Haven't written for several reasons it seems, none of which i have called by name; it's always..no time, no inspiration..but most of all, i think it's avoiding the vulnerability that it is...At the end, it's me opening up and letting in, even if it seems like the most average copy-style writing, to me, and maybe it will only ever be, to me it's kind of a big deal...sometimes i get all hedgehog-y and curl up in a ball, spikes out....well then..oooh of hedgehogs! we found one, proceeded to tear (his grip-toh bahd!) him (or her?) away from the plant or whatever he was hangingo on to and take him indoors...cutest friggin thing everrrr! growls like a champ tho...who would have thought?
Back to basics...
It feels like over this summer, i've packed in several years' worth of growing up...decisions i've misunderstood or struggled with for years now have become clear and it's like a breath of fresh air, really..like i'd been stumbling about and i was just pointed in the right direction. Now, i don't know if this is temporary, or long term...either ways, it's progress.
Back to basics...
It feels like in the world we live in, we are constantly being given a finished picture to work with. A large, complex version of reality that we ought to "be living now" or be losers. From pre-teen girls with full makeup and 4 inch heels trying to untie complicated grown up like emotions, to teens suffering major depression because they feel they fall short of what is considered to be "success", failing to see, to understand that this half way done complicated picture is not where you ought to start.
They don't tell us about the basics anymore. For some reason it's not fun enough, it's not glam enough...so we hit the ground running, without training or at least a good stretch, and basically end up closing our eyes and hoping for the best.
So many things have made me come to a complete stop and ask for some sanity. To stop the spinning, to stop the urgency, not even to clear the plate, but to at least see what i'm working with, and i've come to understand that i need a carte blanche, and a do-over. Not because of any regrets, not because i'm sorry for anything that has happened, but because i've come to see that maybe, just maybe, i need to learn my ABCs, even if i already know how to read. We forget, we get caught up in long sentences...We need to learn to slow it down, abandon pride and the sense of accomplishment that must not omly be matched, but supassed, and learn to learn it all over again. Not because we don't know..but because we could know it better. Everything that you will ever learn or achieve is built on something...you cannot learn algebra if you can't add...and even if you do learn to do the algebra..you'll do it by blind faith until you learn that 2+2 is 4 and not just believe that it is that...knaamean?
So that's my current epiphany...going back to basics, seeking out the elementary, in love, in life, in people, in work, in everything..slow down and go back to basics when it all overwhelms you. Go back to the start and retrace your steps...i don't even know what actions come under this new resolution of mine..or more like..i feel them...to put them in words is still a bit of a stretch, and slightly personal if anything...but..like when you loose something, you go back to the start, back to when and where you first had it, and retrace your steps until you get to where you are and remember why you're there, and where you're headed...
I am thankful for so much in my life right now, that cliche aside, it's this surge of emotions that make me want to cry, just cry tears of joy for His faithfulness, for His kindness, and the way He has my back. For every bad day i think i have, i get a million good ones, plus the insight that the so called "bad day" was a blessing too...
I am thankful that He has not, and does not abandon me, even when our relationship is less than traditional..I feel Him there, His presence is oh-so-vivid
I am thankful for laughter...
I am thankful for love. Nope, not the sappy, lets-hold-hands variety (even if i'm sure it's just gravy), but just...love...the one you feel for everybody...just for being humans (lol i growl at people too o! i have my i-hate-people days...) but...the love my family cocoons me in, the love i have for my friends...it might be "just a feeling"...but it can't be that trivial if it makes you feel JOY..just for no reason, you're joyful because of this love...
I am thankful for my family...they are the best!...even when they are driving me up the walls...we kiss and make up
I am thankful for understanding...in the sense of understanding things, those "it dawns on me" moments
I am thankful for understanding..in the sense of being understood and understanding other people...
