Thursday, February 14, 2013

Thankful Thursday: 1, 2, 3.

1. Do not ever let anyone intimidate you.

2. Thrive wherever you are planted, no matter the conditions...Work as though for God and not man.

3. Faith.

I am thankful for Life.

I am thankful for God.

I am thankful for Literature...

I am thankful for the opportunity to read all the books i have practically consumed in the last couple of weeks. Stieg Larsson was a blessed person!

I am thankful for Wisdom

I am thankful for music

I am thankful for my family

I am thankful for Grace

I am thankful for blessings

I am thankful for favour

I am thankful for my co-workers

I am thankful for the atmosphere at work

I am thankful for patience

I am thankful for understanding

I am thankful for forgiveness

I am thankful for love

I am thankful for my mother

I am thankful for my relationships with my family members

I am thankful for growth

I am thankful for change

I am thankful for chance

I am thankful for consistency

I am thankful for laughter

I am thankful for humour

I am thankful for faith

I am thankful that He leads us to where we are meant to be according to His perfect step at a time

I am thankful for His love

I am thankful for inspiration

I am thankful for lessons learned

I am thankful for thicker skin

I am thankful for resolutions...That have dawned on me while being enacted. Resolutions declared rarely yield positive results

I am thankful for prayer

I am thankful for kindness

I am thankful for positivity

I am thankful for good people..they exist. In varying shades of permanency

I am thankful that i have God, and nothing else matters. He sees everything, and He is fair and Just.

I am thankful for unanswered prayers

I am thankful that i have so much to be thankful for. Whatever i want and don't have, there's a good reason behind it. We shouldn't let focus on these things make us ungrateful for everything else. That i am thankful about so much doesn't mean i don't have pain you cannot even begin to imagine...i just know that it's not we man up and move on...

I am thankful!

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