said, i do! i do! just that explaining the history of Ukraine in Ukrainian...well, not every Ukrainian can do it so...ha!

I am thankful that i live at HOME with my grandparents and not in a fun as it sounds at's not worth it..home wins everytime, for so many reasons it would be an insult to even mention..

I am thankful for simple, so uncomplicated, so utterly free...and yet so wonderful...mmm

I'm sleepy :P have a test tomorrow..language..

I am thankful for written words

I am thankful for spoken words

I am thankful for words read

I am thankful for words heard

I am thankful for His word
I am thankful for words!!! communication is a beautiful thing

be good now...

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Thankful Thursday: I have homework!

I had to work in the letter "I" somehow...Aunty Aloted gave me homework!

So i spent today trying to come up with I-words that i am thankful for..i even opened my dictionary...I came up with some stuff..some "serious" and some silly...but who says silliness is a thing that we shouldn't be thankful for? I personally believe it's the spice in life :P!

I am thankful for know...that gut feeling that gets you out of a BAD situation, something that would just be WRONG if you went ahead with it...Intuition damn near burned a hole in my stomach when i was writing the entrance exam to this ultrapretentious don't-need-to-go-there-at-all secondary school....Thank God for delivering me from that nightmare!

Intellect....Intelligence...i am so thankful that it exists in this reduces the probability of being forced into having a *headdesk* moment somewhat. There is something beautiful about talking with an intelligent person, reading something brimming with intelligence...i am thankful that we are able to have and develop that intellect...yay for intelligence!

Individuality...i would not be a happy person if everyone was just like me...eeeew no! people are so beautiful! and this is so because they are individuals, they are their own person with their quirks and ups and downs and that makes them special, and they all add so much to each persons yay for individuality!

Intervention....i am thankful for all the times God has clearly intervened in my life. You know, like when He sees that you're too stupid/naive/blockheaded to see all the signs He has sent your way, so He just fishes you out of the dilema when you're teaching a child to walk...sure, the kid falls and wobbles a bit, but that's just watch him from a distance, arms folded, a word of encouragement here and there....but then you see the child heading towards the road and all your yelling isn't working....then you just run like your derriere is on fire and scoop that child know...a bit stretched and dramatic, but you get my i am thankful for all the times God has intervened and prevented my own stupidity from taking me away from Him...

Okay, so this is kinda difficult....maybe it's the fact that i have to come up with these words thats making my mind jam....I...think I....think!!!, you can count this or not, but i seriously am thankful for it...indomie has provided a standard of noodles no noodle can match...bliss...God must really love us to have inspired someone to make them...yummm!

Speaking of which..

Inspiration...i am thankful for inspiration...(and who was tryna mock the indomie bit ehn? see how it inspired me?)...Inspiration is a beautiful thing, when you get it, you are floating on cloud nine..and the fact of inspiration, is that it is God given. It is not something you study how to get, it is not something you earn or learn or will yourself into having. It's a gift from God meyn..Like, when you're up against a brick wall , and then all of a sudden, it's all clear, it all makes sense..i am thanful for those moments....and then....

Insight....i am thankful for all those "OH!!! I GET IT!!!!!" moments i've had, and will keep on having...I am thankful for all those times when something that you've come across everyday suddenly makes a whole lot of sense in a whole new's a beautiful thing, and it brings us closer to just have to seek it.....

Thats it for the I's...i think i even mentioned more than the minimum 5 :P ^_^..yes, i am actually too layzee to go up and count...not my fault!!! hehe..i had a long day and i'm tired out of my mind and it's past my bedtime :(....

and some on the side info...

First of all..God has a sense of humour, and He keeps amazing me with the way He cares...So i was stuck in a rut yesterday right, kinda depressed, because of some kinds of silly ish...

And then today turns out to be the complete opposite of whatever i could have imagined it to be...It was beautiful, it managed to have all those things that i always wanted, and even drizzled, the sun came out, we walked in the park, there was ahmahzing greenery all around, he was funny, he was smart, and it was very pleasant....

Just when you think it's all over and give up hope...God starts with the jokes....because He is WONDERFUL like that....and then there is that sen of humour...can't beat it!

