Friday, March 25, 2011

Thankful Friday: The Way Things Are...

For the record, i'm not perfect. I've never claimed to be, quite the opposite. There is little point in writing about all the ways in which i fall. I idealize, theorise, try to rationalise and find a way out of the mistakes i've made. This blog is to encourage, and not only myself. If anyone thinks that i am, lying in any way, pretending to be someone i'm not..then you probably reason with your ass...Through out actions we right wrongs and move towards an objective, that i've made mistakes contrary to what i write does not mean that i am schizophrenic. Detailing every wrong i've done in order to prove anything to anybody is...i'm sure every sane person can generate an adjective concerning that...

What is a shame is when you let people in, and's our fault for thinking that they were any way other than the way they are...It's all good... Everybody has a right to be themselves...

I am thankful for Life

I am thankful for His Grace

I am thankful that He's always there

I am thankful that He has a plan, and does anything necessary to make it work

I am thankful for my girlieees!!!...Mizz Sexy, Mizz D....

I am thankful for my family

I am thankful for Me...yes. just the way i am...scratches, cuts, mistakes and all...

I am thankful for laughter

I am thankful for love

I am thankful for literature

I am thankful it's Friday

I am thankful for Time

I am thankful for intelligence

I am thankful for patience

I am thankful for understanding

I am thankful for each and every day

I am thankful that i am so any moment in my life, my blessings outweigh my misfortunes....

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