I am thankful for jokes
I am thankful for UNI!!! 1st September, first day back...and i was soooo happy to see my coursemates! two years will make a family out of strangers...love their yeye heads to bits..we squabble, and we don't entirely agree with each other..but in bits and pieces, we find mutual interests...and that's okay
I am thankful for Choices...people have options, and that's okay...free them! the world will be happier
I am thankful...for being happy for people..genuinely not playa hating, but clapping on the back and telling them they did good and wishing them well sort of being happy for people...too many people just be puttin sand in other people's garri for no reason
I am thankful for growth....i am a long way from knowing anything..buh small small....through burns, stumbles, and straight out parking your face on the floor...we learn and grow..
I am thankful for hurt and pain and whatever other unpleasant feelings we may be forced to face every now and then..they push us to be the best we can, they prod us into growing...in the end, you look back and find it in your heart to be thankful to whatever it is that pained you and made you better...
I am thankful for kindness...there's nothing to it, it's completely free...but it's possibly one of the best things you could share...
I am thankful for smiles
I am thankful for compliments :D :D :D chei i love Kiev :D
I am thankful for well mannered/raised/what you will call it men/boys...well and girls too, but that's beside the point...there's something about it that just makes your jaw drop...and when you feel like a girly girl in the presense of a boy..you know he's doing something right..makes you want to track down everybody responsible and give them an award....While on that, a slight detour (mostly a note to me for a future post) that girls need these sort of males in their lives (fathers, brothers, cousins, uncles, etc etc), because when they grow up, they'll have clear set standards of the men they let in their lives and settle for nothing less.....
I am thankful for people that are there for you no matter what...whether it's a shoulder they give you, a hanky, a bottle and a pep talk, or just hear you out and see your side...i am thankful with my whole soul for these angels
I am thankful for learning
I am thankful for God
I am thankful that He answers all my prayers
I am thankful for all those walks and looking at the stars..for real...escape someplace with wide open spaces and no electricity and just stare at the sky #amazing!!!!!! puts you and your life in perspective..reassures you that there's more to life, that there's so much out there to learn, to know..to be awed by..
I am thankful that each new day is an adventure, full of little surprises
I am thankful for happiness, for joy...that if you decide to be, it will come your way...everywhere you look...oooh like that cute ass kid at the skate park today...gaddehmn i want one of those running around my house..he'll have me wrapped around his little finger..little cherub!
I am thankful for writing...and that i have this outlet..let it be that the words come out arseways...but it's good for me like that..monkey no fine but im mama like am..
I am thankful for the Internet!!! :D
I am thankful that we all have a chance for a re-think and a do-over
I am thankful that everybody that's been flying anywhere has gone and come safely
I am thankful for sleeeeeeeeeeep!!!!!! been scrimping on that lately
I am thankful for LIFE! for if we are alive...then the whole world is there to explore, and it can only go up from there...
I am thankful for books
I am thankful for positivity
oohi am thankful for this third cousin of mine that has been discovered.....the big brother i've been looking for all my life? *Hong Kong Phooey voice* Miiiight be!! :D hehe so many plans...
I am thankful for my great uncle and my great aunt and and the time we spent together
I am thankful for memories
I am thankful for simplicity
I am thankful for deciciveness (how dem dey spell am again?)
I am thankful for communication..
I am thankful for resolutions...i.am.going.to.be.happy.
I am thankful for fairness....i am the stomacher of a lot..unfairness still knocks me flat everytime..leaves me gasping and hyperventilating...
i am thankful.....
welcome back. hope you are well.
i join you in thanking God
i havent done by thankful tuesday in a long while! sigh
:D Thank you!!!
I know, right? i need to be tied and flogged...my discipline levels are shameless when it comes to blogging recently (i do have genuineish excues o!)
Thank you for coming by my blog, even when i blog spordaically and don't even get around to visiting (for this i am truly sorry and will rehabilitate!)It touches me so much i don't even know what words will do the feeling justice. But just know there is joy, and there are tears behind the thank you :)
Me sef i join you in thanking God...whether we get round to blogging or not, we are thankful on the daily so..i join myself to all the thanksgiving!
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