Feel free to add any words beginning in I that i missed out...especially the glaringly obvious that i just cannot seem to see!

Thanks for the Homework, Aloted!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Thankful Thursday: fourth time around...

Good news is that i'm hanging on...

I'm thankful for the fact that He takes care of me, day in, day out.

I am thankful for the fact that He uses every situation to bring me closer to Him.

I'm thankful that every wall i come up against is only but a stepping stone.

I am thankful that God has always, always, all through my life, cleared a path for me. I have never had struggle, or suffer, or go through ish, God always provides a light at the end of my tunnel.

I am thankful that He will use even unconventional means to get through to me.

I am thankful that He answered my questions, no matter how non-kosher they were, and completely eliminated all those silly doubts and divergences. Nullified, gone, cuz He is awesome like that :D

I am thankful that my sisters are growing up to to be sooooooo smart. They read so much, and not just read, they read, analyze, and understand all the complex classic literature...and ENJOY it! and they are such good people...i am soo proud of them, and so thankful.

I am thankful that God always removes the illusions of fear that threaten to tip me over the egde...because that is what they are: illusions, distractions.

I am thankful that He is there for me to run to.

I am thankful that He is my comforter, come rain or shine.

I am thankful that no sin is strong enough to make Him throw His hands up and deem me incorrigible.

I am thankful for my amazing grandparents, and that i have this opportunity to be with them.

I am thankful for all the times God has taken me and steered me off of the path that i do not need to be all. even though my silly mind was thinking that that path was right.

I am thankful that He has taught me to see the rainbow at the end of every storm, the lining to every cloud, be it silver, bronze or aluminum foil...

I am thankful that He is not letting me give up.

I am thankful that He gives me insight and understanding.

As tooting your own horn-ish as this sounds, i am thankful that i am not a complete ignoramus idiot person :P

I am thankful for the wonderful rain today and that really beautiful thing that was going on when the sun came out..priceless!

I am thankful for the huge Park near my house and all the trees and the wonderful walks i get to take there with my Grandma..

I am thankful that MY MOTHER is MY MOTHER!! and nobody else, because that woman is a blessing beyond all blessings. God has to love me a whole lot to have given her to me.

I am thankful that i don't have yawa, and He keeps my feet far off the path where yawa dey :P

I am thankful that everyday is a learning process

I am thankful for my best friend...which in turn leads me to be thankful that i went to the secondary school i did and thus met him, best friend is God Sent. Our friendship was planned out in Heaven. I love that boy die, and i am overblessed to have him in my life!

I am thankful for love! don't have that kind of love right now, but it's okay...

I am thankful for all my friends them..i have a very gread bunch!

I am thankful for music

I am thankful for all the warm hearted people at my uni...they make everyday that extra bit lie!

I am thankful that i am able to be thankful. That i have this relationship with God at all, no matter how rocky it is from my is a great blessing to be able to take it all to Him.

Something i realized while praying yesterday, is that i've gotten so used to building up a fence and forbidding being vulnerable, that i was/am doing that with God to a certain degree. I got into the habit of..well...excluding "emotions" where it concerns God. As per, not trying to indulge in all those "catching the holy spirit" moments. I still refuse to base my relationship with God on sensations, but i have also realized that God is the One (er...person? Force?) i can afford to let my guard down with, to cry, to scream, to speak to , to be less than perfect with, to be immature with, because He doesn't expect perfection from me anyways...Like, i'm so used to being all mature and grown up and responsible, that people around me expect that from me, and sometimes, it's overwhelming, but i have to keep that up, because it has become who i am. But in those moments when i feel powerless and just want to curl up and cry, God is the only one i can turn basically, i have to stop this nonsense with being "proper" when talking to God, i have to stop that rubbish of being "mature" and not laying out my problems as they are because it's a bit "childish" or some other tag. Not saying it is not going to change the fact that that problem exists, all not saying it is going to achieve is make that problem never have a chance to go away...

So think about that...are you vulnerable with God? or are you too busy trying to be proper? drop the act, because that what it YOU when you talk to God..He knows's not a job interview where you make like you're this proper machine....Loosen up, and be Vulnerable!